Biography of A. E. Hepner

One of the most successful agriculturists of Washington county is A. E. Hepner, the owner of a productive farm near Copan. He figures prominently in public, affairs as county Commisioner, in which office he is serving for the second term. He was born in Greene County, Iowa, December 14, 1871, his parents being John and Elizabeth (Batdoorf) Hepner, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania. In 1889 the father came to Indian Territory, settling on the George B. Keeler place on Cotton creek, where for thirteen years he engaged in farming and stock raising, being assisted by his son, at whose home he passed away in 1905. The mother’s demise occurred at Portland, Oregon, in 1915.

A. E. Hepner acquired his education in the public schools of southern Kansas and like his father, he has devoted his life to the cultivation of the soil. His home farm is situated a mile east of Copan and comprises one hundred and forty acres. In addition to operating this place he leases four hundred acres of land adjoining, on which he raises wheat, Indian and Kaffir corn, sorghum and hay, having a bumper corn crop in 1921. He also is interested in stock raising and during the past year sold one hundred head of cattle and a bunch of mules and hogs, operating extensively as a buyer aid seller of hogs, sheep and cattle. He likewise owns a tract of one hundred and sixty acres in Woodward County, Oklahoma. He is an experienced farmer, carrying on his labors scientifically and keeping himself well informed on all modern developments relating to his line of work. He has added many improvements to his farm, erecting thereon a fine residence of nine rooms and good barns and other necessary outbuildings for the shelter of grain and stock.

In 1899 Mr. Hepner was united in marriage to Miss Phoebe Mcllwain, a daughter of John and Mary (Nickerson) Mcllwain, and a native of Ohio. Three children have been born of this union Thelma, who is the wife of L. P. Clarke, who is acting as foreman in Osage county for the Owen Osage Gas Company; Helen, who is attending school at Copan, being a student in the ninth grade; and Cora Jean, a pupil in the fourth grade.

Hepner is a stanch Republican in his political views and he has taken a prominent part in the public affairs of his district, being called to the office of trustee of Copan Township in 1908, in which capacity he served for two years.” In November, 1918, he was elected County Commissioner of District No. 1 and endorsement of his first term’s service led to his reelection, so that he is the incumbent in that office, discharging his duties faithfully and capably. Mr. Hepner recently attended a reunion of the Hepner family, held at the home of his uncle, in Ottawa, Kansas, one hundred and seventeen relatives being present at the gathering. He is well known and popular in local fraternal circles, being an Elk and a Mason, and he is also connected with the White Shrine of Jerusalem. He is ever ready to give his support to measures for the promotion of the public welfare and his life has been actuated by a spirit of progress that has been productive of substantial results, his worth to the community being generally acknowledged.



Benedict, John Downing. Muskogee and Northeastern Oklahoma: including the counties of Muskogee, McIntosh, Wagoner, Cherokee, Sequoyah, Adair, Delaware, Mayes, Rogers, Washington, Nowata, Craig, and Ottawa. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1922.

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