Genealogy of the Cherokee Indians

Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

Genealogy of the Cherokee Woodall Family

Last Updated on October 25, 2012 by Instructions on how to interpret this information 11 Ellen Moore. George Caruth Woodall 1112 Charles Woodall. Susannah Watie 2 Annie Jane Woodall. James Duncan OK 3 Elizabeth Woodall. Benjamin Franklin Landrum 4 William Coffee Woodall. Margaret A. Reese and 5  James Tuck Woodall. Elizabeth Perdue 6 Thomas Jefferson

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Genealogy of the Cherokee Wilkerson Family

Last Updated on October 25, 2012 by Instructions on how to interpret this information 11 Coo-ta-ya. Edward Wilkerson and John Wilkerson 1112 Eliza Wilkerson. Jesse Bushyhead ________ 2 Aaron Wilkerson 3 Richard Wilkerson* 4 James Wilkerson* 5 George Wilkerson.  Susan Poorbear 6 John Wilkerson. Annie Woods 151 John Wilkerson. Rebecca Oglesby 2 Riley Wilkerson* 3

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Genealogy of the Cherokee Ward Family

The Cherokee Ward family holds a significant place in the history of the Cherokee Nation, marked by the valor and leadership of Na-Ni Ward (Nancy Ward). Nancy, a full-blood Cherokee of the Wolf clan, first gained prominence when her husband, Kingfisher of the Deer clan, was killed in a battle with the Muskogees. Demonstrating remarkable courage, Nancy continued to fight in the battle, leading to the Muskogee’s defeat and earning her the esteemed title of Ghi-ga-u, or Beloved Woman, a position that granted her exceptional influence within the tribe. Her second marriage to Bryan Ward, a white trader, further intertwined her lineage with the Ward family, establishing a notable Cherokee ancestry. Nancy’s actions during the Revolutionary War, including her timely warnings to settlers and her efforts to aid the patriots, cemented her legacy as a pivotal figure in Cherokee and American history.

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Genealogy of the Cherokee Timpson Family

Last Updated on October 25, 2012 by Instructions on how to interpret this information 11 Benjamin Timpson. Sarah 1112 Jennie Timpson. Jacob Harnage 2 Benjamin Timpson. Lucy Smith and Harriette Mingus 3 Mary Ann Timpson* 4 John Timpson 111213 Nellie Harnage. John Ragsdale 2 Elizabeth Harnage. Robert Rogers 3 Ezekial Harnage. Jennie Skit 4 Jacob

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Genealogy of the Cherokee Thompson Family

Last Updated on October 25, 2012 by Instructions on how to interpret this information 11 ________,  _______Thompson 1112 Jack Thompson. Jennie Vann, Nana and Elizabeth Merrell 2 Laugh at mush 3 Ne-coo-ie 111218 William Thompson. Nannie Merrell and Elizabeth Fields ________ 2 Alexander Thompson. Elizabeth Tipton 3 Sallie Thompson. Samuel Mackey 4 Charles Thompson* 5

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Genealogy of the Cherokee Springston Family

Last Updated on October 25, 2012 by Instructions on how to interpret this information 11 Nancy.   William Springston 1112 Ruth Springston. John Foreman and George Wilson 111213 Johnson Foreman. Elizabeth B. Mann 2 William Wilson. Malinda Chisholm nee Wharton, Mary Thornton nee Sanders and Eliza Hyles nee OK 3 Mary Wilson. James Audrain 4 Elizabeth

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Genealogy of the Cherokee Sequoyah Family

Last Updated on October 21, 2012 by Instructions on how to interpret this information Sequoyah 11 Sequoyah. Sallie and U-ti-yu 1112 Teesey Guess. U-ti-yu and Rebecca Bowles A29 2 George Guess* OK 3 Polly Guess. Flying and Thomas Brewer 4 Richard Guess* _______ 5 E-ya-gu Guess. George Starr 6 Ooo-loo-tsa Guess* 7 Gu-u-ne-ki Guess. Sixkiller

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Genealogy of the Cherokee Seabolt Family

Last Updated on October 25, 2012 by Instructions on how to interpret this information 11 Henry Seabolt. Celia Timberlake and 1112 John Seabolt. Jennie Benge 2 Thomas Seabolt.   Hicks 3 Catherine Seabolt. John Chambers 4 Nannie Seabolt*  A-li-cha 5 Susie Seabolt. Ned Fields 6 Joseph Seabolt. Nannie Campbell nee Hair _______ 7 King Seabolt. Betsey

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Genealogy of the Cherokee Sanders Family

Last Updated on October 22, 2012 by Instructions on how to interpret this information 2 Eli Sanders. Elmira Eldridge, Catherine Dilingham nee Clyne and Lucy Thornton nee Crittenden 11 Susannah. Mitchell Sanders A34 1112 George Sanders. Jennie Pritchett 2 Alexander Sanders. Peggy Sonicooie A35 OK 3 John Sanders. Dorcas Smith 4 Andrew Sanders. Mary Brewster

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Genealogy of the Cherokee Ross Family

Last Updated on October 22, 2012 by Instructions on how to interpret this information 11 Ghi-goo-ie. William Shorey                                         |A50 1112 Annie Shorey. John McDonald 2 Elizabeth Shorey. John Lowrey 111213 Mary McDonald. Daniel Ross                                     |A51 112213 Elizabeth Lowrey. William Shorey Pack 11121314 Jennie Ross. Joseph Goody 2 Elizabeth Ross. John Golden Ross OK 3  John

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Genealogy of the Cherokee Riley Family

Last Updated on October 22, 2012 by Instructions on how to interpret this information 11 Samuel Riley. Gu-lu-sti-yu and Ni-go-di-ge-yu        |A55 1112 Nannie Riley. John McNary 2 Richard Riley. Diana Campbell 3 Mary Riley. Samuel Keys 4 Elizabeth Riley. Isaac Keys 5 John Riley. Susan Walker 6 Nellie Riley. Charles Coody 7 Sallie Riley. William

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Genealogy of the Cherokee Ridge-Watie Families

Last Updated on October 22, 2012 by Instructions on how to interpret this information 11 Oganstota 111 Major Ridge. Susie Wickett A37 2 Oowatee. Susannah Reese A37 111213 John Ridge. Sarah Bird Northrup 2 Sarah Ridge. George Washington Paschal OK 3 Walter Ridge* Elizabeth 112213 Nannie Watie. John Foster Wheeler 2 Stand Watie. Elizabeth Fields,

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Genealogy of the Cherokee Reese Family

Last Updated on October 25, 2012 by Instructions on how to interpret this information 11 Nancy. Charles Reese and Alexander McPherson 1112 Susannah Reese. Oo-wa-tie. A37 2 Charles Reese. Nellie McCoy ________ 3 John McPherson. Susie McCoy 4 Andrew McPhersan 5 Alexander McPherson A37. Major Ridge and Oo-wa-tie, or The Ancient, were full blood Cherokees

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Genealogy of the Cherokee Oolootsa Family

Last Updated on October 21, 2012 by Instructions on how to interpret this information 11 Oo-loo-tsa, of the Holly clan 1211 Ghi-go-ne-li 111213 Nannie. George Lowrey 2 Ghi-go-ne-li 1121314 John Lowrey. Elizabeth Shorey and Ga-ne-lu-gi McLemore 2 George Lowrey. Lucy Benge A31 OK 3 Jennie Lowrey. Tah-lon-tee-skee A32 4 Elizabeth Lowrey. Joseph Sevier and 5

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