History Of The Gaines Family

Last Updated on November 19, 2020 by Dennis

This chapter will be of interest only to the Gaineses who are descended from James Gaines and his wife, who was Margaret Clore before her marriage to him. But since these will number quite a few the author has felt justified in devoting some space in his book to a chapter on his grand-mother, Margaret Clore Gaines.

Michael Clore, sometimes called “Big Michael” because he was such a large man, was born in Culpepper or Madison County, Virginia, Dec. 4, 1746. He died Dec. 7, 1817. He was a gunsmith and cabinet maker by trade and contracted to make 12,000 stand of arms for General Washington-in the Revolutionary War. During this war the British captured his shops, and he was forced to run to prevent his own capture. He went with General Washington’s army after his shops, were captured as a gun repairer and gun tinker. He was a member of the Baptist church and a Freemason. Tradition says he was present at the initiation, passing and raising of General LaFayette in General Washington’s Army Lodge. After the war was over he held the meetings of his lodge in an upper room of his own log house until better quarters could be obtained. I allude here to an old letter of John Fishback, the administrator of his estate, which gives the names of his 15 children and number of grand-children and great-grand-children, but it fails -to state the ones to whom the children were married.

Aaron Clore, my ancestor on my father’s mother’s side, was born in Virginia July 28, 1770, and died in Laurens County, S. C., in 1840. He married Susannah Swindle, who was born in 1766 and died, in 1858. He was -buried at Oothcalooga Church, Adairsville, Ga. He was the father of the following children:

Rebecca, who married a Drummonds, was born about 1791 and died 1861 in Hill County, Texas.

Mrs. Malinda Clardy, second daughter, was born about 1794, in South Carolina, and died about 1865 and was buried at the James Clardy Cemetery mentioned hereinbefore. Her grave is not marked, although she reared a large family y of children and numerous grand-children, many of whom still live in Laurens County, S. C. James Clore, the postmaster at Laurens, S. C., is a grand-son of Malinda Clore-Clardy.

Margaret Clore was born in 1796 in South Carolina and married James Gaines. She died in 1862 and was buried at Oothcaloga Cemetery, Adairsville, Ga. She was the mother of Reuben Gaines.
Martha Clore was born in 1798 and died in 1876. She married John Crawford in South Carolina and moved to Cassville, Ga., and is the mother of James B. Crawford, at Cassville, Ga.

Mason Clore, son of Aaron Clore, was born in South Carolina in 1803 and died at Adairsville, Ga., in 1890. He was the grand-father of Sam Clore of Adairsville.

Millie Clore was born in 1806 in South Carolina and died at Ozark, Ark., in 1892.

Elizabeth, the youngest child of Aaron Clore, was born in South Carolina in 1812, married James Clardy and died in 1843, and was buried at James Clardy Cemetery.

I attach the letter of the bereaved husband, which is as follows Mt. Galagher P. O., Laurens District, S. C., May the 5th, 1843. South Carolina, Laurens District.

Dear friends and relatives: I have heretofore written to you with pleasure and delight, but I now have to communicate to you the mournful and sad intelligence of my bereavement and loss of a good and loving companion Elizabeth is no more, but I have a hope that my loss is her infinite gain she died on Saturday 29th April. She had her child on the 20th of March and was very smart for a few days afterwards for some ten days or two weeks did not get along so well but so she began to get about until about 10 or 12 days she began to complain feeling unwell with chilly feelings afterwards fever, and kept getting worse until her death, with same complaint brother’s Ellis and family has had. Three of my negro women has had the same fever one has got out to work 2 others yet in the house and has been better than 2 months I myself have not been. well but so I could keep about. Linda has taken the baby home with her Betsey request her to take it and raise it Old Mother mother Clore has left me and gone to linda, say she can’t stay with me her peace and enjoyments seem to be all broken up how we are all to get along is unknown to us but we a good and merciful Savour that is able to take care of us all if will put our trust in him. O my dear friends if I could I would try to tell you some of my feelings; but I leave this for you to think over but few men have had more trials to pass through than I have I dont say this complaining (no God Forbid) for I still stand as a monument of God mercy and my prayer is that he may enable me to live right and sit such example before my children and to let my light shine that others may thereby see and be constrained to Glorify Our Father who art in heaven, I feel more like weeping than writting so I hope you excuse me for the present. Yours in bonds of affection, please let the rest of the connection see this.


