Roll Of Capt. James Gates’ Company

(Probably from Champaign County) Served from August 18 until September 23, 1812, and from July 30 until August 13, 1813. Capt. James Gates Lieut. James Munire Ensign, John Best Sergt. John Boyce Sergt. Aquila Ellsworth Sergt. Thaddeus Tuttle Sergt. Jacob Flemming Sergt. James Haney Sergt. Samuel Carey Sergt. William Boyce Corp. Joel Thomas Corp. Henry Harris Corp. Aaron Shall Fifer, Newton Burroughs Drummer, William Green Privates Beizly, Joseph Boyce, William Bright, Edward Brooks, Thomas Bulderach, Gabriel Caldwell, John Carter, Benjamin Carter, Lewis Collins, James Dillon, Isaac Dimit, James Dugan, John Ellsworth, Moses Fee, Lewis Gable, Robert Gable, Thomas Garwin, William … Read more

Rouse, Levi J. – Obituary

Another Old Pioneer Departed Last Sunday, Feb. 3, at St. Vincent Hospital in Portland, after several weeks of intense suffering from a complication of diseases, Levi J. Rouse, one of the oldest, most widely known and respected pioneer citizens of this part of this state was claimed by the angel of death and taken to another world. His demise is a time of sincere mourning, for he was well and favorably known throughout all parts of this and Union counties; he having been closely associated with the educational, political and industrial development of both for many years. Levi J. Rouse … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Abner Barrett’s Company

(Probably from Champaign County) Served from August 21, until October 21, 1812 and from January 1 until February 21, 1813. Capt. Abner Barrett Lieut. William Chenoweth Ensign, John Owen Sergt. Wanet Owen Sergt. Thomas Green Sergt. Jesse Frankelberger Sergt. Daniel Weal Corp. Daniel Helmick Corp. James Walker Corp. Stephen Runyon Corp. William Runyon Drummer, John Rupe Fifer, John Swisher Privates Bay, Hugh Bay, Robert Beatty, William Bishop, Aquilla Blue, William Bouseman, John Brousman, Nicodemus Carbert, Thomas Clark, Abraham Conkel, Michal Coon, Barnabus Cosan, Thomas Coterel, Hiram Cowan, Miles Curl, Jeremiah Dawson, William Flood, Francis Frerwode, John Frerwods, John Gilmore, John … Read more

Biography of Solomon Hendrix

Solomon Hendrix, stock dealer; P. O. Oakland; born in Champaign Co., Ohio, May 13, 1820, where he attended school during his youth until large enough to labor upon a farm, when he followed farming for his father until he attained his majority, when, in 1842, he located upon a farm of eighty-six acres, all heavy timber, where he lived seven years and succeeded in clearing and placing under cultivation upward of sixty acres, the first year by hard labor he raised eight acres of corn and potatoes enough for his family use during the winter. In the summer of 1850, … Read more

Roll Of Capt. John McCord’s Company

(Probably from Champaign Co.) Served from September 6, until September 22, 1812. Capt. John McCord Sergt. Joseph Low Sergt. Alexander Allen Corp. Joseph 0. Lemon Privates Armstrong, Thomas Byars, David Evans, Edward Fitzpatrick, John Ford, Joseph Largent, Abraham Lemon, Laurence V. Lutser, Henry McCarthy, William Neally, William Patrick, Anthony Powell, Elijah Powell, Enoch Powell. Timothy Rhodes, Sandford Robertson, Isaac Taber, Robert Tharp, Andrew Tharp, Jonothan Vincy, John Whitaker, Josiah

Biography of John T. Taylor

John T. Taylor, farmer; P. O. Rardin; born in Champaign Co., Ohio, Dec. 24, 1843, where he lived until 9 years of age, when he emigrated with his parents to Illinois and located in what is now known as Morgan Tp., in the fall of 1853, and where he has since continued to live within two and a half miles of his present location; he lived with his parents and engaged in farming until the spring of 1864, when he commenced farming upon his own account upon the place where he has since lived. He owns in his own farm … Read more

Biography of Francis M. Spencer

Francis M. Spencer. During more than a quarter century’s identification with the building and contracting business in Kansas, with headquarters at Topeka, Mr. Spencer has established a reputation for responsible financial management and systematic and accurate execution of every contract which he undertakes, even down to the last detail. Few men in the business in the entire state can exhibit a finer record in buildings actually completed and now conspicuous in various cities as Mr. Spencer. While a complete list would be impossible, the more notable of his contracts are the following: Topeka Manual Training School, the Capper Building, the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Elias Anderson

