Hunt Officers in the Continental Army

Last Updated on March 16, 2013 by

HUNT, ABRAHAM (Mass.): Adjutant of Gerrish’s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; 2nd Lieutenant and Adjutant 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Captain 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned 31st August, 1780.

HUNT, DAVID (N. Y.) : Private 2nd New York, 5th May 1778, to 17th February 1779; Regimental Quartermaster 5th New York, 1st July 1780; retired 1st January 1781. (Died 1819.)

HUNT, EPHRAIM (Mass.): Ensign of Jackson’s Additional Continental Regiment, July, 1777; 2nd Lieutenant, 1st May 1778; regiment designated 16th Massachusetts 23rd July 1780; transferred to 9th Massachusetts, 1st January 1781; 1st Lieutenant; 9th August 1781; transferred to 4th Massachusetts, 12th January 1782, and served to close of war. (Died 16tH October 1805.)

HUNT, JESSE (N. C.): Captain North Carolina Militia, 1778.

HUNT, JONATHAN (Vt.): Lieutenant-Colonel Vermont Militia in 1776 and 1777.

HUNT, JOSEPH (Va.): Hospital Surgeon’s Mate, 28th June 1775, to May, 1776.

HUNT, NATHANIEL (N. J.): Colonel New Jersey Militia in 1776.

HUNT, OLIVER (Mass.): 2nd Lieutenant 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, November 1777, resigned 4th May 1870

HUNT, SAMUEL (N. H.) : Lieutenant-Colonel New Hampshire Militia, 1777-1778.

HUNT, SETH (Mass.): Private in Lexington Alarm, April 1775; Regimental Quartermaster of Fellows Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1.775.

HUNT, STEPHEN (N. J.): Colonel New Jersey Militia, 1776.

HUNT, THOMAS (Mass.): Sergeant in Captain Craft’s Company of Minute Men at Lexington and Concord, April 1775; Ensign in a Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; Ensign and Adjutant 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January 1776; Brigade Major, 20th October 1776; Captain Lieutenant of Jackson’s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st February 1777; Captain, 1st March 1779; wounded at Stony Point, 16th July 1779; regiment designated 16th Massachusetts, 23rd July 1780; transferred to 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781; wounded at Yorktown , 14th October 1781; transferred to 3rd Massachusetts 1st January 1783; retained in Jackson’s Continental Regiment, November 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784; Captain 2nd United States Infantry, 4th March 1791; assigned to 2nd Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792; Major, 18th February, 1793; assigned to 1st United States Infantry, 1st November 1796; Lieutenant-Colonel, 1st Apri 1802; Colonel, 11th April 1803; died 18th August 1808.

HUNT, THOMAS (N. Y.): 2nd Lieutenant 4th New York, 21st November 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 9th November 1777; retired 1st January 1781; served subsequently as Captain New York Levies.

HUNT, THOMAS (Va.): 1st Lieutenant 14th Virginia., 10th March 1777; regiment designated 10th Virginia, 14th prisoner to May 1783.September 1778; Captain, 12th March, 1779; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May 1780, and was a prisoner to May 1783.

CONNECTICUT: Charles, Daniel, Elijah, Ephriam, God, Isaac-2, Joel, John-6, Joseph, Lewis, Medad, Phineas, Richard, Russell-4, Sampson, Sampson R.-2, Samuel, Solomon, Theophilus, Thomas, Walter-2, William2.

DELAWARE: William. GEORGIA: Daniel, Fitzmaurice-4, George, ,James-2, John-2, Lidleton-4, Moses, Turner, William-5, William, Jr.

MARYLAND: Charles-2, Gilbert, Gladden, Jacob-7, James-6, John-2, John Stone-2, Thomas-2.

MASSACHUSETTS: Aaron, Abijah, Abner. Abraham, Adam, Anthony, Asa, Benjamin-5, Benoni, Brimsmead, Caleb-2, Cato, Daniel-2, David, Ebenezer-3, Eber, Edward-5, Elijah-2, Eliphalet, Eliphaz, Elisha, Enoch, Ephraim-12, Ephraim, Jr., Ezekiel-5, Fortune, Frederick, George-2, Gideon, Henry-4, Ichabod, Isaac-2, Isaiah, Israel-2 ,Jacob, James-7, Jared, Jeremiah-7, Job, Joel, John-40, John, Jr. 2, Jonas, Jonathan–8, Jo’s, Joseph-15, Joseph Wheaton, Joshua, Josiah-2, Judah, Laban-2, Lemuel, Levi, Lot, Luke, Luther-2, Matthew-2, Malzar-2. Moses–2, Nathan, Nathaniel-8, Nathaniel, Jr., Nehemiah–l, Noah-2, Obadiah, Obed-3, Obed, Jr., Oliver-2, Paul, Perley, Peter-6, Quincy, Ruben, Richard, Robert-2, Samuel-26, Seth-9, Shadrack, Sherebiah, Silas, Simeon, Simon-3, Simon, Jr., Stephen-2, Stephen D., Stuart, ‘I’haddeus-3, Thomas-11, Timothy-2, Uriah, Will, Willard, William -19, Zachariah.

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Abel-4, Asabel-3, Bartholomew, Caleb-10, Daniel-2, David-19, Enoch-7, Ephraim, Gideon-5, Henry-6, Humphrey-7, Jacob-6, James-2, Jonathan-2, Joseph, Leroy, Levi-3, Moses-18, Nathan-7, Nathaniel, Philip-3, Philip, Jr., Samuel-12, Stephen–1, Thomas-13, Willard-2, William-5, Dr. William, Zaccheus–9, Zachariah, Zebulon-6.

NEW JERSEY: Benjamin, Daniel, Israel, Jacob2. James-2, Jesse, John, John, Jr., John, Sr., John S., Jonathan, Josiah, Mansfield, Oliver, Ralph, Richard, Samuel, Solomon, Thomas, Varnell.

NEW YORK: Aaron, Abel, Alson, Amasa, Arnold, Benjamin-2, Daniel-2, Adjt. David, Mr. David, Jr., David–4, Delaliah, Mr. Eder, Jr.-2, Edward, Eliab, Elven Emery, George, Gibourd, Gilbert-2, Gilbourt, Gilliad, Guilead, Jacob-3 , Jesse-3, John, Jonathan, Joseph, Joshua-2, Jotham, Obiah, Palathia, Philip-2, Prince, Robert, Ruben, Samuel-4, Solomon-2, Lieutenant Stephen, Stephen, Theophilus, Adjt. Thomas, Captain Thomas, Lieutenant Thomas-2, Thomas, Sr.-4, Thomas, Jr., Timothy, Ward, William-2, Zeba.


PENNSYLVANIA: Daniel -13, Elijah-10, George-2, Glover-2, Henry, John-10, Joseph-4, Joshua, Lee, Line-8, Thomas-19, William-5

RHODE ISLAND. Benjamin-10, Daniel-5, David, Francis, George-2, Jeptha-3, Joshua, La wton-4, Moses-4, Pardon, Samuel-3, Seth-4, Wilbur T.

VERMONT: Elnathan–5, Henry-2, Isaac, Jonathan-2. Lemuel, Samuel–4, Seth-2, Thomas, William.

VIRGINIA: Berry-2. Daniel, George, Hardy, Henry-2, James-4, ,John-3, Joseph, Judkins, Julius, Levy, Memucan, Presley, Richard, Samuel–2, Thomas-2, William-3. Total: 816.


Seaver, J. Montgomery. Hunt Family Records. American Historical-Genealogical Society. 1929.

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