Houses of the Mdewakanton Tribe

"Dakotah Encampment" - Seth Eastman

When preparing a sketch of the villages and village sites of the Mdewakanton, it is quite natural to begin with a brief description of the site of the village to which Father Hennepin was led captive, during the early spring of the year 1680. On the afternoon of April 11 of that year, while ascending the Mississippi with two companions, he was taken by a war party of the Sioux, and after much anxiety and suffering reached the Falls of St. Anthony, which he so named. Thence, going overland through the endless forests, they arrived at the village of their … Read more

Gosse Timber and Adjoining Branches

Gosse Coat of Arms

This is the genealogy of Martin and Charlot Linde Gosse, who came to America about 1846 from Prussia. They settled in Sheboygan County, Wisconsin and after their arrival with their children, Martin and Charlot purchased land in Town Mosel and became farmers. The known children of Martin and Chariot were: August (1829-1902), Henrietta (1831-1911), Charles Gustav (1834-1880), William (1836-1909), Herman (1838-1915), Augusta (1843-1925), Gottlieb Heinrich (1845-1888), and Johann H. (unknown).

Lorenzo U. Todd of Elba MN

Lorenzo U. Todd7, (Eli6, Solomon5, James4, James3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Nov. 16, 1832, died Feb. 7, 1906, married in Elgin, Minn., March 3, 1859, Nellie, daughter of Hiram and Adassa (Wilson) Preston, of New York, who was born Aug. 31, 1836, she having moved to Minnesota a year or two prior to her marriage. Her older sister accompanied her to Minnesota but later she removed to Walla Walla, Wash. Mrs. Todd died March 14, 1906. “He had a little better educational advantages than his elder brothers (Addison and Dexter J.) having finished his studies at an academy. He engaged in … Read more

Biography of Dr. F. Holmes Smith

Dr. F. Holmes Smith is a comparatively young man, yet he has already passed through a most interesting career, one phase of which was a stirring trip up into the frozen north where he faithfully followed the call of medical duty in Alaska, upon the shores of the Behring Sea, as the company doctor for the North American Commercial Company. Upon his return to civilization he took up the less arduous duties of a practicing physician and surgeon at San Bruno in 1909. Dr. Smith was born at Lake City, Minnesota, on October 29, 1879, and received his college education … Read more