Elias Anderson, farmer; P. O. Diona; is a native of Ohio, and was born in Champaign Co. June 16, 1807; he remained with his parents until he was 32 years of age, his father having died about the year 1833; he remained with his mother until her removal to Michigan, where she died in the year 1844; Mr. Anderson, before his removal to this county, married, Sept. 20, 1835, Miss Hannah Place, her parents being natives of Pennsylvania; in the year 1839, they came to this county and settled where he has ever since resided; they had five children, four … Read more

Biography of O. F. Walke

O. F. Walke who has spent most of his life in Kansas has developed a very substantial business career, and for several years has been proprietor of the Independent Laundry, one of the best equipped establishments of its kind in the southern section of the state. He is of Scotch-Irish ancestry, and his great-grandfather came from the North of Ireland, and was an early farmer in Ohio. Mr. Walke’s grandfather, William Walke, was born in Ohio in 1840, came to Kansas about a quarter of a century ago, and was an active farmer until he retired and died at Columbus, … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Phillip Riser’s Company

(Probably from Champaign County). Served from September 19, until October 19, 1812, and from August 12, until September 21, 1813. Capt. Phillip Riser Lieut. William Rumple Lieut. John Rhodes Lieut. James Toomer Ensign, Daniel Kilbinger Sergt. Patrick McKinley Sergt. Peter Pence Sergt. Benjamin Pence Sergt. Nathan Dannall Sergt. William Steel Sergt. Colon, Moore Sergt. John Fitch Sergt. George Crosby Corp. John Tofflenoyer Corp. Edden Jenkins Corp. John West Corp. Nelson Lansdell Corp. William Haltz Corp. John Pyatt Corp. Ebenezer Rhodes Corp. Nathan Adamson Drummer, Joseph Jones Drummer, Edward Tarbutton Fifer, Pressley Ross Fifer, Henry Armacush Privates Bacer, Isaac Bags, William … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry R. Cool

Cool, Henry R.; wholesale lumber; born, Urbanna, O., Oct. 22, 1878; son of William A. and Lena Rose Cool; education, Urbanna University and Ohio State University, 1899; married, Cleveland, Nov. 23, 1904, Helen Ranney Adams; issue, Kenneth Adams, Dee. 13, 1905, Janet Ranney, July 12, 1907; New York mgr. of Eastern Sash, Door & Glass Co.; resigning to join his father in lumber business; later junior partner in W. A. Cool & Son (1904); sec’y Service Recorder Co.; director Adams Bag Co.; member Chamber of Commerce, and Hermit Club; Chi Phi; interested in the development of southern timber and farm … Read more

Biography of Hon. John A. Fuson

Hon. John A. Fuson, an eminent practicing physician and surgeon of the Fourth District, was born in 1815, in Champaign County, Ohio. He is the third of seven children (three living) of James and Martha (Sneed) Fuson, both of whom were natives of Patrick County, Virginia. The father was of English descent, born in 1792. Two years after marriage he moved to Champaign County, Ohio, where he engaged in farming, occasionally preaching. He died in 1863. The mother was of French origin, born about 1795, and died in 1885. The subject of this sketch received a limited education in the … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Thomas Stretch’s Company

(Probably from Champaign County). Served from November 27, until December 27, 1812. Capt. Thomas Stretch Lieut. Ezekial Arrowsmith Ensign, Walker Johnston Sergt. James McLaughlin Sergt. George Faulkner Sergt. William Sargent Sergt. Frederick Stonebager Corp. Joseph Hill Corp. John Long, Sr. Privates Clark, Marcus Clark, Reuben Colbert, Jesse Comer, David Comer, Peter Dils, Samuel Hanback, Lewis Harber, Elisha Hufman, Jeremlah Humphries, Robert Kite, Benjamin Kite, Samuel Long, John, Jr. Longfeller, Joseph Lyon, John Maggeat, Adam McAlexander, James McIntyre, Thomas Megill, John Metz, Emanuel Mitchell, James Mitchell, John Mitts, Samuel Monroe, James Moody, John Runkle, Peter Slegle, Jacob Smith, James Stephens, Christian … Read more

