Biographical Sketch of Dr. William H. Park

Dr. Park is a son of John and Elizabeth (Waggoner) Park, and was born January 8th, 1825, at Milton, Pennsylvania. When he was about six years of age his parents moved to Tiffin, Ohio. He was educated at Tiffin and at the Wesleyan University, at Delaware, Ohio. In the spring of 1855 he graduated from Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. He was appointed resident physician at the alms house of the city of Baltimore, Md., but soon after returned to Tiffin, Ohio. In August, 1862, he was commissioned as surgeon of the 49th Ohio Regiment, Col. W. H. Gibson. He … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Robert Reid’s Company

(Probably from Delaware County) Served from July 28, until Sept 6, 1813. Capt. Robert Reid Lieut. John Hedges Ensign, John Cole Lieut. George Teagarden Sergt. Joshua Hedges Sergt. Henry Bennet Sergt. James Tollman Corp. John Childs Corp. Benjamin Smith Sergt. Isaac Hoffhines Corp. Isaiah Bell Sergt. James Lallern Corp. John Reid Sergt. James Reid Sergt. John Winterstein Sergt. Missamore Privates Anderson, John Bell, Abner Bell, James Bennet, Henry Bishop, William Briner, John Brinker, George Brown, Samuel Brown, William Burgett, Jacob Burton, Bazel Butlinger, George Butlinger, John Champ, John Champ, William Clark, William Cock, David Cole, Joshua Columber, Richard Coonrad, Henry … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Charles Placak

Placak, Joseph Charles; physician; born, Cleveland, Feb. 22, 1882; son of Anthony and Jennie Goldstein Placak; educated, public schools, Cleveland, M. D.. Medical Department, Ohio Wesleyan University; post-graduate, University of Prague, Austria; married, Cleveland, March 20, 1907, Eunice S. Emde; two children; resident pathologist and resident physician, Cleveland. City Hospital, 1903-1905; medical supt., Cooley Farm’s, Warrensville, 1906-1910, in charge of tuberculosis work open air schools of Cleveland, public schools, 1911-1913; lecturer on internal medicine, Cleveland College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1905-1911; visiting pathologist, Cleveland City Hospital, 1906-1907; physician in charge Tuberculosis Dispensary, Haymarket District; visiting pathologist, Eddy Road Hospital; member … Read more

Biographical Sketch of N. P. Smith

N. P. Smith, dealer in books, stationery, etc., Oakland; born in Delaware Co., Ohio, Jan. 6, 1847, where he attended school until 16 years of age, when he removed to Pickaway Co., where he attended school one year; he then attended at Delaware City, where he entered the Wesleyan University, where he remained eighteen months; in 1866, he located in Shelby Co., Ill., and for five years engaged from four to six months during the fall and winter in teaching school, and the balance of the season farming and dealing in farm implements and machinery; he then engaged in the … Read more

Biography of George Plumb, Hon.

Hon. George Plumb is one of Emporia’s honored pioneers. He is a son of David Plumb, and is a brother of the late Senator Preston B. Plumb, who for years was one of the most striking figures not only in Kansas life but in national affairs. Mr. William E. Connelley, the anthor and editor of this history of Kansas, is the offlcial biographer of the late Senator Plumb, and the reader is referred to other pages for the account of his cazeer and of the family relationship. While he had never gained the fame that fell to the lot of … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Ichabold Plum’s Company

(Probably from Delaware County) Served from May 4, until May 27, 1813. Part served from July 26, until August 13, 1813 Capt. Ichabold Plum Lieut. John Milligan Ensign John Brundage Sergt. Thomas Brown Sergt. Adison Carver Sergt. Benjamin Carpenter Sergt. David Butler Corp. Joel Taylor Corp, Ezra Olds Corp. Joseph Carrin Corp Gilbert Weeks Corp. Robert Carpenter Corp. James Carpenter Musician, Sylvester Drake Privates 0lds, Benjamin Alden, Daniel Armstrong, David Bishop, Elisha Brown, Ezekial Day, Charles Fisher, George Foust, David Foust, Henry Gregory, David Harper, James Hatch, Nathaniel Heath, Samuel Hull, Nathaniel Jones, Richard Jones, Solomon Kepler, Samuel Keys, Isaac … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Hamilton Eichelberger

Eichelberger, George Hamilton; lawyer; born, Urbana, O., Jan. 24, 1877; son of George M. and Emma Ring Eichelberger; educated, Ohio Weslyan University; married, New York City, Aug. 11, 18908; Frances Staunton Dodge; one daughter; United States Marshal at Shanghai, China, 1897-1900; since coming to Cleveland, connected with 5th Ohio Infantry as battalion adjt.; practiced law in Cleveland since 1901, (Reed & Eichelberger); Mason; member Union, Athletic, and Euclid Clubs. Recreation: Golf.

