Biography of Nathan H. Clark

Last Updated on April 15, 2012 by

Nathan H. Clark, though yet a young man, has had a busy and useful career at Idaho Falls, where he has served the people as mayor and member of the town council, and he is now serving as prosecuting attorney of Bingham county. In Idaho Falls he was for three years a prominent member of a leading mercantile house, and here he has in many ways shown himself to be a public-spirited citizen, devoted to worthy local interests. Mr. Clark is a son of Hon. Joseph A. Clark, present mayor of Idaho Falls, and was born at Amo, Hendricks County, Indiana, May 11, 1869. Much that is interesting in the history of his family is given in the sketch of the life of Hon. Joseph A. Clark, which has a place in this work.

It was in the high school of his native town that Mr. Clark acquired the basis of his very substantial education. He read law, as occasion permitted, for years, even during his three busy years as a member of the Clark & Fanning Company, general merchants, of Idaho Falls, when he was obliged to give his attention to extensive interests, which included merchandising on an ambitious scale and the erection of a large business block. In 1896 he took a special course in the law department of the Michigan State University, and was admitted to practice in the lower courts, and in 1899 he was admitted to practice in the federal courts and the district and supreme courts of Idaho. The law was his chosen profession, and in order to enter actively upon its practice he put aside all other interests requiring his time and devoted attention. He quickly gained a reputation as a successful lawyer and in 1898 was elected prosecuting attorney for Bingham County, in which office he has served with signal ability and credit. His preference is for civil and probate law, but as prosecuting attorney he naturally has much to do with criminal cases, and in his handling and presentation of them he has met with a flattering success, which has given him a standing among the prominent criminal lawyers of the state. He is an active worker for the success of the Democratic Party, and as mayor and councilman and in other important positions, official and otherwise, he has been a factor in the encouragement of pure politics. He is the owner of valuable town property and has a fine farm of one hundred and sixty acres, just beyond the city limits, where he has applied himself to stock farming with the best results.

August 21, 1890, Mr. Clark married Miss Lottie Bonney. She bore him a son, whom they named Salon B., and in February 1893, Mrs. Clark died in childbirth and her newborn infant died at the same time. In April 1894, Mr. Clark married Miss Evaline Rosenberger, and they have children named Lois, Donald and Dorothy. The last two mentioned are twins.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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