Biography of Lincoln Austin,

This enterprising and representative business man and property owner of Flora is a member of the firm of Clark & Austin, which does a general merchandise business in Flora carrying a complete and well selected stock and gaining a patronage from the adjacent country that betokens a lucrative business. Lincoln was born in Adams County, Illinois, on September 21, 1866, being the son of Moses and Mary L. Austin. Our subject had one brother, Clarence F. of Paradise. On July 25, 1870, his father contracted a second marriage, the lady being Nancy Hester, a native of Missouri and the nuptials … Read more

Biography of Lewis Snyder

LEWIS SNYDER. – How many of the thriftiest and most enterprising of our leading citizens have been born in Germany, and having torn themselves from the ties that bound them to native land and friends, have chosen this land as their abiding place! They are a class of which we may well be proud, and among their numbers we are led to mention the esteemed and substantial citizen, whose name is at the head of this article, who was one of the early pioneers of Union county and wrought here for many years while it was still a wild country, … Read more

Biography of Lewis Neal

Neal who is striving for its advancement and welfare, while he has also shown excellent personal qualities of worth and uprightness, coupled with which are integrity and sound principles. Mr. Neal was born in Indiana on June 26, 1840, being the son of William and Mahala (Parker) Neal, who were numbered with the agriculturists of that state until 1850, when they undertook the monotonous and weary journey across the plains with ox teams, continuing the same until they landed in the Willamette valley. There they took up one section of land under the donation law, but later removed to Monument, … Read more

Biography of Lewis C. Rinehart

It is a pleasant task to scan the career of a successful man and to note the places where he has overcome the obstacles of life’s pathway and where he has made worthy achievements: and for a short time it is our good pleasure to thus contemplate the salient points of the life of the worthy gentleman, whose name initiates this article and who has been and is now one of the substantial and capable men of Wallowa County, having wrought for the development and advancement of the same in a manner that demonstrates both his ability and his integrity, … Read more

Biography of Lewis Berland

One of the stanch and substantial citizens of Wallowa county, who has labored steadily for the up building of the community and the advancement of the interests of the county, the subject of this sketch stands today at the head of one of the leading industries of the section, and is a man in his life and walk such as to commend him to the esteem and confidence of all people of good judgment and sound principles. Mr. Berland has identified himself with his city and county in such manner that he is always found on the side of those … Read more

Biography of Levi Tulley

A man of prominence in Wallowa county, not in that he has been desirous of personal preferment in political times, but prominent in those qualities that make the real substantial and worthy citizen, the subject of this sketch is justly deserving of a generous representation in this history of his county, since he has labored long and faithfully for the building of the county and has gained and retains the esteem and confidence and gratitude of an appreciative and discriminating people. Mr. Levi Tulley was born in Piatt County, Illinois, on March 2, 1840, his parents, Addison and Mary (Bailey) … Read more

Biography of Levi J. Rouse

Among the worthy representatives of honest industry and good government, stands the capable and intelligent gentleman, whose name is at the head of this article, and who has achieved a success in different lines, each of which is sufficient to stamp him as a man of ability and enterprise, while in it all he has maintained an untarnished reputation and displayed both integrity and faithfulness coupled with sound principles and honorable dealing with his fellows. In addition to this, Mr. Rouse has been an active worker in the advancement of the county’s interests in different lines and his efforts are … Read more

Biography of Lemuel L. Hambelton

In the course of the compilation of the history of Union and Wallowa counties we seldom are favored with the privilege of writing the career of a more worthy citizen and stanch and noble man than at the present time, while we attempt to outline the life of the capable and respected gentleman whose name is at the head of this article. Mr. Hambelton is one of the true pioneers of the country: has always labored for the development and advancement of the same: he is a capable and intelligent citizen, displaying loyalty and patriotism in commendable degree: he has … Read more

Biography of Leman Blanchard

LEMAN BLANCHARD. – Old England has contributed many a son to the citizenship of thie country who has done credit to his native land as well as being a bright example of typical manhood in his foster land, and among this worhty number must be mentined the esteemed and intelligent gentleman whose name is at the head of this article and who is numbered among the progressive agricultural population of Union county, his fine and valuable farm lying three miles east from Elgin, where he has a home that is a credit to any country and an abode of comfort … Read more

Biography of Judge Robert Eakin

JUDGE ROBERT EAKIN. – While Union county is so especially favored in having men of energy and talent in the various callings of human industry and learning, there is no profession that is more signally marked by the men of ability within its ranks than the legal, and as a leader among this class stands the gentleman, whose name initiates this paragraph, and who is well and favorably known throughout eastern Oregon. Judge Eakin is a profound student of the literature of his chosen profession, having added by careful and thorough research to a mind well poised for weighing the … Read more

