Hunt Officers in the Continental Army

HUNT, ABRAHAM (Mass.): Adjutant of Gerrish’s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; 2nd Lieutenant and Adjutant 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Captain 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned 31st August, 1780.

HUNT, DAVID (N. Y.) : Private 2nd New York, 5th May 1778, to 17th February 1779; Regimental Quartermaster 5th New York, 1st July 1780; retired 1st January 1781. (Died 1819.)

HUNT, EPHRAIM (Mass.): Ensign of Jackson’s Additional Continental Regiment, July, 1777; 2nd Lieutenant, 1st May 1778; regiment designated 16th Massachusetts 23rd July 1780; transferred to 9th Massachusetts, 1st January 1781; 1st Lieutenant; 9th August 1781; transferred to 4th Massachusetts, 12th January 1782, and served to close of war. (Died 16tH October 1805.)

HUNT, JESSE (N. C.): Captain North Carolina Militia, 1778.

HUNT, JONATHAN (Vt.): Lieutenant-Colonel Vermont Militia in 1776 and 1777.

HUNT, JOSEPH (Va.): Hospital Surgeon’s Mate, 28th June 1775, to May, 1776.

HUNT, NATHANIEL (N. J.): Colonel New Jersey Militia in 1776.

HUNT, OLIVER (Mass.): 2nd Lieutenant 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, November 1777, resigned 4th May 1870

HUNT, SAMUEL (N. H.) : Lieutenant-Colonel New Hampshire Militia, 1777-1778.

HUNT, SETH (Mass.): Private in Lexington Alarm, April 1775; Regimental Quartermaster of Fellows Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1.775.

HUNT, STEPHEN (N. J.): Colonel New Jersey Militia, 1776.

HUNT, THOMAS (Mass.): Sergeant in Captain Craft’s Company of Minute Men at Lexington and Concord, April 1775; Ensign in a Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; Ensign and Adjutant 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January 1776; Brigade Major, 20th October 1776; Captain Lieutenant of Jackson’s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st February 1777; Captain, 1st March 1779; wounded at Stony Point, 16th July 1779; regiment designated 16th Massachusetts, 23rd July 1780; transferred to 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781; wounded at Yorktown , 14th October 1781; transferred to 3rd Massachusetts 1st January 1783; retained in Jackson’s Continental Regiment, November 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784; Captain 2nd United States Infantry, 4th March 1791; assigned to 2nd Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792; Major, 18th February, 1793; assigned to 1st United States Infantry, 1st November 1796; Lieutenant-Colonel, 1st Apri 1802; Colonel, 11th April 1803; died 18th August 1808.

HUNT, THOMAS (N. Y.): 2nd Lieutenant 4th New York, 21st November 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 9th November 1777; retired 1st January 1781; served subsequently as Captain New York Levies.

HUNT, THOMAS (Va.): 1st Lieutenant 14th Virginia., 10th March 1777; regiment designated 10th Virginia, 14th prisoner to May 1783.September 1778; Captain, 12th March, 1779; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May 1780, and was a prisoner to May 1783.

CONNECTICUT: Charles, Daniel, Elijah, Ephriam, God, Isaac-2, Joel, John-6, Joseph, Lewis, Medad, Phineas, Richard, Russell-4, Sampson, Sampson R.-2, Samuel, Solomon, Theophilus, Thomas, Walter-2, William2.

DELAWARE: William. GEORGIA: Daniel, Fitzmaurice-4, George, ,James-2, John-2, Lidleton-4, Moses, Turner, William-5, William, Jr.

MARYLAND: Charles-2, Gilbert, Gladden, Jacob-7, James-6, John-2, John Stone-2, Thomas-2.

