Biography of John U. Stucki

Last Updated on April 16, 2012 by

A leading representative of the business, the political and the church interests of Paris, John Ulrich Stucki is accounted one of the most valued citizens of Bear Lake County. He has resided in the town since 1870, has been identified with all its interests through the passing years, and was honored with the office of mayor, being the first incumbent in that position. A native of Switzerland, he was born in Oberneunforn, June 8, 1837, and is of Swiss descent. His parents were John and Elizabeth (Sauter) Stucki, also natives of that land, where the father was a thrifty farmer and an influential citizen. Both he and his wife were Protestants in their religious faith. Mrs. Stucki was called to the home beyond at the age of forty-five years, and Mr. Stucki, who was born July 15, 1806, died December 5, 1886, in the eighty-first year of his age. In their family were thirteen children, nine of whom grew to years of maturity, while six are still living. The family were one highly respected in the community where they made their home.

In the schools of his native town and in Andelfingen, John Ulrich Stucki acquired his education, and, his father desiring to have him educated as a merchant tailor, he apprenticed in and followed that business for about four years, when, in the fall of 1856, in the city of Zurich, the capital of his native canton, intending to go to Paris, the capital of France, to perfect himself in his occupation and business, he heard the gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed through the Prophet Joseph Smith and taught by the elders of Latter Day Saints, or Mormon church, which changed his course in life. On the 1st day of November 1856, he was received as a member into said church. On the 19th day of July 1857, he was ordained an elder in said church and soon after-ward began to preach its doctrines, devoting all his time to the interests of the church. In the spring of 1858 he introduced the doctrines of his church, commonly called Mormonism, in the city and canton of Schaffhausen, and organized a branch of the church in the city of Schaffhausen. During the same year he also labored several weeks in canton Graubuendten, but not with so much immediate success.

On the 8th of August 1859, he left his native country for the United States and Salt Lake, the headquarters of the Mormon Church, with barely enough means to take him to his destination. While on the journey he was married, on the 19th of August, 1859, to Miss Margaret Huber, a native of Weinfelden, Switzerland, who has since been to him a faithful and helpful wife on life’s journey. After a voyage of six weeks, in which they encountered some very severe weather, they reached New York, but the vessel, the Emerald Isle, had not only been tossed about in severe gales, but on one occasion had caught fire, and it was supposed that all on board would be lost, but eventually the flames were extinguished.

Mr. Stucki spent several months in New York City, and then by steamer and by rail proceeded to Florence, Nebraska, whence he crossed the plains to Salt Lake City, driving a team, consisting of two yoke of oxen and two yoke of cows. They were ten weeks and three days in making the journey, but it was free from accident, their loss being only one of their cows. Mr. Stucki took with him a little corn-plow, a shovel and a pitchfork, intending to engage in farming, and with that limited outfit began the tilling of the soil. They also had a tent and bedding. After a few days spent in Salt Lake City, he removed to the Cache valley, where he secured ten acres of land. He had no experience in farming, but his practical common sense stood him in stead of training, and the first year he raised a good crop of wheat and stacked it so well that while much of the wheat grew in the stack that year, his withstood the wet weather excellently.

While residing in the valley Mr. Stucki served as president of the German branch of the church. In July 1870, at a call from his church, he came to Paris, selling some of his property, but still retaining the ownership of some of it in the Cache valley. He removed to this place in order to assume the duties of tithing clerk of the stake, his labor being to take care and keep account of the tithes, the care of the poor and other needful church work. This important office Mr. Stucki has, with the exception of five years, ever since faithfully filled, and he is recognized as a very efficient church officer. He has also spent five years in the mission field, having charge of the Swiss and German mission. Thus he labored in Belgium, Switzerland, and Germany, and sent out many converts to Utah. He has held the office of high priest for many years and is president of the high priests of the stake. During the whole of this time Mr. Stucki has also successfully managed his business interests, carrying on general farming and stock raising. In his efforts he has prospered, and is now the owner of about three hundred acres of land, together with two good residences, in Paris, which he erected and one which he purchased.

Unto Mr. and Mrs. Stucki have been born the following children: Charles Thomas, who assists his father in the work of the home farm: Caroline Elizabeth, who died in her sixth year: Maria Jane: William B.: Hiram D., who died in infancy; Joseph S.; Ann; Margaret; Elfrieda; F. S.; Erastus; and Ezra S. They also had a little adopted son, John Henry, who lived to be eight years of age. He was an attractive and obedient child, and they loved him dearly. Mr. Stucki is also rearing Fritz, the son of his niece.

In his political views Mr. Stucki is a Republican, has labored earnestly for the success of his party, and has filled a number of offices, being called to public service by his fellow townsmen, who thus gave evidence of their appreciation of his worth and ability. He served for a number of years as justice of the peace, has been county treasurer, county auditor, recorder, was notary public for eight years, with his commission renewed for four more years, and was the first mayor of the city of Paris. In all these positions he has discharged his duties in a most prompt and creditable manner, and is accounted one of the most reliable and valued citizens of his county.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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