Biographical Sketch of Otis Patterson

OTIS PATTERSON. – Mr. Patterson, editor of the Heppner Gazette, at Heppner, Oregon, and one of the representative men of common sense and energy in the Inland Empire, was born at Danville, Indiana, September 4, 1858. He remained in that city until the age of eighteen, receiving a good common-school education. He also improved himself by a scientific course, graduating as B.S. from the Centeral Normal College of Danville. In 1876 he acted upon the advice of a celebrated father of his profession, and came to Emporia, Kansas, where he engaged in educational work. In 1882 he performed the rest … Read more

Biography of Nathan H. Clark

Nathan H. Clark, though yet a young man, has had a busy and useful career at Idaho Falls, where he has served the people as mayor and member of the town council, and he is now serving as prosecuting attorney of Bingham county. In Idaho Falls he was for three years a prominent member of a leading mercantile house, and here he has in many ways shown himself to be a public-spirited citizen, devoted to worthy local interests. Mr. Clark is a son of Hon. Joseph A. Clark, present mayor of Idaho Falls, and was born at Amo, Hendricks County, … Read more

Biography of Isaac Roberts

Isaac Roberts, retired farmer and blacksmith; P. O. Charleston; born in Bourbon Co., Ky., Feb. 25, 1807; his grandfather emigrated from Wales in the early part of the seventeenth century, and located in Virginia, then to Kentucky, where he died; his father, Azariah Roberts, was born in Kentucky about the year 1775, and died in Indiana about 1847. The subject of this sketch removed to Scott Co., Ky., when quite young, where he lived until 22 years of age, and learned and worked at the blacksmith trade until 1828, when he removed to Hendricks Co., Ind., and followed his trade … Read more

Biography of John Charles Nicholson

John Charles Nicholson. To name John Charles Nicholson, of Newton, as one of the distinguished lawyers and citizens of Kansas is superfluous information for at least the present generation, since his services and position are too well known to require such introduction. Therefore the following paragraphs are confined to the simple and unvarnished statements regarding his individual career and those important achievements which he had been most influential in bringing about. He was born on his father’s farm in Parke County, Indiana, January 2, 1862, the oldest of nine children born to David and Mary Catherine (Dickson) Nicholson. The industry … Read more

Biography of Paul Stafford Mitchell, M. D.

Paul Stafford Mitchell, M. D. Incomplete indeed would be any history of Kansas which did not include distinctive mention of that large body of men who labor in the broad field of medical service. Some have chosen a particular path and some have chosen to work under a particular combination of methods, but all can be justly credited with scientific knowledge and a due regard for the preservation of the public health. To the profession of medicine, Dr. Paul Stafford Mitchell devoted the early years of his manhood, and today, after seventeen years of successful practice, stands as a representative … Read more

Biography of Lew Wallace Duncan

Lew Wallace Duncan. The close of the Civil war launched a new era of settlement in the West. Young men who had lately fought the battles of freedom and restored the unity of the nation abandoned their birthplaces and “hit the trail” leading to the boundless and trackless region beyond the “border.” Distance alone separated them from the beckoning prairies of an unknown plain and the scream of the locomotive had not been heard west of St. Louis, so that the “prairie schooner” method of reaching their destination had to be resorted to. Once across the Mississippi the mecca of … Read more

Biography of William D. Butner

William D. Butner. It had been well said that “our civilization rests at bottom on the wholesomeness, the attractiveness and the completeness, as well as the prosperity of life in the country. The men and women on the farms stand for what is fundamentally best and most needed in our American life.” One of the progressive Kansans who have exemplified and put into practice this statement of theory is William D. Butner, of Dover Township, Shawnee County. Mr. Butner had never been content to make his farm pay profits as a business enterprise without regard to the environment of the … Read more

Biography of James W. Henderson, M. D.

