Biography of Jonas H. Shambaugh

Last Updated on April 1, 2012 by

JONAS H. SHAMBAUGH. Deceased, was one of the thrifty stockmen and agriculturists that materially assisted in the subjugation of the wilds of Union county and one, too, who wrought with such excellent skill and wisdom in his effots that unbounded success attended him, while his broad public spirit and capabilities were manifested in his labors for the good of the county and its development, while his unquestioned integrity and uprightness were conducive to great good to his associates in the lofty examples that were characteristic of his personality.

In the historic Shenandoah Jonas H. was brought into this life, his parents being natives of Virginia, also, and January 13, 1830, the happy day their son was born. At the end of his first decade in this pilgrim way he accompanied his parents to Shelby county, Missouri, and there fortified himself for the conflicts of life by a good education from the public schools. It was in the famous year of 1849 that he started across the plains to the mecca of the west, the gold fields of California, there spending seven years in active effort in the mining industry and also in the prosecution of the grocery business. At the close of that period he returned to Missouri and immediately engaged in operating a hardware store, where for six years he labored with ability and enterprise. Eighteen hundred and sixty-five marks the date when he again turned from the ways of the east and sought the west, crossing the plains with teams, with the intent to settling in the Willamette valley. The fertility and beauty of the Grande Ronde valley attracted his attention and he turned aside from his original purpose to purchase a quarter section of fertile land where his home place is now situated, six miles southeast from Lagrande. He also located a homestead and by purchase increased his holdings to seven hundred acres of good land, being largely used for meadow purposes. He was numbered with the leading stockmen and farmers of Union county, and prosperity and success attended him constantly.

The marriage of Mr. Shambaugh and Miss Lucy E., daughter of William and Mary McDaniel, natives of Virginia, and merchants of that state, was solemnized on January 18, 1860, and tow children have been born, namely: Edgar, living at home: and Mary, who died in 1893. Mr Shambaugh was activley interested in the political welfare of the county and for one term he served as deputy sheriff, which in general progress he manifested a deep interest. During Cleveland’s first administration Mr. Shambaugh was appointed postmaster of Lagrande and although he fulfilled the duties in a becoming manner, nevertheless, his health failed and he was obliged to resign the office. Once he was nominated for sheriff, but did not receive the election. In June, 1900, the angel of death called this good man hence andd he departed to the realities of another world, being sincerely mourned by all. His widow is assuming the burdens added by this sad event in a becoming manner, being a capable and gracious woman beloved by all.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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