Biography of John W. Murphy

JOHN W. MURPHY. To the active, enterprising and intelligent citizen, esteemed pioneer, and stanch representative of our free institutions, whose name initiates this paragraph, we accord a space in these abiding chronicles of Union county, with pleasure, because he has been a prominent figure in the development of the county’s interests and the advancement of its welfare, since the very first days of its settlement and ahs always stood for the cause of substantial improvement and the exemplification of sound principles in both personal endeavor and in the manipulation of public affairs. Mr. Murphy was born in Franklin, Ohio, on … Read more

Biography of John W. Minnick

JOHN W. MINNICK. – In the person of the subject of this sketch we have one of the leading men of Union county, both in matters of business and of prominence in development and progress of that which is for the interests of all citizens. Forceful, energetic and wide awake, he has made his influence felt not alone in the enterprises of business where he is universally successful, but also in the conventions and newspapers of the county, being recognized as one of the most vigorous and telling local writers of the county, thus casting an influence that is both … Read more

Biography of John Stotts

JOHN STOTTS. – While many have wrought faithfully and well in forwarding the interests of our county and in developing the resources that nature has lavishly bestowed here, there has none, doubtless, been more faithful and enterprising and steady in the prosecution of the industry that his hand found to do than the venerable pioneer, esteemed citizen and genial gentleman whose life’s history we now endeavor to chronicle in brief outline. Mr. Stotts has been well and favorably known here for over one-third of a century and is today beloved and cherished by all who have the pleasure of his … Read more

Biography of John S. Horner

The esteemed gentleman, whose name initiates this paragraph, is one of the substantial and enterprising agriculturists of Wallowa County, having wrought here with commendable zeal and sagacity for its development and material progress since he has been domiciled within its borders, and his faithfulness and ability have well earned for him the high esteem in which he is held among his fellows, and the prestige which he enjoys as well as the leading position in many ways is merited. John S. was born in Illinois on February 11, 1839, being the son of John and Sarah (Seymore) Horner, natives respectively … Read more

Biography of John Root

A venerable citizen of Wallowa County is named at the head of this article, and we are pleased to grant to him a representation in the annals of his county: since here he has manifested commendable real and ability in forwarding its interests and in assisting to build it up in all lines, while also in other places he has displayed equally excellent activities; and also because when the time of trouble was upon the nation, he immediately responded to the call of patriotism to handle the musket in defense of the flag that had been insulted and was in … Read more

Biography of John R. Kellogg

JOHN R. KELLOGG. – No compilation that purports to give representation to the leading men of Union county would be complete were there failure to incorporate therein an epitome of the career of the venerable and esteemed gentleman whose name is at the head of this article and who has the distinction of being among the very first dauntless men who made permanent settlement in this favored section, and who is no less distinguished by his faithful labors in all the long years since that have resulted so well in the development and progress of Union county, as well as … Read more

Biography of John McDonald Jr.

John is a member of the well known firm of McDonald Brothers, whose extensive operations in stock raising and shipping are widely known over the northwest, and who are without doubt the largest firm of their kind in this section of the country, holding an estate of over four thousand acres, besides many hundred of cattle and horses and acting as agents of the United States in the purchase of horses and also in the same capacity for the British government. The firm is composed of the brothers, Hector, Duncan, Peter and our subject. They are at the present time … Read more

Biography of John L. McKinnis

JOHN L. McKINNIS. – This prominent and representative citizen of Union county is one of the leading agriculturists of this section, as well as being one of the most successful business men, having demonstrated his ability in the realms in which he has wrought in such a decided manner that he has placed his name rightly among the distinguished manipulators of industrial affairs in the eastern part of the state, while commensurate with this brilliant display is the stanch character of worth of which he is possessed, and the sterling qualities of moral distinction which characterize his entire walk. John … Read more

Biography of John L. Curtis

JOHN L. CURTIS. – As one of the early and sturdy pioneers who assisted in opening these regions for the occupancy of his fellows that were to follow from the eastern states, and who has wrought with energy and assiduity in their development since, manifesting an ability and wealth of resources that have enabled him to grapple with the different problems that confront the frontiersman, and to overcome in these undertakings the subject of this sketch is deserving of a representation in any work that essays to chronicle the leading and prominent citizens of the county of Union. Mr. Curtis … Read more

Biography of John Johnson

As a general rule, those who came to us from the rich sections of England are the very best who have wrought in the development of this country, and among this number must be mentioned the intelligent, thrifty, and sagacious gentleman, of whom we now have the pleasure of writing, who has made a success in his efforts here, demonstrating an ability that could but win as it has done, while in his career he has maintained an untarnished reputation, displaying honor of a high order and moral qualities of intrinsic worth. Mr. Johnson was born in England, on December … Read more