James W. Henderson, M. D. One of the old and honored physicians and business men of Southeastern Kansas is Dr. James W. Henderson, who first became identified in a professional way with Labette and the surrounding country thirty-two years ago. Labette County was at that time new and all its towns, farms, roads, and other facilities were in a primitive condition. Doctor Henderson had his share of the hardships of pioneer practice. To almost a generation he was known as the kindly, courteous and helpful physician and friend, and the esteem in which his name is held is as satisfactory … Read more

Biography of Herschel V. Bolinger

Herschel V. Bolinger. The assistant cashier of the Home National Bank, Herschel V. Bolinger, of Caney, is by inheritance and training well equipped for his responsible position. He comes of a family given to valuable and practical accomplishment, particularly in the line of agricultural effort, which has resided in this country for many generations. Since leaving the schoolroom Mr. Bolinger has been connected with financial institutions, and at Caney has also been identified with railroad affairs and with civic duties. Herschel V. Bolinger was born at Shelburn, Sullivan County, Indiana, March 19, 1884, and is a son of W. T. … Read more

Biography of James Henry Reed

James Henry Reed, superintendent of the city schools of Grenola, is an educator of wide and diversified experience, and had taught in various localities of several different states. He was born in Orleans, Indiana, January 15, 1858. His Reed ancestors came from England to Virginia in colonial days, and they were also connected with the Massachusetts branch of the same family. His grandfather, Jesse Reed, who was a blacksmith by trade, spent his last years at Orleans, Indiana. The family had lived in Kentucky after leaving Virginia, and from Kentucky went to Indiana. Henry Reed, father of Professor Reed, was … Read more

Cartersburg Cemetery, Cartersburg, Hendricks County, Indiana

This cemetery is on US 40, the north side of the road. It is 1/4-1/2 mile east of the Cartersburg Road. The cemetery is large and has not been taken care of. Clark, Edmond, d. 13 Apr 1866, @ 53 yrs., 8 mos. 18 dys. Hamilton, Katherine, b. 15 Apr 1816, d. 8 Jan 1904. % 9- Wife of Edmond Clark. Irons, Edmond G., b. 2 Jun 1863, d. 1 Oct 1867. Irons, Fannie, b. 6 Feb 1874, d. 27 Aug 1875. Johnson, Myrvon W., d. 17 Apr 1865 @14 yrs, 19 dys. % 9- Son of E. D. and … Read more

Biography of Matthew Edgar Pearson

Matthew Edgar Pearson is serving his fifteenth consecutive year as superintendent of the public schools of Kansas City, Kansas. He began his work in the schools of this city thirty years ago, and no one individual had so intimate a knowledge of the actual growth and development of the local school system and had done more to improve its efficiency than the Pearsons. He is one of the best known and oldest educators in the State of Kansas. Mr. Pearson was born at Plainsfield in Hendricks County, Indiana, March 8, 1862, but had lived in Kansas since he was ten … Read more

Biography of Hon. F. M. Benefiel

Hon. F. M. Benefiel. The State of Kansas can justly lay claim to many advantages, among these being a general citizenship that is enlightened and discriminating. It knows well how to choose its representative men, those to whom it entrusts its public responsibilities. Occasionally a mistake may be made but when public favor is shown to the same individual year after year and under many changing political conditions, it is made plain that merit and not mere popularity is at the root of such action. Among the favorite sons of Montgomery County is F. M. Benefiel, at present city collector … Read more

Biography of George James Sharp

George James Sharp during the thirty odd years he had lived in Elk County had been a farmer, school teacher, county official, abstractor and lawyer, and his friends and associates say that whatever he undertakes he does with all the enthusiasm of his nature and to the limit of his ability. He is an exceedingly useful citizen, and his services have for several years been untilized by the City of Howard through the office of mayor. Mr. Sharp was born on a farm in Hendricks County, Indiana, December 26, 1862, a son of William P. and Anna T. (Higgins) Sharp. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Ernst

Jacob Ernst, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Humbolt; the subject of this sketch was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, March 30, 1839. He married Miss Julia Anna Joose Aug. 16, 1861 she was born in Baden, Germany, June 20, 1844; they had nine children, eight living, viz., George A., John M., Flora May, Mary A., Harry D., Willis E., Clarence and Jacob E.; Charlie died June 4, 1866. He lived in Germany about fifteen years, when he came to the United States and settled in Meadville, Penn., where he lived until 1855; he then moved to Owen Co., Ind.; thence to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Eli Huron

Eli Huron, dealer in books, stationery, musical instruments, toys, etc., Charleston; was born in Hendricks Co., Ind., Oct. 14, 1836; up to the breaking-out of the rebellion he remained on his father’s farm. In February, 1862, he entered the Union army as a member of Co. A, 53d Ind. V. I., serving in the Army of the Cumberland; he participated in the siege of Corinth, and was wounded at the second battle of Corinth, on the 5th of October, 1862, from which he lost his right arm. He spent the spring and summer of 1864 as a student in Bryant … Read more