To James Gaines and Family. Cassville, Ga.

N. B. The baby is a daughter and since the death of its mother I have named it Elizabeth and Elizer says Aunt Martha is to be her mother. I want you to write to me as soon as you get this and state to me if you know anything about the man that has got my note and tell him that if he can do without money until fall, I am now starting my wagon to market and shall sell my cotton and I know of no opportunity of sending him the money. I have made arrangements here until fah with the money. If there should be any needed, if you can furnish it for me, you shall be certain of it next Winter or any time when you need it. J. C.

Following is the letter mentioned above from John Fishback, the administrator of the estate of Michael Clore:

Madison County, Va., September 30th, 1844. Dear Sister and Relations, I send you a few lines to inform you we are yet spared in the land of the Living and all enjoy the blessings of health, hoping you enjoy the like blessings. I received your last letter in answer to the last money I sent and was glad to hear you got it safe. I have delayed writting much longer than I anticipated, owing to three of the Legatees in the West not sending me the number of their children. I wrote and wrote again but have got no answer yet. I heard by a man from Kentucky not long since that Levi Clore died near Suddenly some time last Summer our youngest daughter was married last April to Joel M. Clore a steady good cabinet workman we have two daughters and one son living with us yet. We have had a very dry spell for 6 or 7 weeks until a day or two ago, our crops of wheat tolarable good and corn likewise, flour in low at about $3.60, corn $1.50, pork $4.50 per 100, beef $3, etc. I have no good news to send you about religion or a work of grace going on among us. Some of the new dandy preachers starts up a kind of bond fire for a few days and when they stop the fire goes out and leaves no coals to kindle from. Most of the conversations these days are on politics and about presidential election which I hope will be ended shortly, and if the people: in our section loves the Eagle of Liberty stick to the old Democrat cause and let H. Clay stay where he will do us no harm, for the Wigs in our section have acted so unfairly- that I could not trust one of them to act fairly in public matters. Our relations are well so far as l know, there has been some cases of fever and some deaths in the neighborhood. I will give you a list of the number on the other side so far as I have received and we may guess at the balance.
Michael Clore was born the 4th day of December 1746. He died the 7th day of December 1817 being 71 years and 3 days old.
Margaret Clore his wife was born the 21st of December 1752. She died the 24th of November 1842, being 89 years, 11 months, and 3 days old.

Grand 2nd 3rd Their Children Children Ditto Ditto 1 Aaron Clore born July 28th 1770. His number of Children and Grand Children 10 47 19 2 Michael Clore born February
10th 1772: His Children and
Grand Children 11 28 3 John Clore born September
22nd 17 13. His progeny 7 31 4 Levi Clore born March 10th
1775. His progeny not known
precisely Supposed 9 21 5 Mary Clore born December
27th 1776 Her progeny about 8 15 6 Israel Clore born April 15th
1779 His number of Children 9 35 7 Elizabeth Clore born Jan
uary 30th 1781. She died no heirs.
8 Ann Clore born December
18th 1782 Her progeny 12 21 e Rhody Clore born July 5th
1784 No Heirs I 10 Jeremiah h Clore born April
1486 His progeay 12 16 11 Gideon Clore born April 7th
1788 His progeny about 8 12 12 Margaret Core born January
25th 1790. Her progeny 9 7
13 Julia Clore born July 31st
1791 Her progeny 1 14 Sarah Clore born April 19th
1793 Her progeny 2 1
15 William Cl ore born September 12th 17 98. No Heirs
98 I 233 1 19
The above is a true statement by the letters received, except Levi, Gideon, and Mary Wilson, could not give a true statement of their Grand Children.

I have given you the age of Father and Mother Clore, also their

Children …………………. 15
Grand Children ……………. 98
Second Grand Children …….. 233
Third Grand Children ………. 19
Total …………………… 366

Mr. James Gaines wishes me to send him the whole number dead and alive. I did not ascertain the number fully that was dead. I request if you please to send him the number from the statement I have made.

So I conclude by writing you all peace, health, prosperity in this life and the world to come.


Gaines, L. P. Gaines genealogy: one line from 1620 to the present time, 1918. Calhoun, Ga.: T.H. Lang, 1918, pages 75-81.


AccessGenealogy.com. Compiled Genealogies. Original sources listed on specific pages.

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