Roll Of Capt. George Sanderson’s Company

27th United States Infantry. (From Fairfield, Franklin, and Delaware Counties, and part of Western Reserve.) Served In 1813 and 1814. Capt. George Sanderson Lieut. Abner P. Risney or Lieut. John H. Mifford Lieut. Arora or Ahdory Butler Pinney Ensign William Hall Lieut. Abraham Fisk Lieut. Andrew Bushnell Sergt. Chaney Case Sergt. Maj. Linus Williams Lieut. Ira Morse Sergt. John Neibling Sergt. Chauncey Miller Sergt. John Vanmeter Corp. Peter Cary or Gary Sergt. Joshua Pierce Sergt. Robert Sanderson Corp. Smith Headley Corp. John Dugan Sergt. Luther Edson Corp. Daniel T. Bartholomew Corp. John Collings Drummer John C. Sharp or Jonathan C. … Read more

Roll Of Capt. William S. Drake’s Company

(Probably from Delaware County) Served from August 24, until September 25, 1812. Capt. William S. Drake Ensign Daniel Wyatt Sergt. Ira Wilcox Corp. John Foust Privates Brundage, Nathaniel Dundleberger, Frederick Dundleberger, Peter Ely, Peter Foust, Jacob Shaw, Jonothan Tuboss, Isaac Welsh, Isaac Wilcox, Hera

Roll Of Lieut. Samuel Cooper’s Company

(Probably from Delaware County) Served from August 24, until September 10, 1812. Lieut. Samuel Cooper Ensign, David Marks Sergt. Isaac Keys Sergt. Samuel Harding Privates Cooper, John Davis, David Davis, John D Driver, John Driver, Thomas Dunn, Andrew Evans, Edward Gallant, Allen Gallant, James Hoskins, John Jones, Richard Kepler, Samuel Lookingbell, Abraham Penn, Robert Penny, David Phillips, John Scribner, John Shannon, George Warner, Thomas

Biographical Sketch of Myron T. Herrick

Herrick, Myron T.; banker; born, Huntington, Lorain County, O., Oct. 9, 1854: son of Timothy R. and Mary Hulburt Herrick; education in schools of Huntington and Wellington, at Oberlin College, and Ohio Wesleyan University, at. Delaware, O.; married, Dayton, O., Caroline M. Parmley; issue, one son, Parmley W. Herrick; admitted to the bar in Cleveland, 1878; retired from law practice in 1886, to become sec’y and treas. Society for Savings; pres. since 1894; chairman board of directors, Wheeling & Lake Erie R. R. Co.; director Trust Co. of America; officer and director in numerous other railway and financial institutions; vice … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Henry Slack’s Company

(Probably from Delaware County) Served from October 27, until November 19, 1812. Capt. Henry Slack Lieut. Samuel Maynard Ensign, David Butler Sergt. David Skeels Sergt. Shearman Fairchild Sergt. Ethan Palmer Sergt. Joel Taylor Privates Adams, Samuel Barker, Joseph Bishop, Elisha Brundage, Nathaniel Cowan, Levi M Foust, John James Preston Johnson, Stafford Kyrk, John Lewis, Isaac Marvin, Jesse Patrick, Benjamin Peny, Henry Roberts, Amar Roberts, John Rogers, Philemon Rosecrans, Abraham Rugg, Orn Shover, James Show, Jonothan Steudevant, Ira Swetland, Artemus Taylor, Nathan Welsh, Isaac William, Heaver C.

