Biography of S.H. Neville

It is quite consistent with a compendium of the defined providence of the history of Wallowa County that in it should appear the review of the career of the esteemed gentleman whose name appears at the head of this article. He has been one of the builders of northeastern Oregon and in this work has manifested a public spirit and sound principles, while in the prosecution of his own business enterprises he has displayed an ability that has given him an unqualified success so brilliant that he is at the present time one of the most influential men and heaviest … Read more

Biography of Russel Basim

One of the early pioneers of Wallowa County, a man possessed of sound principles and dominated with wisdom and talents of a high order, the subject of this sketch is well fitted for representation in this history of Wallowa and Union counties, since also he has wrought here for the advancement of the county’s interests and has constantly manifested unswerving integrity and moral qualities that have given him the admiration and confidence of all of his fellows, and he is today numbered with the leading agriculturists of the county and is a substantial citizen. Mr. Basim was born in Coshocton … Read more

Biography of Roderick MacKenzie

RODERICK MacKENZIE. – Any compilation that gives mention of the pioneers of Union county would be open to serious criticism were there failure to incorporate an epitome of the sturdy pioneer, leading farmer, and prominent citizen, whose name is at the head of this article, and who has wrought for many years for the advancement of this county and the development of its resources having won here the smiles of fortune by the display of untiring energy, wise management and unswerving integrity, while he is to-day one of the real builders of our county and one of its distinguished citizens. … Read more

Biography of Robert C. Mays

ROBERT C. MAYS. – The well-known and capable business man, whose name appears at the head of this article, is one of the most widely known men of Union, and Wallowa counties, and is at the present time handling a large business as warehouseman at Elgin, where he is numbered among the leading residents of that thriving city, and he has made a record in this section that is both crowned with gratifying success from a financial standpoint, and wherein he has maintained a representation that is untarnished and displayed talents that properly place him among the real leaders in … Read more

Biography of Richard M. Duncan

RICHARD M. DUNCAN. – A representative man of Union county, and an agriculturist who has wrought for the general advancement and interest of the county since his residence here, which dates back to a very early pioneer period, the subject of this sketch is richly deserving a place in this volume that purports to accord a review to the leading men of this section. In Callaway, county, Missouri, Richard M. was born to Frederick and Elizabeth (Gibson) Duncan, on August 25, 1859. In 1864 the parents gathered their substance together and essayed the long journey across the wild plains to … Read more

Biography of Rev. Abraham Eads

REV. ABRAHAM EADS. – It is very fitting that in the history of the county with which we have to do at the present time, their should be incorporated a resume of the career of the beloved and esteemed gentleman, whose name appears at the head of this article, and whose life of usefulness has been so intimately and potently connected with the affairs of the county and the country in general adjacent to our borders until now he has grown venerable in the service and the silver threads remind that the toils, hardships and vigils are nearer done and … Read more

Biography of R. M. South

R.M. SOUTH. – It is quite within the province of the compendium to grant representation to the esteemed gentleman whose name initiates this paragraph, since he is really one of the builders of our county, since he has manifested a personality of uprightness and commensurate ability in all his ways, since also he was one of those brave men who pledged their lives to sustain the honor of the stars and stripes to retrieve from insult its glory, and preserve intact the institution of freedom when the minions of treason and rebellion plied their nefarious trade of destruction to all … Read more

Biography of R. G. Winston

Many of the substantial and thrifty citizens of this western county of Wallowa have come from the east as is the case in many of the other adjacent counties, and here these pioneers have found a home, while they have taken hold of the resources given by nature and have wrought out wealth and the comforts of civilization. Notable among this number is the esteemed and genial citizen whose name is at the head of this paragraph and to whom we are pleased to accord a representation in the history of our county, since he has labored here from the … Read more

Biography of Peter O’Sullivan

We are pleased to accord to the esteemed gentleman of ability whose name heads this paragraph a representation in this volume of our county’s history since he has been very prominent in the affairs of Wallowa county from its incipiency, and its councils have profited much from his keen foresight and excellent wisdom, while as a private citizen he has manifested capabilities that are praiseworthy and commensurate therewith are his unsullied moral qualities and upright principles which have ever been a polar star in guiding him in all his arduous and responsible service in the state as well as in … Read more

Biography of Peter Goyette

PETER GOYETTE.- Energetic and enterprising, the subject of this sketch has passed a life of marked activity in the various places where he has migrated, having been in Union county for one-third of a century in which time he has been one of the most successful of its army of agriculturists and stockmen. Mr. Goyette is possessed of all the fervor of the Gallic nature with its vividness and practical powers of accomplishment, and although not native born, has like so many of that noted race, made a most commendable record for patriotism and stability in stanch support of the … Read more

