Gosse Coat of Arms

Gosse Timber and Adjoining Branches

Last Updated on November 12, 2020 by Dennis

Title:Gosse Timber and Adjoining Branches
Author:Charles Gosse
Publication date: 1973
Digitizing Sponsor: FamilySearch
Contributor:Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1973
Gosse Coat of Arms
Gosse Timber and Adjoining Branches 4

We have been able to trace our Gosse family to Martin and Chariot (Linde) Gosse. No birth records have been found but assume that they were born between 1800-1810. They came to the United States about 1846 from Northern Germany. State of Prussia. The birth place of Charles was listed as Dahmrow. Prussia on his marriage record and William gave his place of birth as Zernikow, Province Brandenberg, Germany. Frankfurt was often listed as birth place of the children. We assume that the family home was near Frankfurt on the Oder River in East Germany.

From Wisconsin in chapter about Sheboygan, Wisconsin we found the following information that helps explain why and how the great numbers of German immigrants arrived in Sheboygan.

When in 1846 it was granted a village charter Sheboygan began its first period of expansion. The pier having been improved in 1845. Captain Powell began building a fleet of lake-going vessels with their home port at the village. Steamships from Chicago and Buffalo visited the port daily during the years 1845-1850 bringing more than 16,000 immigrants. Each load brought permanent settlers to the country, so many that between 1846 and 1850 the population of the county increased from 1,600 to 8,300. Of these newcomers the majority were Germans who had left their homes because of economic difficulties or religious oppression, Sheboygan having been recommended to them by promoter’s pamphlets which were being widely distributed in Germany. Many Lutherans had been driven from Germany for resisting the attempt of the Prussian government to unite the two branches of Protestantism — the Lutheran and the Calvinist Churches. Others had split from Church at home over questions of Church government.

After their arrival in Sheboygan County with their children, Martin and Charlot purchased land in Town Mosel and became farmers. Apparently Chariot died before Martin who died June 9, 1849. From various histories have found that a cholera epidemic, which affected the entire country, hit Wisconsin hard in the summer of 1849. Perhaps this was the cause of the deaths of Martin and Chariot. The heirs of Martin’s estate were August Gosse and Henrietta Gosse the oldest children.

The known children of Martin and Chariot were: August (1829-1902), Henrietta (1831-1911), Charles Gustav (1834-1880), William (1836-1909), Herman (1838-1915), Augusta (1843-1925), Gottlieb Heinrich (1845-1888), and Johann H. (unknown).

There may have been other children. Found that Anna K. E. Gosse was confirmed at St. Mark’s Church in Town Mosel in 1860. The estimated birth date would be 1846. Also found record of death of Ernestine (Bottcher) Gosse (1836-1899) in Clark County, Wisconsin. Her husband is listed as Chris Gosse.

In our research found one other Gosse family in the Midwest. Members of this family are descendants of Bernhard and Caroline (Rumke) Gosse who were farmers in Hanover, Germany. They came to the United States in 1871 and settled in St. Cloud, Minnesota. They were parents of nine children:

  1. Christine Gosse – in 1920 lived in Germany
  2. Theresa Gosse – in 1920 lived in Germany
  3. Joseph Gosse (1850-1915) married Catherine Kennebeck (b. 1863). Lived near Wabasha, Minnesota.
    A. Mary Gosse (b. 1885) m. William Tritchler
    B. Bernhard Gosse (b. 1887) m. Maude Preston
    C. Caroline Gosse (b. 1889) m. George Bruegger
    D. Frank Gosse (b. 1891) m. Lottie Seybold
    E. Anthony Gosse (b. 1893)
    F. Theodore Gosse (b. 1897)
    G. Lizetta Gosse (b. 1899)
    H. Joseph Gosse (b. 1901)
    I. Louis Gosse (b. 1903)
  4. Henry Gosse of Greenfield Township, Wabasha County
  5. Mary Gosse wife of August Schutch – Wabasha County
  6. Josephine Gosse wife of Fred Welter – Crookston, Minn.
  7. Bernhard Gosse (d. before 1920)
  8. Clemens Gosse (in 1920 of Wabasha County)
  9. August Gosse (in 1920 of Wabasha County)

In the old records we have often found Gosse spelled “Gussie”. In times past the person recording the information spelled the names as they sounded. We assume that the early members of the Gosse family pronounced the name “Gussie”. Today many of the families continue to use the “Gussie” pronunciation — the Charles W. Family included.

Table of Contents

  • Martin & Charlot (Linde) Gosse Family page 3
  • August Gosse (1829-1902) 5
  • Henrietta Gosse Schutte Luloff (1831-1911) 10
  • Charles Gustav Gosse (1834-1880) 13
  • William Gosse (1836-1909) 19
  • Herman Gosse (1338-1915) 24
  • Augusta Gosse Luloff (1843-1925) 29
  • Gottlieb Heinrich Gosse (1845-1888) 32
  • Johann H. Gosse 32
  • Charles W. Gosse (1868-1940) 33
  • Schwartz & Thormann families 39
  • Loeb family 43
  • Harting Family 48

Notes About the Book

This book is a typescript later filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah. It is the 9th Item of the microfilm 1026339, and is not searchable. There is no index.


Gosse, Harting, Kennebeck, Linde, Loeb, Luloff, Preston, Schutch, Schwartz, Seybold, Thormann, Tritchler, Welter


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