
Biographical Sketch of Hermann N. Matzen

Last Updated on March 10, 2012 by Matzen, Hermann N.; sculptor; born, Denmark, 1861; son of Nicolai Edinger and Henrietta Basch Matzen; graduate, German-American Seminary, Detroit, Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Berlin (medal of second class); married, Cleveland, 1888, Emma Hale; married, 1908, Blanche Disette; issue, Madelein Dorothy, Carl and Herman; engaged in sculpture since

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Biography of Nelson Buhl

Last Updated on March 19, 2012 by For thirty years Nelson Buhl has engaged in farming and stock raising in Idaho, and has met with a creditable and satisfactory success in his well directed efforts. His home farm, comprising four hundred acres of rich land, is pleasantly situated northwest of Salubria, but in the valley

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Biography of Terkel Jensen

Last Updated on December 29, 2011 by Terkel Jensen. Few business men in Southern Kansas have a better record of substantial accomplishment than Terkel Jensen, who had been successfully identified with the wholesale produce business in this state for more than a quarter of a century, and is president of the Emporia Ice and Cold

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