For thirty years Nelson Buhl has engaged in farming and stock raising in Idaho, and has met with a creditable and satisfactory success in his well directed efforts. His home farm, comprising four hundred acres of rich land, is pleasantly situated northwest of Salubria, but in the valley he owns many other valuable tracts of land, and is thus prominently connected with the agricultural interests of this section of the state.
Mr. Buhl is a native of Denmark, born December 8, 1858, and when a child of only five years was brought to the United States by his parents, Bartlet and Anna Buhl, who located in Salt Lake City, Utah. There the father engaged in farming and also conducted a meat market until 1869, when he removed to the territory of Idaho. He was hardly established in his new home when, on the 7th of August of that year, he was killed in a runaway. His widow and children, three in number, survive him, and Mrs. Buhl has nowreached the ripe old age of seventy-two years.
To the public schools Mr. Buhl is indebted for the educational advantages which fitted him for the duties of a practical business life. When old enough he entered a claim of one hundred and sixty acres in Salubria valley, northwest of the present town of Salubria, and at once began to develop a farm. He erected some substantial buildings, and soon transformed the wild land into rich and fertile fields, to which he has added from time to time until now four hundred acres are included within the boundaries of his farm. He has also made judicious investments in land elsewhere, and is the owner of some very valuable property in the valley. He raises shorthorn and Hereford cattle on an extensive scale, is a successful breeder of horses and hogs, and also raises large quantities of grain and ha. He has gained the reputation of being an experienced and successful stock raiser, and by his individual efforts has acquired a good property.
Mr. Buhl was married to Miss Carrie B. Taylor, on the I2th of May 1887. She was a native of Kansas and a daughter of S. H. Taylor, of Salubria. Four children were born of this union: Dollie, Use, Lester H. and Mabel. The mother departed this life August 19, 1897. She was spared to her family only a little more than ten years, and her loss was keenly felt, for she was an excellent wife and an indulgent, loving mother.
In politics Mr. Buhl is a silver-Republican, but he gives his attention almost exclusively to his business interests, and by his diligence, careful management and straightforward business methods has won prosperity. He started out for himself with no capital save strong determination to succeed, and has steadily overcome all obstacles in his path and gained a place among the prosperous agriculturists and stock-raisers of the Salubria valley.