Biography of John J. Peebler

JOHN J. PEEBLER. – Among the very first settlers of the Grande Ronde valley, if not the first actual one to begin residence here, we mention the esteemed gentleman and worthy pioneer whose name appears above, and who has been identified with the interests of Union county since its organization and with this section before Union county was in existence, laboring ever for the promulgation of sound principles and the inauguration of good government and the material progress and substantial improvement of both his state and county. John J. Peebler was born to Samuel C. and Dorothy Peebler in Jefferson … Read more

Biography of John Howard

JOHN HOWARD. – Certainly one of the earliest pioneers of this favored region and a man who has endured the deprivations and hardships incident to that life, meanwhile laboring for the opening up of the frontier and the establishment of good government, the subject of this sketch has earned for himself a place in the history of Union county that is enviable and prominent, while personally he has ever manifested a good spirit and uprightness coupled with stanch principles and practical judgment in both the efforts put forth to build up the county, and in the prosecution of his own … Read more

Biography of John H. O’Bryant

JOHN H. O’BRYANT. – We esteem it a privilege to be permitted to chronicle for the history of our county a brief review of the substantial and prominent citizen, whose name is at the head of this article, and who has wrought in the pioneer’s life so well and faithfully for the opening of this and adjacent counties and for their development and advancement for over one-third of a century, while his life of constant adherence to right and the principles of truth and uprightness, together with manifestation of sagacity and sound judgment, has placed him in a most enviable … Read more

Biography of John Graham

JOHN GRAHAM. – The well known gentleman, whose name initiates this paragraph is both a reprsentative business man and farmer of Union county, his estate being four and one-half miles east from Elgin, where he has made a comfortable showing, while also he has dealt in real estate in this section and others, manifesting a keen judgment and practical ability that have won success. On May 24, 1853, John Graham was born in Davis county, Iowa, being the son of Jackson and Martha Graham, who were among the brave and devoted band of pioneers that crossed the dreary plains and … Read more

Biography of John Frawley

JOHN FRAWLEY. – It is pleasant to contemplate the faithfulness of the gentleman whose life’s career it is now our privilege to outline in brief review. He has won again and again the encomiums of his fellows in the political field and the substantial appreciation of their approbation in being elected to the responsible position of treasurer of Union county, which position he is holding for the third successive term, having been elected on the Republican ticket. John Frawley was born in Syracuse, New York, on May 29, 1850, being the son of Cornelius and Mary (Halliman) Frawley. He was … Read more

Biography of John Fleming

Hearts that were brave and true and hands that were strong wrought out the development of our beloved county, making here the abodes of civilization from the wilds of nature and the haunts of the savages, and among this worthy number, must be mentioned the subject of this sketch, who, although he was not among the first to break sod here, still so identified himself with the county’s interests and with the worthy men who labored with him that he was really one of the builders of Wallowa county, and it is befitting that we grant him this memorial in … Read more

Biography of John F. Sutherland

JOHN F. SUTHERLAND. – The apable and inteligent gentleman whose name is at the head of this article is granted space for an epitome of his life’s career in this volume since he has long been a resident of this county and has displayed while here commendable integrity, coupled with excellent ability, and has wrought faithfully in all the undertakings that have come to his hand. In Franklin county, Arkansas, on June 20, 1868, John F. was born to James M. and Sarah (Woods) Sutherland. The father served as a scout for the Union army in Arkansas during the war … Read more

Biography of John Dougherty

Like many of the most prosperous and enterprising citizens of the county of Wallowa, the esteemed subject of this sketch came hither from the eastern part of the United States and here has wrought with the accumulated wisdom of years and experience gained both in that section of the country and in this, while he has ever been dominated by a high sense of the responsibilities of the position of the enlightened citizen and supporter of our free institution, being in his personal demeanor upright, capable, thrifty and patriotic. John Dougherty was born in Lawrence County, Indiana, in 1837, to … Read more

Biography of John Dobbin

JOHN DOBBIN. Deceased. – It now becomes our privilege to place in these enduring chronicles of Union county a brief review of the career of the esteemed gentleman whose life was passed largely in this section, and who so lived that he won the respect and confidence of all, and our record would be quite incomplete did there not appear this memorial to this exemplary citizen and worthy man. Native of Ohio, born March 3, 1841, he was removed at the age of three years to Illinois by his parents, William and Mahitable Dobbin, where he grew to budding manhood … Read more

Biography of John C. Standley

A veteran in frontier life and a pioneer of the Pacific coast, having wrought in various places and in the capacities that are familiar to every one who attempts to push into the wilds of nature, the subject of this sketch has made a record that is praiseworthy and he has been crowned with success. Mr. Standley has manifested the characteristics of his personality, vigor, good judgment and keen foresight, coupled with enterprise and thrift, which have made him one of the leading stock men and a large property owner in Wallowa County. John C. Standley was born in Howard … Read more