Genealogy of the Cherokee Smith Family

Last Updated on May 30, 2024 by Dennis

This is the known genealogy of the Smith Family of the Cherokee tribe.

Instructions on how to interpret this information

 1112Cabin Smith
 2McCoy Smith*
 111213Hominy Simth. Aky Fields and Peggy
 2Oo-du-ski Smith. Tiger
 3Tiania Smith. Scraper
 4Go-li-si Smith. Turtle
 5Gu-er-tsa Smith.  SixkilIer
 6Archilla Smith. Agnes Fields
 11121814Ta-cha-gi-si Smith*
 11122314Ta-chi-chi Tiger
 2Redbird Tiger
 3Messenger Tiger. Celia Love
 4Pelican Tiger
 5Mark Tiger  Mary Thompson and Stidham nee Trott
 6Ti-ca-no-hi-la Tiger
 7Dirtthower Tiger
 8Ka-hi-ta Tiger
 9Wa-li-a Tiger
 10Lucretia Tiger. Tony R. Gourd
 11123314George W. Scraper. Louisa McIntosh
 2Archibald Scraper. Malinda McIntosh
 3Charles Scraper
 4Otter Scraper
 5Sallie Scraper. Watie Cummings
 11125314Cricket Sixkiller. Deborah Whaley and Elizabeth Foreman
 2Redbird Sixkiller. Pamelia Whaley, Nannie Foster nee Foreman and Elizabeth Proctor nee Foreman*
 3Tail Sixkiller. Alie Keath
 4Soldier Sixkiller. Katie
 5Frog Sixkiller
 6Delaware Sixkiller. Jennie Walker
 7Blackhaw Sixkiller
 8Susan Sixkiiler* Yellowhammer
 9Peacheater Sixkiller. Sallie Foreman nee Rattlinggourd
 10Lucinda Sixkiller. Samuel Cloud
 11126314John Smith* Margaret Hendricks
 2Rachel Smith. John Rider
 3Charles Smith*
 4Elizabeth Smith. John McFerran Fields, Thomas Adkins and, George Drum
 5Samuel Houston Smith*
 6Eliza Smith. David Grayson, Jackson Cozens and Francis Marion Seabolt


Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

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