Genealogy of the Cherokee Riley Family

Last Updated on October 22, 2012 by

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11Samuel Riley. Gu-lu-sti-yu and Ni-go-di-ge-yu        |A55
1112Nannie Riley. John McNary
2Richard Riley. Diana Campbell
3Mary Riley. Samuel Keys
4Elizabeth Riley. Isaac Keys
5John Riley. Susan Walker
6Nellie Riley. Charles Coody
7Sallie Riley. William Keys
8Lucy Riley. Owen Brady
9Louisa Riley. Dennis Biggs
10Loony Riley. Rachel Stuart
11Rachel Riley. Daniel Milton and James McDaniel
12James Riley. Jennie Shields and
13Catherine Riley. Andrew Lacey
14Martha Riley. John Hall
15Madison Riley*
16Nelson Riley. Elizabeth Thompson and Mary Cordell nee
111213Margaret McNary. James Thompson
112213Jennie Riley. David Carter                                       |A45
OK2Elizabeth Riley. Wright Romine and Jacob Bushyhead
113213Anariah Keys. Benjamin Price
2Richard Keys. Mary A. Hayes
OK5Evaline Keys. Theodore McCoy
4Samuel Riley Keys. Mary Easter Hanna
5James Madison Keys. Mary Etta Smith
6Mary Keys. Stephen Bruner
114213Nannie Keys. Thomas Bertholf
2Riley Keys. Eliza Gunter, Esther Lee and Minerva Nave
3Leroy Keys. Jennie Gunter and Nannie Melton
4Letitia Keys. Edward Gunter and Jackson Tyner
5Lydia Keys* John King


6George Washington Keys*


7Thomas Jefferson Keys*

A55. Samuel Riley, a White man, married Gu-lu-sti-yu and Ni-go-di-geyu. They were sisters and belonged to the Long Hair clan.

A45. David Carter born in 1807. Married Jennie Riley, born in 1817. He was elected Judge of Tahlequah District in 1 841. Elected Senator from the same district in 1842. He was a Justice of the Supreme Court and also Superintendent of Education from 1836 to 1845. Resigned these to become Editor of the Cherokee Advocate, was Chief Justice of the Cherokee Nation from 1851 to 1854 and was later a Justice of the Supreme Court. He died on February 1, 1867 and his wife died on March 1, 1867.


Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

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