Biographical Sketch of Frederick Henry Caley
Caley, Frederick Henry; sec’y Cleveland Automobile Club; born, Hudson, June 2, 1873; sou of Frederick P. and Clara S. Palmer Caley; educated, public and high school and Ohio Northern University, Ada, O.; married, New York, Nov 27, 1913, Harriet E. Weffler; 1st Lieut. 4th Ohio Infantry, 1902-1910; active Republican; with National Republican committee two campaigns; State Insurance Dept., 1903-1906; office sec’y of State, 1906-1908; Ohio State Registrar of Automobiles, 1908-1911; has been successful in organizing automobile clubs throughout Ohio; mgr. The Cleveland Automobile Show Co.; member Y. M. C. A., Akron Lodge, No. 547 I. O. O. F., Akron-Canton, two … Read more