Biography of Albert Wolters

Among the prominent residents of Hailey is Albert Wolters, who was born in Germany, May 19, 1841, his parents being Carl and Augusta (Petri) Wolters, who also were natives of the same country, where the father served as a mining official. Our subject acquired his education in Germany, and was graduated in the Mining Academy at Clausthal, in the class of 1862. He then studied chemistry at the University at Gottingen, and in 1866 came to the United States, landing in New York.

He remained in the eastern metropolis only a short time, and then went to Colorado, and after building the first Gerstenhofer roasting furnace for James E. Lyon & Company established an assay office in Central City. He moved to Georgetown January 20, 1868, where, in partnership with L. Hupiden, he ran the first silver mill ever constructed at Georgetown, Colorado, and thus occupied his time until 1869, when he assumed charge of the Baker Silver Mining Company’s mill and mine until the works were destroyed by fire. He next received from President Grant the appointment of superintendent of the United States assay office in Boise, and he acceptably filled that position until July 1, 1883, when he came to Wood River and purchased an interest in the Star mine, which he operated from 1880 until 1884, within which time the mine produced one hundred and twenty thousand dollars in silver, the silver selling at from one dollar and twelve to one dollar and fifteen cents an ounce. He sold his interest in 1884, and in 1889, in connection with two others, leased the Star mine for three years. Two years of that time were spent in development work, and in the last ten months before the expiration of the lease they took out seventy thousand dollars. Mr. Wolters now has extensive and valuable mining interests, including the Washington, a group of mines at the head of West Boulder; the Senate mine, east of Bellevue; and the Big Iron mine on the East fork, the iron ore being used for fluxing. He is now half owner of the Fair Play mine and of the Hey, adjoining the Star mine, and is now engaged in developing and operating the former. He is also conducting an assay office.

In 1867 Mr. Wolters married Miss Amelia Otto, a native of Germany, and they have three daughters: Marie, now the wife of John Cramer, a resident of Hailey; Lucy, wife of Richard M. Angel, County attorney for Blaine County; and Ella, who is now studying music in Valparaiso. Indiana. Socially Mr. Wolters is connected with Boise Lodge, No. 2, F. & A. M., and is also a member of Boise Chapter, No. 3, R. A. M. In the former he has served as master, and in the latter as king. He gave his political support to the Republican party until 1892, when he withdrew on account of the different views which he held concerning the money question. He then joined the ranks of the Populist Party, and on that ticket was elected to the state legislature in 1894. He was an active and influential member of that body and was prominent in the introduction and passage of the Blaine County bill, which created the County of Blaine. This was a measure of vital importance to the people of this locality, and though it met with much opposition, after a six weeks’ contest it was passed. From 186S until 1879 Mr. Wolters held the office of deputy United States commissioner of mining statistics, and during that time made extensive annual re-ports on the mining resources of Colorado and Idaho.

In Hailey Mr. Wolters and his family own a nice home, and the members of the household occupy enviable positions in social circles. Our subject has led an active and useful life, and his well directed efforts have brought to him a handsome competence. He enjoys the high esteem of all who have the honor of his acquaintance, and he is widely known throughout Idaho.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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