History of Sierra Madre California

The Annals of Early Sierra Madre by Edith Blumer Bowen, published in 1950 by the Sierra Madre Historical Society, offers a vivid account of the early history of Sierra Madre, California. This volume serves as a vital record of the community’s development, drawn from the personal experiences and narratives of those who lived through the events described.

This historical compilation focuses on various aspects of Sierra Madre’s past, including its founding, significant local figures, and the establishment of institutions such as churches and schools. The work also delves into the biographies of prominent families and individuals, detailing their contributions to the growth and character of the town.

Edith Blumer Bowen, whose enthusiasm for her adopted hometown drove her efforts in collecting these stories, provides a personal touch in the initial chapters. The collaboration of Dr. Arthur O. Pritchard, who brought his historical expertise and dedication to the project, further enriches the narrative. Their combined efforts, along with the contributions of numerous other community members, ensure the accuracy and authenticity of the accounts.

This volume includes a diverse range of topics, such as the history of local churches, early businesses, and the evolution of Sierra Madre’s infrastructure. It also captures the cultural life of the town through essays on early music, literature, and drama. The biographical sketches of early pioneers provide insights into the lives of those who shaped Sierra Madre.

Despite some irregularities in pagination and the presence of handwritten notes, this copy of Annals of Early Sierra Madre remains a crucial resource for understanding the history and heritage of this unique Californian community. The original papers and accounts are preserved in the local history collection at the Sierra Madre Public Library, making this book a cornerstone for both historical research and public knowledge.

Table of Contents

Foreword, by Edith Blumer Bowen, p. 13

  1. Mt. Wilson and Sturtevant Trails from Sierra Madrid, by Arthur N. Carter, p. 17
  2. Early Days of Sierra Madrid, by Annetta M. Carter (interviewed), p. 27
  3. The First Things of Sierra Madrid, by Arthur O. Pritchard, p. 29
  4. Reminiscences
    • The Town’s Founder, by Harry Burke, p. 41
    • Reminiscences of the Early Days of Sierra Madrid, by Miss Frances H. Hawks, p. 46
    • Reminiscences, by Mrs. N. H. Hosmer, p. 50
    • Recollections, by S. R. G. Twycross, p. 53
    • Observations, by George B. Morgridge, p. 56
  5. Sierra Madre Water History, by C. W. Jones, p. 59
  6. The First Post Office, by Isabel Pierce, p. 71
  7. The Names of the Street and Avenues of Sierra Madre, by Arthur O. Pritchard, p. 75
  8. First Businesses in Sierra Madre, by Stella Norris Dennison and C. W. Jones, p. 82
  9. The Early School days of Sierra Madre, by Mary A. Dickson, p. 86
  10. A City Boy in Sierra Madre in the 1880s, by John W. Hart, p. 90
  11. The Town Hall, by Elsie Blumer Hart, p. 110
  12. History of the Episcopal Church, by Daisy E. Hawks, p. 115
  13. Historical Sketch of the First Congregational Church, by John C. Dickson, p. 119
  14. Cultural Beginnings
    • The Early Music of Sierra Madre, by Belle W. Cook, p. 126
    • Early Literature of Sierra Madre, by Edith B. Bowen, p. 128
    • Early Drama in Sierra Madre, by Edith B. Brown, p. 130
  15. Fifty Years of Library Service, by Walter Wright Alley, p. 135
  16. Pooh Bah of the Foothills, by Charles Matthias, p. 140
  17. Sierra Madre Becomes a City, by C. W. Jones, p 144
  18. Origin of the Sierra Madre Woman’s Club, by Maybelle Caley Barker, p. 147
    • Extract from the Mayor’s Address, p. 152
    • The Flora of Sierra Madre, p. 154
  19. The Wistaria Vine, p. 157
  20. Our Heritage from the “Pioneers”, by Jessica Wright, p. 159
  21. Sierra Madre Historical Society, by Edith Brown, p. 161
  • Epilogue, by George B. Morgridge, p. 163
  • Brief Biographical Sketches of Sierra Madre Pioneers, p. 167
    Walter Andrews, Augustus Simon Bixby, William Frederick Brugman, William Paul Caley, Edgar Whittlesey Camp, Nathaniel Coburn Carter, Charles M. Clark, Charles N. Clement, Charles Edwin Cook, William B. Crisp, George B. Davis, Emil Deutsch, John C. Dickson, Adonijah Gregory, Albert Gregory, Dr. Arthur Ernest Gresham, Dr. Frederick Charles Gresham, John Jacob Hart, Ammi Doubleday Hawks, Frances H. Hawks, Nathan H. Hosmer, George Humphries, Chloe Blakeman Jones, John Hardwicke Lewis, Louis Newcomb, Stephen Rendell Norris, Martin Olsen, Captain Josiah A. Osgood, John Carlton Pegler, Edward T. Pierce, Palmer T. Reed, Chauncey B. Relyea, George B. Renfro, William H. Robinson, William Lauren Rhoades, Mrs. Robert E. Ross, William Andrew Spalding, Laurel Eugene Steinberger, Amos D. Trussell, James Dunning Tucker, Emma Burton Tufts, Samuel Randolph Goodwin Twycross, Emile Hoguet Vannier, E. Waldo Ward, Irving Noble Ward
  • Additional Early Residents, p. 204


Bowen, Edith Blumer, Annals of Early Sierra Madre, Sierra Madre, California : Sierra Madre Historical Society, 1950.


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