Biography of Andrew Charles Maroney

Andrew Charles Maroney, whose high professional standing is indicated in the fact. that he is a lawyer for lawyers, or in other words his counsel is again and again sought by fellow members of the bar, comes to St. Louis from Illinois, his birth having occurred in Decatur, September 23. 1862, his parents being John J. and Ellen (Godfrey) Maroney. He obtained his early education in the public schools of his native city and prepared for the bar as a student in the St.. Louis Law School (Washington University), from which he was graduated in 1894 with the LL. B. degree. He was soon afterward admitted to practice and has ever since given his attention to professional interests in St. Louis. He possesses comprehensive knowledge of the history and principles of jurisprudence and his mind is naturally analytical, logical and inductive. He readily sees the relation of facts and of evidence to the principles of law and his opinions are seldom, if ever, seriously questioned in court. His practice has become largely that of a counselor to other members of the bar, who recognize the soundness of his opinions and his far-reaching vision concerning close points in litigation.

Mr. Maroney has always been a strong democrat and has held many important public positions. He has been clerk for the recorder of voters for St. Louis while attending Washington University, assistant circuit attorney, vice president of the board of police commissioners and chairman of the board of election commissioners. The latter position he resigned, at a loss of two thousand dollars a year to clean up the police department. His work in “cleaning up corrupt practices in St. Louis brought him much publicity, a few enemies and many friends. He was an assistant in all the ‘boodle’ election and police cases during his terms of office. He carries an elegant watch presented to him by representative citizens for his ‘services to St. Louis.’ In his office hangs a magnificent testimonial to him as a man and public servant, signed by a committee of seventy-five of the leading citizens of St. Louis ‘in recognition of eminent public services.’ He is a widely read man, one that thinks deeply on all serious subjects and has the courage to enforce his rigid ideas of honesty and right in whatever capacity he may be acting. The question of expediency never occurs to him. He asks himself ‘Is it right?’ and then goes ahead. He is an orator of no ordinary power and has been highly successful in the prosecution of powerful lawbreakers as well as in conducting his civil cases.” Thus are indicated the strong characteristics of the man-qualities that have made him one of the honored and valued residents of St. Louis.



Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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