Letter from John Blair to Thomas D. Love

Last Updated on November 26, 2012 by

Letter from John Blair to Thomas D. Love

Washington City, 3rd February, 1829.

Dear Sir:

Yours of the 20th, last month came to hand, to which I hasten to reply. You ask for information respecting the mode to be adopted in taking the next Census; and for my aid in procuring for you that appointment in Carter County. As to the inquiry, I can say the bill has not passed. Many members think it ought not at this term. I believe it should and that old mose of taking it is decidedly best. I am in favor of leaving responsibility and holding on to the person thus responsible. Some think the members of Congress best acquainted in their Districts, and, of course, the proper persons to give those appointments. On that plan you can easily see that there would be no regularity-no head to give the proper instructions, so as to procure uniformity and be responsible for such rules and regulations: hence I say the Marshalls should take the Census, and be responsible for their deputies or agents. The Present Marshall, Calloway, is an Administration man “and goes by the board”, when Jackson comes into Office. Therefore, I do not think it expedient before the passage of the law to send you a recommendation to a man, who must go out before the appointment is to be made.

As to the second request: Allow me to say that any thing I can do for you at the proper time shall be most cheerfully done. I know that many of your friends have been estranged from me in feeling, and stand ready to act coolly toward me, whilst I find you acting the part of a man, and exercising your rights and privileges with honesty and independence, I judge you by yourself. I look to your own conduct for an index to your feelings, and treat you as tho you were surrounded with my friends. I have a long and intimate acquaintance with you; our wives ever, and are endeared to each other by ties or virtuous friendship, and whilst I can contribute to the advancement of yourself, or family, I trust I shall not be found wanting, either in feeling or duty. I shall have the pleasure of meeting you at the Circuit Court in Carter in March next. I will then be able to point out to you the proper course to be taken by you, which will be developed before that term.

General Jackson has not yet arrived, but was at Pittsburgh on Sunday, and will be here on day after tomorrow. I hope for a virtuous and energetic Administration of this Government under the old Chief and above all a lesson to be given of true economy.

I send you one of my speeches *********************ill of Tennessee, which I hope you will recommend and read. If in the meantime you should wish any information on the subject contained in your letter, write me.

Give my most cordial feelings of respect to Mrs. Love, for whom I can give you no higher evidence of my respect than to say, she is the bosom friend of my dear wife; and accept for yourself, my assurances of esteem,

John Blair


Washington City From: John Blair Free.
Feb 5th

Thomas D. Love,
Atto a Law,
Elizabeth, Tennessee.

P.S. on page ___ will be found a letter from Thomas D. Love to John Blair in reply to this letter -F.D. Love

Blair, Love,

Genealogy, Letter,

Partridge, Dennis N. Love Family Genealogy. Web. © 2001.

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