Biography of Louis F. Horning

Last Updated on April 14, 2012 by

Louis F. Horning, who follows farming on Camas prairie, is a native of the Sunset state, his birth having there occurred August 20, 1851. His father, Frederick Horning, was born in Prussia, August 9, 1822, and was educated in Germany, after which he came with his father, George Godfrey Horning, to America. The last named was likewise a Prussian by birth, and on crossing the Atlantic he took up his residence in St. Louis, being one of the pioneers of that now populous city. For fifteen hundred dollars he sold ten acres of land which is now in the heart of the city and is now worth an almost fabulous price. He afterward went to Westport, Missouri, and located on the present site of Kansas City, where his heirs now have a vineyard which he formerly owned. He lived to be ninety-three years of age, and died in 1870.

Frederick Horning, the father of our subject, went to Milwaukee, Oregon, in 1849, at which time that little place had hopes of becoming the metropolis of the state. Later he settled near Corvallis and purchased a donation claim, which he improved, transforming it into a good farm. He spent his last days in retirement from labor, and died in 1892, at the age of seventy years. He married Miss Mary A. Johnson, a native of Kentucky. Her father crossed the plains with his family at a very early day and suffered greatly on the journey. The wife and one daughter died on the plains. The mother of our subject departed this life in her thirty-ninth year. Like her husband she was a faithful member of the Presbyterian Church, and they were regarded by all who knew them as people of the highest respectability and worth. Mr. Horning was also a member of the Masonic fraternity. They were laid to rest in the cemetery near Corvallis, but their memory remains as a good influence with all who knew them. They had a family of eleven children, all of whom are yet living.

Louis F. Horning, their second child and oldest son, completed his literary education in Corvallis College, and then learned the printer’s trade in Corvallis, following that occupation for a time. He afterward removed to southeastern Oregon and for seven years was successfully engaged in the stock business there. In 1879 he came to Camas prairie, locating at his present place of residence, where he took up a government claim of one hundred and sixty acres. To this he has added until his landed possessions now aggregate three hundred and twenty acres. He was still single when he came to the farm. In 1880 however, he married Miss Dora Spooner, who was born in Missouri, but was reared in New York and Maine. He then erected a more commodious residence and also built substantial barns and other outbuildings necessary for the shelter of grain and stock. He now has a highly improved farm and was one of the pioneer fruit men of this region, especially in the cultivation of peaches. He now has a most excellent orchard, and everything about the place indicates the careful supervision of a practical and progressive owner. The home has been blessed with the presence of five daughters and two sons, namely: Emma, Mary, Cora, Ella, Nellie, Charles and Arthur, all of whom were born on the farm and are still under the parental roof.

In his political views Mr. Horning is a Democrat, exercising his right of franchise in support of the men and measures of the party, yet never seeking office for himself, preferring to devote his time and energies to his business interests, in which he is meeting with good success. He has always resided in the northwest, and is thoroughly identified with this region, its interests and its upbuilding, ever lending his aid to all measures for the public good.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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