Biographical Sketch of Peter Taylor

Last Updated on October 14, 2011 by

Peter Taylor, farmer, Sec. 19; P. O. Oakland; born in Champaign Co., Ohio, April 25, 1820, where he lived until 1853; his father, John Taylor, died when he was 13 years of age, and, he being the oldest son, remained with his mother and managed the farm until 23 years of age, at which time he rented land and engaged in farming until the fall of 1853, when he emigrated to Illinois with his family and located in what is now known as Morgan Tp.; he then rented the A. B. Florer farm, where he lived for twelve years, the last few years of which he had power of attorney to transact business in the name of A. B. Florer in his absence; he removed upon his present place in 1865, where he has since continued to live, and where he owns sixty acres of land, upon which he has good farm buildings. He married Jan. 12, 1843, to Elizabeth Moody; she was born in Ohio Nov. 12, 1817; she died Dec. 18, 1860, leaving five children now living, having lost three by death; the names of the living are John T., Oliver S. William II., Emery M., Francis B. S., marriage with Mary Housel was celebrated Feb. 2, 1862; she was born in Champaign Co., Ohio, March 4, 1829; five children were the fruit of this union, three of which are deceased; the names of the living are Loyal P. and Ira D.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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