Biography of Joseph Knight

Last Updated on March 7, 2013 by

JOSEPH A. KNIGHT. – A capable and enterprising citizen of Union county who has labored for the advancement of the county for many years, displaying both ability and integrity in these efforts as in all his career, the subject of this article is deserving of representation in ths volume, and it is with pleasure that we accord to him such, being assured that he is one of the substantial men of the county.

Caswell county, North Carolina, is his native place and September 19, 1838, the date of his birth, his parents being William and Susan R. (Harrison(, natives of North Carolina, the father being a farmer there until 1843, in which year he removed to adair county, Misouri, in that place also being numbered with the agriculturists until the time of his death, which occurred September 19, 1865, the mother passing away in October of the same year. They sleep quietly in Macon county, Missouri. Until the age of majority our subject remained with his parents and then started on the path of independent action in life, going first to Kansas, where for six months he was engaged in farming and then returned to Missouri, remaining there until 1865. In this last year he came overland to the Grande Ronde valley, purchasing a farm of two hundred acres near Summerville from the state and settling down to farming and raising stock. Ten years were spent in this place and then he sold his property and took a homestead at his present place, four miles northeast from Elgin. He has increased his holding of real estate until at the present time he is the proprietor of four hundred and eighty acres. He gives his attention to the dual occupation of tilling the soil and raising stock, and success in unbounded measure has rewarded his thrift and industry. He has a modeern dwelling, tasty and comfortable, besides good barns and outbuildings and his farm is skillfully handled.

In June 1863, Mr. Knight married Priscilla, daughter of Joseph and Mary A. Harris, mention of whom is made in another portion of this work. The nuptials were celebrated in Sullivan county, Missouri, and eight children have been the fruit of the union, Hester, William, Mary, Ida, Viva, Samuel, Flora and Dora. Mr. and Mrs. Knight are valuable members of society and they are esteemed by all, always displaying exemplary lives for the upbuilding and advancement of the best interests of the county and its inhabitants.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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