Biography of Charles Hugh Neilson, M. D.

Last Updated on August 8, 2012 by

Dr. Charles Hugh Neilson, an internist with offices in the Humboldt building in St. Louis, and widely known in educational circles, being now head professor in charge of the department of medicine in the St. Louis University, was born in Sunbury, Ohio, July 19, 1872.

His father, A. W. Neilson, was also a native of the Buckeye state and belonged to one of the old families of Ohio of Scotch lineage, the first representative of the name coming to the new world during the colonial epoch in American history. One of the early ancestors in the paternal line served in the Revolutionary war. A. W. Neilson became a successful farmer and stock raiser and is still actively engaged in that business at the age of eighty-three years. In politics he has always been a stanch democrat and has taken an active part in political and civic matters but without aspiration for public office. He married Miss Nellie Alice Schanck, a native of Ohio of Dutch descent. Many generations of the family have been represented on this side of the Atlantic, the family being well known in New Jersey and Ohio. Mrs. Neilson is also living and has reached the age of seventy six years. By her marriage she became the mother of five sons and a daughter and it is a notable fact that the family circle yet remains unbroken by the hand of death. Mrs. Neilson was one of eleven brothers and sisters, of whom six lived to celebrate their golden wedding.

Dr. Neilson was the eldest child in his father’s family and in the public schools of Sunbury, Ohio, acquired his preliminary education, while later he was graduated from the Ohio Wesleyan University, winning the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1894, while in 1897 the Master of Arts degree was conferred upon him by his alma mater. In 1903 he gained the degree of Ph. D. from the University of Chicago, and in 1905 completed a course in Rush Medical College of Chicago, winning the M. D. degree. He made his entrance into professional circles as a teacher and for four years was thus connected with the public schools of Robinson, Illinois. It was on the expiration of that period that he resumed his studies in the University of Chicago, doing post-graduate work and later he taught physiology in the University for three years. He next removed to St. Louis, where he took up his abode in the fall of 1904 and became professor of physiological chemistry in the St. Louis University, occupying that position for six years.

He is now in charge of the department of medicine as head professor. In 1911 he entered upon private practice, specializing as an internist, and his ability in this connection is pronounced. He is the author of many articles including scientific and clinical papers and is widely known as a contributor to the leading medical journals of the country. He is serving on the medical staff of the St. Louis City Hospital, the Bethesda Hospital, the Missouri Baptist Sanitarium and was formerly chief of staff of the Alexian Brothers Hospital of St. Louis. VT is a member of the St. Louis Society of Internists, and belongs also to the St. Louis, Missouri State, and American Medical Associations. He also hat membership with the American Biological Society and the American Society for the Study of Eudocriminology. He is keenly interested in everything that pertaine to scientific progress especially everything bearing upon his chosen profession, and his wide research and investigation, as well as his broad practical experience, hav made him a distinguished physician and surgeon.

On the 11th of June, 1903, Dr, Neilson was married to Miss Ebba A. Anderson, a native of Philadelphia, and a daughter of Peter and Ulrica (Paulson) Anderson. They have become parents of two children: Arthur W., born in Berlin, Germany, July 28, 1906, at which time Dr. Neilson and his wife were residing there that he might pursue post-graduate studies; and Reka, born in St. Louis, June 10, 1918.

Dr. Neilson is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa and the Sigma Xi, two Greet letter honorary societies, and is also a member of Alpha Tau Omega, a college fraternity and Phi Rho Sigmi, a medical fraternity. He also belongs to Tuscan Lodge, No. 340, A. F. & A. M. He is a member of the Second Presbyterian church and has membership relations with the University Club. He finds his diversion largely in study and the pleasures of home life, greatly enjoying the companionship of his children. During the World war he was a member of the medical staff of Advisor) progress and has gained a creditable name and position in practice and in educational circles.



Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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