Biography of Austin H. Jennings

Austin H. Jennings. For many years the name of Jennings has been honorably associated with business enterprises of importance in Kansas City, through the efforts of Austin H. Jennings, who is president of the Crystal Springs Ice, Fuel & Grain Company and is interested in other concerns that occupy a prominent place in the commercial field. Although not quite so active as in earlier years, Mr. Jennings continues one of the most stable and dependable of the city’s business men and one of the most reputable and highly esteemed citizens. Mr. Jennings was born May 25, 1850, on a farm … Read more

Biography of John P. Clum

John P. Clum, of San Bernardino, was born in Claverack, Columbia County, New York, in 1851, and his childhood and youth were passed on the banks of the historic Hudson. At the age of nineteen he graduated at the Hudson River Institute, and entered the freshman class of Rutger’s College, New Brunswick, New Jersey. After completing the first year and creditably passing all the examinations, adverse fortune compelled him to leave college, and in 1871 he entered the meteorological service of the United States Government. Having taken a course in meteorology and signaling, he was ordered to Santa Fe, New … Read more

Biography of John Q. Moxley, M. D.

Dr. John Ouincy Moxley, the pioneer druggist of Lewiston, and a successful practicing physician, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, April 15, 1846, and is of English lineage, the original American ancestors having been early settlers of New England. His father, Thomas S. Moxley, was born in Vermont, and when a young man removed to Ohio, where he engaged in the practice of medicine for fifty years. He married Miss Susan McConnell, of Portsmouth, Ohio, and to them were born six children, three of whom are now living. The father died in the seventy-fourth year of his age, and the … Read more

Biography of Charles Hugh Neilson, M. D.

Dr. Charles Hugh Neilson, an internist with offices in the Humboldt building in St. Louis, and widely known in educational circles, being now head professor in charge of the department of medicine in the St. Louis University, was born in Sunbury, Ohio, July 19, 1872. His father, A. W. Neilson, was also a native of the Buckeye state and belonged to one of the old families of Ohio of Scotch lineage, the first representative of the name coming to the new world during the colonial epoch in American history. One of the early ancestors in the paternal line served in … Read more

Roll Of Lieut. Addison Garver’s Company

(Probably from Delaware County) Served from July 26, unt1l August, 13, 1813. Lieut. Addison Garver Ensign David Butler Sergt. Joseph Steward. Privates Adams. Johnson Atkin, Russell Benjamin Patrick Carpenter, Henry Carpenter, William Crandell Rosecrans Daniel J. Carpenter Heaver, William C Helt, George Helt, Michael John Leonard Lewis, Chester Lewis, John. Jr. Lewis, Joseph Longwell, Robert Mathias, Nauloon Moses Carpenter Phipps, Jacob Phipps. William Rosecrans, John Slack, Ezekial Slack, John Stark. James Taylor, Nathan Young, Andrew

Roll Of Capt. Joab Norton’s Company

(Probably from Delaware County) Served from June 2, until September 19, 1812. Capt. Joab Norton Sergt. Ira Carpenter Lieut. John Aye Ensign, Jonothan Hatch Sergt. M. McLoeland Sergt. John Depson Sergt. Erastus Rowe Corp. Francis Beebe Corp. James Miller Corp. Harlock Dunham Drummer, Jonothan Dunham Corp. Samuel Scribner Fifer, Silas Denham Privates Aye, Jacob Brown, John Cocheran, Harper Conner, Joseph Crosby, Rhederick Curtis, Asa D. Dickey, John Diminck, Daniel Duncan, James Erwin, James Erwin, William George, Thomas Godfrey, Samuel Hatch, Nathaniel Heavilors, Barnett Lemon, David Leonard, Amos Little, William Maker, William McFilly, Thomas Minter, John, Jr. Minter, Valentine Monroe, Lemuel … Read more

Biographical Sketch of N. R. Duer

N. R. Duer, farmer and school-teacher; P. O. Oakland; born in Fairfield Co., Ohio, May 13, 1832, where he attended school and engaged in farming until he attained his majority, when he engaged in school-teaching one year; he then entered the Ohio Wesleyan University, located at Delaware, which he attended for upward of two years; he then engaged in farming and school-teaching in Ohio, until 1862, when he emigrated to Illinois and located in Clark Co., where he followed teaching and farming until 1864, when he located in Coles Co., and engaged in teaching in Oakland one year, and one … Read more

Biography of Preston B. Plumb

In the words of his biographer, Preston B. Plumb was a pioneer in Kansas. He was one of the founders of Emporia. He was in the Union army, and both major and lieutenant-colonel of the Eleventh Kansas. He was long United States senator from Kansas. In the Senate he was one of the men who accomplished things. He was the father of the ides of the conservation of the natural resources of America. It was his law that created the National Forest Reserve and extended aid to irrigation and the reclamation of arid lands. Many of the laws on the … Read more