Biography of Otho Eckersley

OTHO ECKERSLEY. – Among the successful and enterprising agriculturists of Union county there must not be failure to mention the esteemed pioneer whose name is at the head of this article, and who has demonstrated his substantial qualities in this county, gaining here a success that is both gratifying and commendable, while he has also exemplified the virtues of good citizenship and the qualities of a true and upright man. Many of our most thrifty and leading population came from the land with which we are most intimately connected, England, and there was born the subject of this sketch on … Read more

Biography of Orlando T. Prout

It is quite fitting that in a volume purporting to chronicle the lives of the leading citizens of Wallowa county, there should be mention of the esteemed gentleman, named in this article, and who has demonstrated his ability to do the work of the pioneer in a manner that is quite becoming that worthy class; for years also he has shown qualifications for bringing success to his hand in the ventures of agricultural life, displaying, meanwhile, those characteristics of moral worth and integrity that are priceless to the really true and noble man. Mr. Prout was born in Branch County, … Read more

Biography of Newel H. Anson

NEWEL H. ANSON. – Among the younger men of Union county who are rising to take the places that are being vacated by the worthy pioneers who are going one by one to the “bourne whence no traveler returns,” mention must be made of the industrious and vigorous agriculturist and stockman whose name is placed at the head of this article, since he has demonstrated in personal endeavor the qualities of which he is composed to be those of stanch and sturdy grain and of a very high order, while also his moral attributes are quite commensurate with his commendable … Read more

Biography of Neri L. Ackles

NERI L. ACKLES. – A man of broad experience in the business world, gained by practical contact with the different lines of enterprise in the northwest, the subject of this sketch is today one of Union county’s prominent and capable farmers and stockmen, whose ability has wrought for the advancement of the welfare of all, while he has prosecuted with vigor the industries that have come to his hand, gaining the reward of wisely bestowed labor in the land of resources and fertility. In Linn county, Missouri, Neri L. first saw the light and July 30, 1860, was the time … Read more

Biography of Nelson Schoonover

NELSON SCHOONOVER. – It now becomes our pleasant privilege to outline the career of the enterprising and progressive citizen, whose name initiates this paragraph, and who has wrought in Union county for many years, ever being active for its upbuilding and advancement, while his wisdom and energy and ability have served in many instances for the good of his fellows. Mr. Schoonover has been occupied in many different lines of industry, but in them all he has never forgotten its labor for the town and county where his lot was cast, and to-day he stands as one of our most … Read more

Biography of Neil C. McLeod

NEIL C. McLEOD – The legal fraternity of Union county embraces men of ability and talent who have been instrumental in achieving much for the benefit of the county in various ways, and one among this number who has exerted an influence far reaching and favorable toward advancement and progress, is he who is named at the head of this article, and to whom we grant a representation in the volume of his county’s history, both because of his achievements and his standing, having attained these by dint of hard labor since he was a boy, being a self-made man, … Read more

Biography of Moses Lore

MOSES LORE. – It is with especial pleasure that we respond to the invitation to say a few words relative to the career of the estimable gentleman and distinguished pioneer whose name is at the beginning of this article because he is perhaps the oldest resident of Union county, and also because he has been a potent factor in developing not only the resources of this county, but of other frontier regions in his long and eventful life. The whole range of frontier life, as trapping, mining, fighting Indians, beating off robbers, and breaking up the virgin soil, and establishing … Read more

Biography of Lulu May Coverdale

A Short History of the Coverdale Family from 1859 to 1959 by Lulu May (Coverdale) Holmes in 1959. One hundred years ago Zedoc Jackson Coverdale and Rachel Elizabeth Morrison were married in the state of Iowa. He was commonly called “Jack” by everyone except Rachel, to whom he was always “Zed”. Rachel Morrison was born in Monroe, Wisconsin. Her father was a Methodist minister. He died, leaving a young widow, Rebecca Elizabeth, with two small children, Rachel and her brother John James. Both were just old enough to remember how concerned they were when a few days after their father … Read more

Biography of Ludwick Oldenburg

LUDWICK OLDENBURG. – The distinguished orchardist, of whom we now have the privilege of speaking is one of the prominent men of Union county and by his commendable efforts, as well as by his excellent abilities and stanch moral worth, ahs merited the position that he holds, wherein he has demeaned himself with a discretion and wisdom that have commended him to his fellow men, while his most excellent achievements in the line in which he is industrially employed have placed his name among the largest and most capable fruit growers of the entire northwest. In the northern part of … Read more

Biography of Lorenzo Bacon

Who can estimate the labor performed, the hardship endured and the deprivations to those that first opened up this section of the country for their fellows and for the advent of civilization? All praise to men and women who leave pleasant homes in the east, cross the weary plains to settle in the wilds of nature and build homes for themselves. Of this worthy number, especial mention must be made of the distinguished gentleman whose name heads this paragraph, and who was one of the earliest settlers, if not the first settler, on Lost Prairie, in the northern part of … Read more