Biography of S. A. Heilner

 When we see a gentleman who is successful in his business, we know that his prosperity is not the result of chance, but rather that he has worked hard and long, and that he possesses a spirit which does not succumb to trifling discouragements. When one attains this proud distinction of being known as a solid man, his word is considered its good as his bond, and his reputation must necessarily be unblemished. Mr. Heilner is one of our citizens who, without aid or guidance, has followed the true instincts of his own progressive nature and today takes his place in the ranks of the very foremost. Born in Germany in 1837, he came to the United States in 1852, and to the southern part of this state in 1854, where he followed quartz mining and merchandising. While residing there he went through the Rogue River Indian war of ’55 and ’56 and was a member of Oregon’s sanitary commission in the civil war. In 1872 he moved to Eastern Oregon, locating at Sparta, where he operated a merchandise establishment until 1874, whet he moved to Baker City, and has since been engaged in the the merchandise or warehouse business. In the manner of improving his property he has proven his faith in the future of our town, his main store, of which we present a view, being an elegant three story brick 50×100. In this he carries an unusually heavy stock of groceries and queensware, in which lines he does an extensive business, both wholesale and retail. He is also erecting a fireproof stone warehouse 52×100 on First street to accommodate his increasing storage business, as he handles wool, grain, hides. &v., buying direct on commission, and does, forwarding and storage for interior points.
Mr. Heilner is at charter member of Baker City Lodge No. 47, A. F. and A. M. and also a member of Keystone Chapter No. 15. R. A. . In 1874 he married Miss Clara Neuberger of Portland, and they have four children, two of his sons Jesse and Sanford, being associated with him in business, the other, Joseph, being a law partner of Wm. Smith.


History Photo, Mining,

Baker County OR,

Eastern Oregon Gold Fields.

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