Biographical Sketch of Gustav A. Loeffelbein

Loeffelbein, Gustav A.; florist; born, Germany, Jan. 3, 1845; son of August and Augusta Kewinski Loeffelbein; educated in the Government schools of Germany; married, Germany, March 6, 1870, Fransika Liebensiki; issue, six children, but one, a son; living; landscape gardener, Townsend & Fleming, Buffalo, 1857; started with Carl Smith, with him till 1860, twelve years with Linthope Tenny; came to Cleveland, and went to work for Martinetz; then for Theo. Shear; started business in Glenville, then in E. 49th St.; present location since 1886; designer and decorator; member Presbyterian Church; member Florist, Lasalle, Union.

Biography of Richard M. Kleinhans

Richard M. Kleinhans is a veteran railroad man, having been in the active service more than twenty years. He started in his native State of Michigan, worked through various grades of promotion with the Lake Shore Branch of the New York Central lines, and finally came to the Southwest in the employ of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas. He is now car accountant for that road with headquarters at Parsons. Born in Detroit, Michigan, September 8, 1877, he is a son of George and Cecelia (Hunt) Kleinhans. His father was born in Pennsylvania in 1813, moved from that state to … Read more

Conrad, Eda Frances, Mrs. – Obituary

Joseph, Oregon Mrs. Eda Frances Conrad, of Joseph, passed away Monday, May 9, 1966 at the Wallowa Memorial hospital. She had been a hospital patient for the past three months and had been in failing health for two years. She was born in Germany on June 13, 1876, daughter of Rudolph and Bertha Bork, and came to Wallowa County 75 years ago. On May 18, 1894, she was married at Flora to William Robert Conrad who passed away May 27, 1930. She was a member of the Methodist Church and of Silver Lake Rebekah Lodge 121. Survivors include three sons, … Read more

Biography of Peter J. Broll

Peter J. Broll. Of the successful business men of Kansas City, Kansas, perhaps none began life with fewer opportunities and under more unpromising circumstances than Peter J. Broll. The education which most boys secure while living in comfortable homes and attending schools with nothing else to divert their minds was denied him and he obtained his education largely by direct contact with the world and those processes of intelligent thought which are quickened by a live mind and a fundamental interest in the life about him. A humble clerkship was his first opportunity of experience, and gradually, being of a … Read more

Biography of Harry E. Coulter

Harry E. Coulter. One of the old and reliable business establishments of Chanute which has enjoyed a steadily increasing patronage ever since the time of its inception is the Coulter Transfer and Storage Company, in which two generations of a family have been interested. Founded by the father, the policy, of the business under his direction was based upon strict honesty and honorable principles, and this same course has been followed by the son. The present owner of the business is Harry E. Coulter, a man of broad and diversified experience in business, and a citizen who has contributed through … Read more

Biography of Oliver Wilson Fail

Oliver Wilson Fail. One of the most popular citizens of Cherokee County is O. W. Fail, recently clerk of the District Court at Columbus, and now engaged in the real estate business at Baxter Springs. Mr. Fail had had a varied and active career. He had been a hard worker, had associated with men who work with their hands as well as with their brains, and he long held a card of active membership in the ranks of that army connected with the operation of street and interurban electric lines. In all the relationships of his life he had shown … Read more

Biography of Capt. Henry Roeder

CAPT. HENRY ROEDER. – In this veteran of the early times, as well as of the war of 1856, we have a representative of the men who first opened business on the Sound. As such he merits somewhat extended notice. He was born in Germany on July 4, 1824, his parents being John and Martha Roeder. He is connected by family ties with the great European events of the early part of the century, his father having been a soldier under Napoleon, and having fought in the battle of Waterloo. Not wishing to bear arms for Louis, nor rear his … Read more

Biography of Frederik Gustave Bardenheier, M. D.

Dr. Frederik Gustave Adolph Bardenheier, who is well known in professional circles as a specialist in the treatment of diseases Of the ear, nose and throat, was born in St. Louis, April 13, 1881, and he has chosen to make the city of his nativity the scene of his professional labors and successes. His father, Philipp Bardenheier, came to the United States in the early ’50s and won success along commercial line. The mother, Mrs. Helen Bardenheier, arrived in this country from the Rhine region of Germany some time after her future husband crossed the Atlantic. Dr. Bardenheier was educated … Read more

Biography of August Renz

August Renz, of Leavenworth, is a rather remarkable man. He is now eighty-three years of age, and while his material means would justify such a course, he refuses to be considered in the retired class. He is still working every day, and goes about with erect form and with a decision of purpose such as many younger men might envy. He had put in fifty-eight years of business activity at Leavenworth. So far as can be ascertained he is the oldest active business man of the city in point of continuous service. Mr. Renz is a native of Wuertemberg, Germany, … Read more

Biography of Max Daniel Rosenfield

Max D. Rosenfield is a familiar name in business circles throughout Rock Island, Moline and Davenport as well. He was born in Muhringen, Wurttemberg, Germany, April 4, 1867, his parents being Daniel and Marie Rosenfield. He at-tended the public schools of his native town, He came to America at an early age, and later located in Chicago, where he resided from 1883 to 1901, when he removed to Moline. A branch of the Chicago Brewing Company had been established in Rock Island in 1894, Sam Pells being the first manager. In 1889 this Brewing Company became a part of the … Read more

