Biography of Orie A. Cook, D. V. M.

Last Updated on May 1, 2021 by

Orie A. Cook, D. V. M. The important responsibilities of carrying on the world’s work are devolving upon younger men in every generation. It is the young men who furnish the enthusiasm and energy to industry and business and also to the professions. One of the young professional men of Fisher is Dr. O. A. Cook, a young veterinarian who has quickly gained the confidence and esteem of his patrons in veterinary surgery and is well deserving of that confidence.

He is a native of Ford County, Illinois, born April 11, 1894. His parents are Carvosso W. and Elma (Arnold) Cook. There were seven children, five, sons and two daughters, in the family, and four are still living. Carvosso Cook was born in Indiana, was educated in the common schools, and his life has been successfully spent as an agriculturist, though for a short time he was a dealer in drugs. From Indiana he removed to Livingston County, Illinois, and later to Ford County, which has been his home for many years. His first purchase of land was eighty acres and after disposing of that he bought forty acres and still later 160 acres, and having accumulated a fine property of 200 acres of fine land in Ford County is now well deserving of the comforts which surround his retirement. In politics he is a Republican and is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America. He and his wife own a good property in Roberts, where they now reside. Doctor Cook’s mother is a native of New York State and was educated in the public schools. She worships in the Congregational Church.

Doctor Cook was reared in Ford County and had a common school education. As a boy his inclinations were plainly manifest for the profession of veterinary surgery and in 1913 he entered the Chicago Veterinary College, where he was graduated with high standing in a class of ninety-two in 1917. Prior to his graduation he had selected his future location in the great agricultural belt of the world, Champaign County, and has already acquired a good practice at Fisher and over the county at large. He located there in April, 1917. This part of the country has the best class of draft and work horses in the state.

Doctor Cook’s office is located in the center of the business district and is thoroughly equipped with the most modern surgical instruments, while his laboratory has a stock of the purest of drugs and medicines. His equine sanitarium is as well equipped as any in the largest cities. Doctor Cook is an affable, cordial and genial gentleman and has those qualities which make him socially popular as well as the thorough ability which merits the confidence shown in his judgment and skill as a professional man. His practice has already extended over the northwestern part of Champaign County’ and even to Rantoul. His equipment of instruments and drugs represent an investment of fully seven hundred dollars. He is always prompt and ready to answer calls for service and has his own automobile to take him quickly to any farm in this part of the county.

Doctor Cook keeps in touch with all the latest points of his profession and has his library well stocked with medical journals as well as a complete collection of the best authors on the science of veterinary surgery. He is extremely well fortified to pursue his chosen work in Champaign County and the prosperous and promising beginning he has made of his professional career well justifies placing his record in a conspicuous place in this publication.


Stewart, J. R. A Standard History of Champaign County Illinois. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago and New York. 1918.

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