Gold Star Gold Mining & Milling Co.

On the east slope of the Blue Mountains, about thirty-six miles west of Baker City, in Baker County, and twelve miles from Sumpter, the present terminus of the Sumpter Valley Railway, lies the property of the above named company. It consists of six claims, six hundred by fifteen hundred feet, as follows:
The California, Winning Band, Daisy, Silver Creek, Hornet, and Coal Pit. On the former a great deal of work has been done, six tunnels laving been driven, No. 1 being 100 feet long, No. 2 125 feet, No. 3, 75 feet, No. 4, 200 feet, No. 5, 268 feet. No. 6, 408 feet. The formation of the vein is of a porphyretic nature. The filling or vein matter is quartz carrying sulphurets of iron. It is from four to five feet wide, showing an average of from eighteen to twenty-four inches pay streak, and widens and grows richer as depth is obtained. There has been a number of improvements built on the property, including it modern ten stamp mill, with ore breakers and wilefly tables, boarding houses, office building, electric plant, and lately a slum house, 40×60. They have also lately added four Johnson concentrators. This property, in the opinion of mining men of this section, will prove to be one of our greatest producers, and will lend its influence to prove that the gold mines of Eastern Oregon are among the country’s best investments. W. J. Connors is the efficient superintendent of these properties.

Baker County OR,

Eastern Oregon Gold Fields.

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