Biography of William J. Krehbiel

William J. Krehbiel is editor and owner of The McPherson Daily and Weekly Republican, the pioneer newspaper of McPherson County. It was established as a weekly issue in 1872, the year that McPherson City was founded. In 1885 it took on a daily issue, and Mr. Krehbiel had been its proprietor and manager for the past twenty years. Mr. Krehbiel had been a resident of Kansas since he was nine years of age, and was born at Denmark, Iowa, December 11, 1870. His parents were John J. and Anna (Leisy) Krehbiel. John J. Krehbiel was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, … Read more

Biography of George E. Weaver

George E. Weaver. One of the most important offices in a municipality is that of city engineer. The permanence, the efficiency, the economy of operation of practically every public improvement and public convenience depends upon the skill exercised by the engineer in planning and supervising the construction of such improvements. That had been the work of George E. Weaver at Independence, who is now serving his second term as city engineer. In the past three years the city had undertaken an exceptionally heavy amount of paving, sewer construction and other forms of improvement, and the citizens give Mr. Weaver great … Read more

Biography of Joel H. Rickel

Joel H. Rickel. Among the citizens of Chanute, one who had had a most interesting career is Joel H. Rickel, a resident of this city since 1896, and now the owner of a carriage and repair shop and the owner of a valuable farm. Mr. Rickel is a veteran of the Civil war, and had been a prominent figure in Grand Army circles, being a past commander of several posts in Kansas and a past department commander of the State of Kansas. He was born in Ashland County, Ohio, December 8, 1844, and is a son of John S. and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac King

Isaac King, of Germany, settled in Wythe County, Va., and married Barbara Stroup (late Mrs. Fipps, of Montgomery County, Mo.), by whom he had one son, John P. The latter settled in Montgomery County in 1835, and married Susan Stephenson; a granddaughter of James Heller, of revolutionary fame, and who was at the battle of Bunker Hill.

Biographical Sketch of C. A. Schmitt

Schmitt, C. A.; florist; born in Germany, May 16, 1871; son of A. and Salome Mueller Schmitt; educated, Glenville public schools; with Stoors & Harrison Co., Painesville, O., 1888, to 1890; worked for Edwin Lonsdale, in Philadelphia, from 1896 to 1902; member the lodge of Moose, and Florist Club. Favorite recreation; Motoring.

Biographical Sketch of Leonard Scalather

Scalather, Leonard; retired; born in Germany; came to the United States in 1853, locating in Cleveland, and engaged in the brewery business; in 1857, started in for himself, and continued until 1902, when he sold out to the Cleveland-Sandusky Brewing Co.; director Peoples Savings Bank and the Union National Bank; Trustee Society Savings.

Biographical Sketch of Frederick H. Moritz

Moritz, Frederick H.; florist; born, Germany, April 5, 1854; son of Lewis and Louise Young Moritz; educated, Painesville public schools; married, Cleveland, May 19, 1879, Miss M. E. Kelliher; 1862, began in florist trade until 1866, was with Loomis & Brainard, as foreman, until 1869; came to Cleveland, and was employed by Harris Jaynes, as florist, until 1884; then worked for David Charlesworth, until 1887; then went as private gardener for Mrs. Henry Chisholm, until 1893; with Henry Blossom, until 1896; in 1901, opened greenhouse for himself on Carnegie Ave.; pres. and treas. of the firm; decorator and designer; member … Read more

Biography of George M. Hoffman

George M. Hoffman, president of the Citizens State Bank of Little River, came to Kansas in territorial times and is one of the oldest residents of the state. His life had been as varied in its activities and experiences as it had been long, and perhaps no individual had contributed more to the real advancement and upbuilding of the Town of Little River than Mr. Hoffman. His birth occurred in Franklin County, Indiana, February 7, 1843, and he is of German ancestry in the paternal line and his paternal grandfather was a German soldier in the magnificent army of Napoleon … Read more

Biography of Rev. John Walter Kliewer

Rev. John Walter Kliewer, president of Bethel College at Newton, one of the well ordered institutions at Kansas, referred to on other pages, grew up in one of the pioneer settlements of the Mennonite Church people in Western Kansas, and had spent his active career in the ministry of his church and as an educator. Rev. Mr. Kliewer is a native of Russian Poland, born near Berdichieff June 8, 1869. His ancestry is partly German. His grandfather, Peter Kliewer, was born in Danzig, Germany, and moved into the vicinity of Berdichieff in Russian Poland, where he followed farming and where … Read more

Biography of William Gardner Smyser

William Gardner Smyser, now living retired at Topeka, is one of the interesting citizens of the capital city both on account of his individual experiences and his long service as a railroad and constructing engineer, and also because of his family lineage. Ho is connected by family ties with a number of notable Americans. The Smysors came out of Germany and settled in Pennsylvania early in the eighteenth century. The cause of their coming to America was participation in some revolutionary movement in Germany. The original name of the family was Bowemund. The Bowemunds and others had some part in … Read more