Biography of Henry Marshall Bozeman

Last Updated on August 5, 2012 by

Henry Marshall Bozeman was born in Houston County, Georgia, November 1, 1837. His father was Col. John Bozeman, born April 27, 1793, died in White Springs, Fla., November 10, 1848. Colonel Bozeman served in the Florida Indian War, was several times elected to the State Legislature from the Milledgeville District. On February 14, 1837, he married Rebecca Jewell Pratt, born April 23, 1808. She was highly cultured and a noted musician. Her father was Henry Pratt of Winchester, N. H. Her brother, Marshall, was one of the first musicians of the United States of his day. She was first cousin of Ex-Governor Marshall Pratt of Connecticut. She died February 17, 1838, leaving an only son, our subject. Colonel Bozeman’s father was Meady Bozeman, who died in January 1809, and his mother was Chloe Nelson, who died October 11, 1821.

Marshall was reared on the farm but came to Hawkinsville in 1857. In 1861, he enlisted in Company F, Thirty-first Regiment, Pulaski Volunteers, and was severely wounded at Cold Harbor. He became first lieutenant and was making his way from Mississippi to General Lee in Virginia when he learned of the surrender. He turned sadly homeward and arrived at the old Bozeman home wearing a mismatched suit four sizes too small, and almost famished. During the war he surrendered to the Lord and promised Him that if He would spare his life that he would serve Him. True to his promise, he joined the Methodist Church upon returning home, and no man stood higher for honesty, integrity, and golden rule dealing. He was familiarly known as “Uncle Marsh,” the friend of all.
Marshall married Abbie, a daughter of Capt. Thomas L. Willcox, of Irwin County, in March 1868. Captain Willcox was a prominent and wealthy man, who went to the Legislature several times, and was one of the most popular men in South Georgia. Mrs. Abbie Bozeman died February 3, 1869, leaving an only heir, Abbie, who died in September 1909.

Marshall married Julia, youngest sister of his first wife, November 4, 1869. She was born July 29, 1853. To them were born five children: Franklin, Zenobia, an infant, Sarah Rebecca, and Estelle. The latter two only survive. Rebecca was graduated with honor from the Hawkinsville High School and was preparing herself for a college language teacher at Virginia College when she married Edward Allen Saxon, a young businessman of Hawkinsville, on December 12, 1908. They are the parents of three children. Henry Marshall, their oldest child finished Woodward School in Washington, D. C., and is within three points of graduation from Georgia University. On February 23, 1935, he married Mrs. Susie Fields Dobbins, of Canton, Ga. He is at present government farm supervisor of Bleckley County. Edward Allen, their second son, is a musician. He studied at Peabody Conservatory, Baltimore, Md. On March 5, 1934, he married Leah Langdon, of Oceanside, Long Island, New York. He is in business now in New York. Julia Willcox, their only daughter, finished school in Baltimore, Md. On December 31, 1934, she married Ira Lee Doolittle, and they live in Hawkinsville, where Mr. Doolittle has business interests.

Estelle, the youngest child of our subject, was educated at Georgia State College for Women, University of Georgia, and Columbia University. Upon graduation, she taught in her Alma Mater for two years. She then became director of home economics in the District Agricultural Schools. She was for seven years district supervisor and specialist in government extension work in Georgia and Florida. She was for five years food director for the Young Woman’s Christian Association in Richmond, Va., and Washington, D. C. She operated her own tea-room in New York until the death of her brother, when it became necessary for her to care for her aged mother. At present she is director in a government training school in Atlanta.

Henry Marshall Bozeman died January 26, 1899. His wife, children and grandchildren have followed him in religious belief and have tried to exemplify him. His wife is still living at the old homestead in her eighty-second year, and is truly a saint.



Pulaski County GA,

Baggott, Rev. J. L. Biographies of Pulaski County Georgia. Daughters of American Revolution. 1935.

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