Biographical Sketch of Nelson S. Freeman, M. D.

Nelson S. Freeman, M. D., practicing physician in Farmington; P. O. Campbell; was born in Orange Co., Ind., Feb. 17, 1833, and lived with his parents until 19 years of age. He was married to Mary F. Carman Sept. 29, 1851; she was born in Tioga Co., Penn., April 2,1832; they have had six children – Caroline M., Charles K, Lizzie A., William F., Frank F. and Matthew S., deceased. Dr. Freeman has been practicing medicine twenty-three years; his practice has been quite extensive and attended with good success. Dr. Freeman was Assistant Surgeon in the 63d I. V. I. for four months, and was a second time appointed Assistant Surgeon in the army; he was Captain of a company of colored troops, has been Postmaster in Farmington ten years, was Township Trustee eight years and Township Treasurer two years, which office he still holds. The Doctor’s parents are natives of Virginia, and Mrs. Freeman’s father a native of Pennsylvania, her mother of Connecticut. The Doctor owns a house and lot in Farmington.


Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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