This is the known genealogy of the Smith Family of the Cherokee tribe.
Instructions on how to interpret this information
11 | ______Smith | |
1112 | Cabin Smith | |
2 | McCoy Smith* | |
111213 | Hominy Simth. Aky Fields and Peggy | |
2 | Oo-du-ski Smith. Tiger | |
3 | Tiania Smith. Scraper | |
4 | Go-li-si Smith. Turtle | |
5 | Gu-er-tsa Smith. SixkilIer | |
6 | Archilla Smith. Agnes Fields | |
11121814 | Ta-cha-gi-si Smith* | |
11122314 | Ta-chi-chi Tiger | |
2 | Redbird Tiger | |
3 | Messenger Tiger. Celia Love | |
4 | Pelican Tiger | |
5 | Mark Tiger Mary Thompson and Stidham nee Trott | |
6 | Ti-ca-no-hi-la Tiger | |
7 | Dirtthower Tiger | |
8 | Ka-hi-ta Tiger | |
9 | Wa-li-a Tiger | |
10 | Lucretia Tiger. Tony R. Gourd | |
11123314 | George W. Scraper. Louisa McIntosh | |
2 | Archibald Scraper. Malinda McIntosh | |
3 | Charles Scraper | |
4 | Otter Scraper | |
5 | Sallie Scraper. Watie Cummings | |
11125314 | Cricket Sixkiller. Deborah Whaley and Elizabeth Foreman | |
2 | Redbird Sixkiller. Pamelia Whaley, Nannie Foster nee Foreman and Elizabeth Proctor nee Foreman* | |
3 | Tail Sixkiller. Alie Keath | |
4 | Soldier Sixkiller. Katie | |
5 | Frog Sixkiller | |
6 | Delaware Sixkiller. Jennie Walker | |
7 | Blackhaw Sixkiller | |
8 | Susan Sixkiiler* Yellowhammer | |
9 | Peacheater Sixkiller. Sallie Foreman nee Rattlinggourd | |
10 | Lucinda Sixkiller. Samuel Cloud | |
11126314 | John Smith* Margaret Hendricks | |
2 | Rachel Smith. John Rider | |
3 | Charles Smith* | |
4 | Elizabeth Smith. John McFerran Fields, Thomas Adkins and, George Drum | |
5 | Samuel Houston Smith* | |
6 | Eliza Smith. David Grayson, Jackson Cozens and Francis Marion Seabolt | |