Biographical Sketch of C. S. Perrin

C.S. PERRIN. – Mr. Perrin was born on a farm near Newton, Jasper county, Iowa, in 1857. He crossed the plains with his parents in 1871, locating near Salem, Oregon, engaging with them in agriculture. There he received his education at the Willamette University and the Chemeketa Academy, teaching public school during the summer season and attending upon a course of study during the winter, until 1878. After receiving his education, he followed teaching as a profession until 1881, coming in that year to Eastern Oregon and locating within the present limits of Gilliam county, near Arlington, engaging in the … Read more

Iowa Death Records by County

Many experts recommend starting your research with the death records first. The death record is the most recent record, so it will more likely be available to you. Death records are kept in the state where your ancestor died, not where they were buried. However these records can provide a burial location. Death records are especially helpful because they may provide important information on a person’s birth, spouse, and parents. Some researchers look first for death records because there are often death records for persons who have no birth or marriage records. Early death records, like cemetery records, generally give … Read more

Biography of Samuel D. Cole

When the history of Wallowa County is written, the names of the pioneers are first, when the history of our nation is written let the names of those who fought her battles appear first. In both of these commendable positions appears the gentleman whose name heads this paragraph, and it is with especial (sic) pride and pleasure that we grant him representation in this volume. He was one of those noble men who assisted to open this county; and when dark clouds hung thick over our nation, the banner had been subjected to insult, and freedom’s institutions were trembling before … Read more

Phillippe, Carmen Wood – Obituary

Carmen Phillippe, 77, of 1010 5th Ave. East, Oskaloosa, died Thursday, Nov. 26, 1992 at the Mahaska County Hospital in Oskaloosa. She was born Jan. 25, 1915 at Reasnor to Edmund and Iva O’Connor Wood. She attended schools in Jasper County and graduated in 1931 from Newton High School. She married (Howard) Lee Phillippe at Newton on June 5, 1933. Prior to her retirement, she was manager of the business office at Mahaska County Hospital. She later worked as an assistant director for the Mahaska County Homemaker Health Aide Service. She was a member of the Endeavor Circle of King’s … Read more

Biography of William W. Randall

WILLIAM W. RANDALL is one of the early pioneers of the country now embraced in Union county, and he has spent much of his life here, having gained a good distinction in two different lines. He is now one of the substantial agriculturists of the county, and in earlier days he spent many years in the calling of the educator with marked success. William W. was born in Indiana, on October 28, 1852, being the son of Abraham and Lucinda (Olophant) Randall. The family removed to Iowa in 1853, settling in Marshall county, where they were called to mourn the … Read more

Biography of John W. Minnick

JOHN W. MINNICK. – In the person of the subject of this sketch we have one of the leading men of Union county, both in matters of business and of prominence in development and progress of that which is for the interests of all citizens. Forceful, energetic and wide awake, he has made his influence felt not alone in the enterprises of business where he is universally successful, but also in the conventions and newspapers of the county, being recognized as one of the most vigorous and telling local writers of the county, thus casting an influence that is both … Read more

Biography of John Calvin Dixon

John Calvin Dixon, proprietor of the C. O. D. Grocery, San Bernardino, was born in 1840, in Reynoldsburg, Franklin County, Ohio, and there spent the first eighteen years of his life. In 1858 he moved with his father’s family to Jasper County, Iowa, and there his father, who was a brick-mason by trade, and had also been a farmer, engaged in the grocery business, with John as assistant in the store. Upon the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion he promptly responded to his country’s call for volunteers and enlisted as a member of the Fifth Iowa Infantry … Read more

Biography of John M. Haines

The wise system of industrial economics which has been brought to bear in the development of Boise has challenged uniform admiration, for while there has been a great advancement in all material lines, there has been an entire absence of that inflation of values and that erratic “booming” which have in the past proved the eventual death knell to many of the localities of the west, where “mushroom” towns have one day smiled forth with “all modern improvements” and practically on the next day have been shorn of their glories and of their possibilities of stable prosperity, so to remain … Read more

Biography of Benjamin F. Endres

Benjamin F. Endres, son of the late John Adam Endres, whose career is sketched elsewhere, had been a successful lawyer of Leavenworth, and had also figured in public affairs, being now in his second term as a member of the State Legislature. He was born at Leavenworth, January 27, 1875, was educated in the public schools, read law under Thomas P. Fenlon and John H. Atwood, and was admitted to the bar on his twenty-first birthday. Since then, for twenty years, he had been in the active practice of his profession. In 1903 he was elected police judge of Leavenworth … Read more

Iowa Atlases, Farm Directories, and Plat Books

1859 Map of Washington County Iowa

This collection contains digital atlases, farm directories, and plat books for all 99 Iowa counties. We have collated these from a variety of online sources, and provide them here as a single source for all online Iowa County Atlases, Farm Directories, and Plat Books.

Biography of George M. Cannon

Any work which purports to give in review the leading points in the career of the prominent citizens of Wallowa County would be open to serious criticism were there failure to incorporate within it an epitome of the life of the esteemed gentlemen whose name heads this article, and who has labored here constantly from the time of the early settlement of the north part of Wallowa County until the present, manifesting, meanwhile, commendable intelligence, activity and energy, together with uprightness and sound principles, which have commended him to the esteem and confidence of his fellows in every respect, and … Read more

Erskine, Wayne Everett – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Wayne Everett Erskine, 77, of Baker City, died Dec. 10, 2000, at St. Elizabeth Health Services. His funeral was Thursday at the Coles-Strommer Funeral Home, 1950 Place St. Pastor Lennie Spooner of the Baker City Church of the Nazarene officiated. Vault interment was at Mount Hope Cemetery. Mr. Erskine was born on Aug. 9, 1923, to W.R. and Stella Shortell Erskine. He was born on a small farm at Runnells, Iowa, and raised in the Prairie City, Iowa, area. He was married to Marjorie Arrasmith on June 8, 1941, at Bethany, Mo. He was a very good … Read more

Minnick, John W. – Obituary

The funeral of John W. Minnick took place Sunday afternoon, August 21, from the M. E. Church, sermon by Rev. L. A. Cook. Services at the grave by the Knight of Pythias and the Odd Fellows. John Wesley Minnick was born near Leesburg, Ohio, Sept. 15th, 1849. At the age of six years he moved with his parents to Monroe, Iowa, where he spent his early boyhood. Following many of his friends, the call of the west was strong, and he started West, going as far as Evanston and Hilliard, Wyoming, where during the winter of 1865 and the spring … Read more

Phillippee, Howard Lee – Obituary

Howard Lee Phillippe, 77, of 1102 S. 11th St. died Saturday night [March 31, 1984] at the Mahaska Manor Nursing Home. He was born Sept. 18, 1906 at Fremont, the son of Asa and Carrie Lawson Phillippe. He was married to Carmen Wood at Newton on June 5, 1933. He retired in September of 1973 after working for 33 years for the Iowa Department of Transportation. He served as the Mahaska County foreman for the commission since 1959 and had been a maintenance man prior to that. He was a member of the First Christian Church, a past Woshipful Master … Read more

WPA Iowa Graves Registration Survey

WPA – Work Projects Administration – 1930’s Iowa Graves Registration Survey Adair County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Adams County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Allamakee County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Audubon County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Black Hawk County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Boone County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Bremer County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Buchanan County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Buena Vista County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Butler County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Calhoun County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Carroll County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Cass County Iowa … Read more