Biography of Levi J. Rouse

Among the worthy representatives of honest industry and good government, stands the capable and intelligent gentleman, whose name is at the head of this article, and who has achieved a success in different lines, each of which is sufficient to stamp him as a man of ability and enterprise, while in it all he has maintained an untarnished reputation and displayed both integrity and faithfulness coupled with sound principles and honorable dealing with his fellows. In addition to this, Mr. Rouse has been an active worker in the advancement of the county’s interests in different lines and his efforts are … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. O. Smith

W. O. Smith, farmer and stock-raiser, also proprietor and superintendent of Smith’s flour, feed and saw mills; P. O. Oakland; born in Champaign Co., Ohio, Oct. 8, 1824, where he followed farming until 25 years of age, when in 1849 he removed West, and located in Coles Co., Ill., purchasing 140 acres of land, where he lived until 1869; when he removed to Oakland and purchased the steam flour and saw mill, which business he has since followed; he owns his mill and four houses and lots in Oakland, besides upward of 700 acres of land in Coles and Douglas … Read more

Biography of I. F. Sarver

I. F. Sarver. It was due to his personal popularity and his high business standing that I. F. Sarver was elected sheriff of Sedgwick County in 1914. It was the first and only office for which he was ever a candidate, and he was elected by a large majority by his wide circle of friends in both parties, and reelected in 1916 by a large majority. Sheriff Sarver is almost a native son of Kansas, having been brought to the state when two years of age, and is thoroughly typical of the splendid spirit of this commonwealth. He was born … Read more

Biography of Gen. James Clark Tolman

GEN. JAMES CLARK TOLMAN. – One of the leading citizens of Jackson county, and foremost among the representative men of Oregon, is General James Clark Tolman, ex-surveyor general of this state. A man of great decision of character and executive ability, he has always occupied the position of a leader, and, after fifty years of active participation in the affairs of his country, retains the confidence and respect of not only his political associates, but of adherents of the opposite party. From youth he was an enthusiastic Whig, during the lifetime of that party, and since has been a consistent … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Hamilton Eichelberger

Eichelberger, George Hamilton; lawyer; born, Urbana, O., Jan. 24, 1877; son of George M. and Emma Ring Eichelberger; educated, Ohio Weslyan University; married, New York City, Aug. 11, 18908; Frances Staunton Dodge; one daughter; United States Marshal at Shanghai, China, 1897-1900; since coming to Cleveland, connected with 5th Ohio Infantry as battalion adjt.; practiced law in Cleveland since 1901, (Reed & Eichelberger); Mason; member Union, Athletic, and Euclid Clubs. Recreation: Golf.

Roll Of Capt. John R. Lemmon’s Company

(Probably from Champaign County). Served from November 12, until December 12, 1812. Capt. John R. Lemmon Ensign, Joseph Coffey Sergt. William Hunt Sergt. Richard Robinson Sergt. Isaac Elsworth Sergt. Charles Irwin Corp. Daniel Wren Corp. Joseph Runyon Corp. Mathew Shaul Corp. Jacob Elsworth Privates Arbogast, Henry Baldwin, Joshua Banes, Oratio Beezly, Isaac Bombgarden, Andrew Botkin, William Boyer, Samuel Cartmell, Nathaniel Chance, Samuel Clemmings, Job Collins, Joseph Crantrall, Joshua Curl, William Dawson, James Dawson, Richard Dickeson, Joseph Frost, William Graham, David Hodge, Andrew Hunter, James Hunter, John Hunter, Jonothan Hunter, William Jones, Jonothan Lee, James Marris, William Marsh, Malon McKinnon, Daniel … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Abner Barrett’s Company

(Probably from Champaign County). Served from August 9, until September 9, 1813. Capt. Abner Barrett Lieut. Edward Jones Sergt. John Kelley Sergt. James Guthridge Sergt. Jacob Hazel Sergt. Allen Minturn Corp. John B. Neal Corp. Obediah Valentine Corp. William Kelley Corp. Jesse Gutridge Privates Adams, John Baker, Aaron Beatty, Miles C Binley, James Bracken, Nathan Britten, Evans E Britten, Nathan Burnside, William Cartmell, John Cartmell, William Chaney, Edward Chaney, William Cory, John Crage, John Frankeberger, John George, Richard D George, William M. Gilpin, Elias Hail, Bradford Harbert, William Hendrix, William Hoover, Peter Hudson, Edward Hutsin, James Hutson, Abraham Jones, Daniel … Read more