Biography of Leman Blanchard

Last Updated on April 1, 2012 by

LEMAN BLANCHARD. – Old England has contributed many a son to the citizenship of thie country who has done credit to his native land as well as being a bright example of typical manhood in his foster land, and among this worhty number must be mentined the esteemed and intelligent gentleman whose name is at the head of this article and who is numbered among the progressive agricultural population of Union county, his fine and valuable farm lying three miles east from Elgin, where he has a home that is a credit to any country and an abode of comfort and enlightenment.

It was in Lincolnshire, England, on February 28, 1847, that Leman was born to Steven and Elizabeth (Gunnell) Blanchard, natives also of the same country. Amid the rural scenes of this grand old land our subject spent his childhood days until fifteen years of age, and then stepped from the parental roof to try the boisterous sea of life’s activities for himself. Different employment occupied him for a time and then he gave his attention to farming until May 1, 1880, when he bade farewell to the environments of early life, turned from the land of nativity and sought the shores of Freedom’s abode. Pike county, Illinois, was the destination and there he was numbered with the faithful toilers in the fields for three and one-half years, then went to Wisconsin and there produced the fruits of the field for three and one-half years, then went to Wisconsin and there produced the fruits of the field for three and one-half years more, then set his face to the west, and made the trip to this country, landing here on July 1, 1877, and at once associated himself with Charles Hallgarth for one year. In January, 1878, he bought his present place, three miles east from Elgin and there went to work to make a home for himself and carve a name among the leaders of Union county. He has a fine farm, a modern dwelling, and all the outbuildings that are essential to the carrying on of a good farm and in addition to farming he is raising stock.

On March 4,1891, Mr. Blanchard married Lucie A., daughter of Nimrod and Matilda (Myers) Hallgarth, a native of Switzerland county, Indiana, and born February 26, 1865. Six children ahve come to bless this happy union, Gertrude, Myrtle, Leila, Clarence E., Pearl S. and Clifford.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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