MASSACHUSETTS: Aaron, Abijah, Abner. Abraham, Adam, Anthony, Asa, Benjamin-5, Benoni, Brimsmead, Caleb-2, Cato, Daniel-2, David, Ebenezer-3, Eber, Edward-5, Elijah-2, Eliphalet, Eliphaz, Elisha, Enoch, Ephraim-12, Ephraim, Jr., Ezekiel-5, Fortune, Frederick, George-2, Gideon, Henry-4, Ichabod, Isaac-2, Isaiah, Israel-2 ,Jacob, James-7, Jared, Jeremiah-7, Job, Joel, John-40, John, Jr. 2, Jonas, Jonathan–8, Jo’s, Joseph-15, Joseph Wheaton, Joshua, Josiah-2, Judah, Laban-2, Lemuel, Levi, Lot, Luke, Luther-2, Matthew-2, Malzar-2. Moses–2, Nathan, Nathaniel-8, Nathaniel, Jr., Nehemiah–l, Noah-2, Obadiah, Obed-3, Obed, Jr., Oliver-2, Paul, Perley, Peter-6, Quincy, Ruben, Richard, Robert-2, Samuel-26, Seth-9, Shadrack, Sherebiah, Silas, Simeon, Simon-3, Simon, Jr., Stephen-2, Stephen D., Stuart, ‘I’haddeus-3, Thomas-11, Timothy-2, Uriah, Will, Willard, William -19, Zachariah.

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Abel-4, Asabel-3, Bartholomew, Caleb-10, Daniel-2, David-19, Enoch-7, Ephraim, Gideon-5, Henry-6, Humphrey-7, Jacob-6, James-2, Jonathan-2, Joseph, Leroy, Levi-3, Moses-18, Nathan-7, Nathaniel, Philip-3, Philip, Jr., Samuel-12, Stephen–1, Thomas-13, Willard-2, William-5, Dr. William, Zaccheus–9, Zachariah, Zebulon-6.

NEW JERSEY: Benjamin, Daniel, Israel, Jacob2. James-2, Jesse, John, John, Jr., John, Sr., John S., Jonathan, Josiah, Mansfield, Oliver, Ralph, Richard, Samuel, Solomon, Thomas, Varnell.

NEW YORK: Aaron, Abel, Alson, Amasa, Arnold, Benjamin-2, Daniel-2, Adjt. David, Mr. David, Jr., David–4, Delaliah, Mr. Eder, Jr.-2, Edward, Eliab, Elven Emery, George, Gibourd, Gilbert-2, Gilbourt, Gilliad, Guilead, Jacob-3 , Jesse-3, John, Jonathan, Joseph, Joshua-2, Jotham, Obiah, Palathia, Philip-2, Prince, Robert, Ruben, Samuel-4, Solomon-2, Lieutenant Stephen, Stephen, Theophilus, Adjt. Thomas, Captain Thomas, Lieutenant Thomas-2, Thomas, Sr.-4, Thomas, Jr., Timothy, Ward, William-2, Zeba.


PENNSYLVANIA: Daniel -13, Elijah-10, George-2, Glover-2, Henry, John-10, Joseph-4, Joshua, Lee, Line-8, Thomas-19, William-5

RHODE ISLAND. Benjamin-10, Daniel-5, David, Francis, George-2, Jeptha-3, Joshua, La wton-4, Moses-4, Pardon, Samuel-3, Seth-4, Wilbur T.

VERMONT: Elnathan–5, Henry-2, Isaac, Jonathan-2. Lemuel, Samuel–4, Seth-2, Thomas, William.

VIRGINIA: Berry-2. Daniel, George, Hardy, Henry-2, James-4, ,John-3, Joseph, Judkins, Julius, Levy, Memucan, Presley, Richard, Samuel–2, Thomas-2, William-3. Total: 816.


Seaver, J. Montgomery. Hunt Family Records. American Historical-Genealogical Society. 1929.

1 thought on “Hunt Officers in the Continental Army”

  1. I am a great, great, great grandson of Jonathan Hunt (6th generation, 1787 – 1832), who was a congressman from Brattleboro, VT. I am looking for documentation to show that direct ancestors served in the Continental Army, so that my daughters qualify for membership in Daughters of the American Revolution.

    If anyone can help me or offer advice, I would appreciate it. My email is


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