Biography of John W. Wisdom

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by

One of our most representative and best patronized drug houses is that of John R. Wisdom, which was established in 1867. The stock carried is a very large one embracing everything in the into of pure, fresh drugs, chemicals, patent medicines, druggist sundries, perfumes, toilet articles, etc., physicians prescriptions and family receipts are most carefully and accurately compounded. The proprietor today enjoys the distinction of being the pioneer merchant of the city. He is a native of Missouri, came to this county in 1862, and on his return from the Boise mines a year later, followed teaming until 1867, when he established the first drug store located here. In 1873, he established the celebrated Point Breeze stock farm, located four miles north of the city on the Powder River, comprised of 367 acres of elegant hay and grain land, with a good mile track on it. In 1880 he visited the Blue grass region of Kentucky, and bought the famous Challenger 1064, and a number of high bred mares from Garrett Powell and Col. R. P. Pepper, two of the large breeders of that state. Challenger’s breeding was of the most fashionable sort. Got by Almont, acknowledged to be the greatest trotting sire of Kentucky out of Belle by Alexander’s Norman, sire of Lula, who trotted in 2:15, he has got such record-makers as Challenger Chief, 2.15; Procrastination, 2:29 and many others. He has at present in the stud at Point Breeze a full brother of each of the above who have the beauty and grace of proportion for which Challenger was so noted. Mr. Wisdom has at times taken an active interest in politics representing this, county as state senator in 1874 and 1876. He is at present city treasurer, a position he has filled since December 1893.


Biography, Mining,

Baker County OR,

Eastern Oregon Gold Fields.

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