Biography of William W. Randall

WILLIAM W. RANDALL is one of the early pioneers of the country now embraced in Union county, and he has spent much of his life here, having gained a good distinction in two different lines. He is now one of the substantial agriculturists of the county, and in earlier days he spent many years in the calling of the educator with marked success.

William W. was born in Indiana, on October 28, 1852, being the son of Abraham and Lucinda (Olophant) Randall. The family removed to Iowa in 1853, settling in Marshall county, where they were called to mourn the death of the mother. The father then removed to Jasper county and later married again. In April, 1863, they went thence across the plains with teams to the Grande Ronde valley, this country then being in Baker county. They experienced no special trouble on the plains with the Indians. Our subject led the quiet life of the farmer and stockman in this frontier country from August 23, the time of their landing, until 1878, when Senator Jasper, of Union county, appointed him to a scholarship in the Agricultural College at Corvallis. After completing his time of study at the college, Mr. Randall taught for thirteen successive years, and always with marked success. Then he went at the agricultural business in Union county and there he has been engaged since, achieving a good success. He came to Union county from his western stay in 1888.

On January 27, 1884, Mr. Randall married Miss Dillie, daughter of William and Nancy (Jamieson) Hood, natives, respectively, of Pennsylvania and Missouri. Mrs. Randall was born in Grant county, Wisconsin. Her parents came from Grant county, Wisconsin, in 1880, and are now living in Montana. Mr. Randall has a quarter section of good land, the old homestead place of his father. It is well handled and has a good orchard and comfortable buildings. Mr. Randall is a member of the A.F.&A.M. and also of the chapter. He stands exceptionally well among his fellows, and he is justly entitled, on account of uprightness and integrity, to receive the esteem and confidence of his fellows which is generously bestowed.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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