Biography of John U. Stucki

A leading representative of the business, the political and the church interests of Paris, John Ulrich Stucki is accounted one of the most valued citizens of Bear Lake County. He has resided in the town since 1870, has been identified with all its interests through the passing years, and was honored with the office of mayor, being the first incumbent in that position. A native of Switzerland, he was born in Oberneunforn, June 8, 1837, and is of Swiss descent. His parents were John and Elizabeth (Sauter) Stucki, also natives of that land, where the father was a thrifty farmer … Read more

Biography of Alfred Budge

Alfred Budge, prosecuting attorney of Bear Lake County, was born in Providence, Utah, on the 24th of February 1868, of Scotch-English and Welsh ancestry. For full details in regard to his lineage and the immediate family history, we refer the reader to the sketch of the life of his father, Hon. William Budge, appearing elsewhere in this volume. Alfred Budge received his preliminary education in the academy at Provo, Utah, and later matriculated in the law department of the famous University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, where he was duly graduated as a member of the law class of 1891. … Read more

Biography of Walter Hoge

Walter Hoge is one of the most prominent representatives of the industrial interests of southeastern Idaho. He makes his home in Paris, where he is connected with the lumber business, both manufacturing and selling lumber. The volume of his trade enables him to furnish employment to a large force of workmen and thus he adds to the general prosperity of the community and to the welfare of the town. Mr. Hoge was born on the 18th of November 1844, and is of English lineage. His parents, Walter and Elizabeth Hoge, were also natives of the same land, and the father … Read more

Biography of Stephen Kelsey

Few men are more familiar with the pioneer history of this section of the great republic than Stephen Kelsey, who before the days when the emigrants flocked to the gold-fields of California crossed the plains to Utah in company with the colony which went with President Brigham Young to Utah. They made their way over the hot and arid plains and through the mountain passes until they reached the Salt Lake Country on the 22d of July 1847, and on the 24th of the same month they arrived on the present site of Salt Lake City, so that that date … Read more

Biography of Christian Wallantine

Christian Wallantine, one of the prominent farmers and old residents of Paris, Idaho, is a native of Denmark, having been born on the little island of Barnholm, in the Baltic sea, off the Danish coast, October 21, 184 1. He is a descendant of German ancestry on his father’s side, representing in this line very old Teutonic stock. His parents were Wallantine and Augel Margaret (Kofoot) Wallentinesen, who, having become converts to the faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, decided to cross the ocean and live out the remainder of their days in Utah, … Read more

Biography of Joseph R. Shepherd

This is an age when the young man is prominent. He is at the head of many important enterprises and is bringing others to the front which ire bound to startle very many who have permitted themselves to be buried under superannuated ideas. At an age when the average business man of two generations ago was considered but a child, the boys of the end of the century have acquired the foundation of a practical knowledge of successful business methods, and with broad ideas, in harmony with the spirit and opportunities of the age, are planning their work for the … Read more

Biography of Charles C. Rich

Pioneer of Utah, California and Idaho, Charles C. Rich figured prominently in the early development of these states, and took an active part in furthering the welfare and promoting the progress of the commonwealths. He was also a most able exponent of the faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and with a colony of believers he founded the beautiful and thriving little city of Paris, the County of Bear Lake, Idaho, and the Mormon colonies of southeastern Idaho. A native of Kentucky, Mr. Rich was born in Campbell County, in 1809, and was of English … Read more

Biography of Hon. John L. Underwood

Hon. John L. Underwood, postmaster at Montpelier, Idaho, successful businessman, prominent citizen, veteran of the civil war and influential Republican, is widely and favorably known throughout the state. He was born in Broome County, New York, January 15, 1832, of parents who traced their ancestry to good English families. Jonas Underwood, his grandfather, was a native of Fishkill, New York, and held a commission in the Revolutionary army. He died at Deposit, New York, in his eightieth year. His wife, who was of the New York family of Pine, survived him only a few days. Philip Underwood, son of Jonas … Read more

Biography of Bishop William Budge

Bishop Budge, of Paris, state senator representing Bear Lake County, Idaho, one of the most widely known and influential men in the state as a citizen and as a Republican, and a power for good through his administration of the affairs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in his stake and throughout Idaho, is a native of Lanark, Lanarkshire, Scotland, and a son of William and Mary (Scott) Budge, born May 1, 1828. His father was of Highland Scotch ancestry and was born in Edinburg. His mother came of the Scotts, of Douglas Castle, Scotland. They … Read more

Biography of John Cozzens

The man whose name appears above is one of the most prominent citizens of Montpelier, Bear Lake county, Idaho, and is entitled to the distinction of having been a pioneer and a leader of pioneers on the site of the present town, where he first arrived a third of a century ago and where he has lived since, active in all good works tending to development and prosperity. John Cozzens was born in South Wales, at High Cross, Penbrookshire, May 17, 1833, of Welsh, Scotch and Irish ancestry. James Cozzens, his father, was a farmer and a member of what … Read more