Biography of Joshua A. Downing

A man of ability and executive force, as is manifested in the results of his faithful endeavor, in the industrial world: a pioneer in at least two different counties of our state: a builder of Wallowa County, and a stanch and upright citizen of the same today, the subject of this article is eminently worthy to receive proper representation in this volume that purports both to chronicle the history of Union and Wallowa counties and makes mention as well of the early pioneers, as the leading citizens of today: and it is with pleasure that we accord the same to … Read more

Biography of Joseph Shoemaker

JOSEPH SHOEMAKER, Deceased. – To the substantial and industrious citizen whose name initiates this paragraph we are pleased to grant this review of his life’s career as a memoir to his faithfulness and integrity, while he was employed in the upbuilding and advancement of the interests of his chosen county. He was a man of good ability and possessed of a moral worth which made him one of the highly respected members of society. He was born in Wayne county, Ohio, on March 31, 1834, being the son of John and Susan Shoemaker. The father was a Dunkard preacher and … Read more

Biography of Joseph M. Youncs

JOSEPH M. YOUNCS. – The proverb sayeth: “Time and chance happeneth to all men,” but surely it is to the faithful and enterprising ones who are able to discern these things and to take advantage of the opportunity that fortune puts once in the path of every man, that comes the emoluments of sagacity and thrift and honor from their fellows that is due to proper manifestation of sound principles and real merit of stanch integrity. It is but right to say that to the subject of this sketch belongs the distinction of having so ordered his life that he … Read more

Biography of Joseph Knight

JOSEPH A. KNIGHT. – A capable and enterprising citizen of Union county who has labored for the advancement of the county for many years, displaying both ability and integrity in these efforts as in all his career, the subject of this article is deserving of representation in ths volume, and it is with pleasure that we accord to him such, being assured that he is one of the substantial men of the county. Caswell county, North Carolina, is his native place and September 19, 1838, the date of his birth, his parents being William and Susan R. (Harrison(, natives of … Read more

Biography of Joseph H. Landrus

A leading citizen of Wallowa County and numbered with the most progressive agriculturists of his vicinity, the subject of this sketch is eminently fitted to be granted representation in the annals of his county, since he has been faithful in its development and has also displayed commendable zeal in the advancement of its interests, while also in the days gone by when base strife was tearing the nation asunder he responded quickly to the call of freedom’s banner and fought with courage and valor on the fields of blood until the last enemy was put down. Joseph H. was born … Read more

Biography of Joseph F. Johnson

It now becomes our pleasant privilege to give in brief review the salient points of the life of the prominent and distinguished gentleman whose name initiates this paragraph, and who has been a potent factor in the development of Wallowa County, and also a well known figure in the political realm, both of the state, as well as in promoting and manipulating some measures that are of import to the United States, while his personal qualities of worth and integrity, together with his ability and keen foresight, have rendered him a gratifying measure of success in all of his private … Read more

Biography of Joseph Anson

JOSEPH ANSON. – Across the waters of the Atlantic came the subject of this sketch to make for himself a home and a name in the foster land of his choice. Here he has done nobly in the endeavors of his life, and while he has demonstrated an ability that is commendable in the affairs of business, and uprightness and integrity in all of his ways, he has also shown in an emphatic manner his love for his country, by taking up the weapons of warfare to defend the flag and preserve intact the Union, when the dark days of … Read more

Biography of Joseph A. McWhirter

JOSEPH A. McWHIRTER. – The subject of this sketch is deserving of credit to many lines, having wrought with faithfulness and efficiency in a number of the callings of human industry, but first of all we wish to mention the fact that he is one of the earliest pioneers of this as well as other sections and has done very much for the development of the country and the inauguration of civilization’s rule in the places where he has been domiciled in the west, and it is worthy of note that Mr. McWhirter has ever conducted his life so uprightly … Read more

Biography of Jonas H. Shambaugh

JONAS H. SHAMBAUGH. Deceased, was one of the thrifty stockmen and agriculturists that materially assisted in the subjugation of the wilds of Union county and one, too, who wrought with such excellent skill and wisdom in his effots that unbounded success attended him, while his broad public spirit and capabilities were manifested in his labors for the good of the county and its development, while his unquestioned integrity and uprightness were conducive to great good to his associates in the lofty examples that were characteristic of his personality. In the historic Shenandoah Jonas H. was brought into this life, his … Read more

Biography of John Zurcher

That stanch little republic whose spirit has made her presence felt in all of the countries of Europe, has furnished many enterprising citizens of this country, and among them we wish to mention the esteemed gentleman, whose name initiates this paragraph, and who has demonstrated his loyalty and sterling qualities in that, when the call came for the sons of liberty to defend the flag, he at once left the walks of domestic life and plunged into the carnage of battle, where for the entire term of the Civil war he was foremost and at the post of duty, both … Read more