1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Accountants to Boarding Houses
In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Professions, Trades, &C., Arranged Under their Respective Heads. Accountants And Agents. MANNING, JAMES, general insurance agent, 35 Yonge st. SPREULL, SAMUEL, accountant and notary, 61A Yonge st. Bell, Thomas, corner King and Church sts. Williamson, William, Wellington buildings, King St.,east. Fraser, Jas., Wellington buildings, King st., east. Architects And Civil Engineers. CUMBERLAND & RIDOUT, architects and civil engineers, corner King and Nelson sts. Fraser, W. W.. Agnes st. HOWARD, J. G., architect and civil engineer, 82 King st., west. PASSMORE, F. F., architect, … Read more