Biography of Stephen Squire

Last Updated on September 27, 2011 by

Stephen Squire. The history of Riverside’s business enterprises could not be considered complete without mention of the well-known undertaking establishment conducted by the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. His undertaking parlors and warerooms are located at Perine Block, Eighth Street, and are the most complete in their appointments of all in the city. His enterprise is characterized by having the best to be obtained, among which is a $2,500 hearse of the latest and most approved style, and a large variety of caskets, metallic, natural and stained wood, cloth, velvet, silk and satin covered, etc. Mr. Squire is also agent of the Colton Marble Company and the Pacific Marble and Granite Company of Los Angeles, and a dealer in foreign and American granite and marble monuments, tombstones, mantels, statuary, etc. He established his business in 1887, and through his sound business principles, genial manner and well-known practical knowledge of embalming and other details of his profession has secured the confidence and patronage of the community. Although not a pioneer of Riverside, his ten years’ association with her enterprises during her growth from a hamlet of a few hundreds to a city of thou-sands entitle him to a place in the annals of the colony.

Mr. Squire is a native of England, dating his birth in Lincolnshire, in January 1839. His parents were poor, and he was early in life taught to labor for his support. When but thirteen years of age he was apprenticed to a miller and baker. His facilities for obtaining an education were extremely limited, but to his credit be it said, that he educated himself by reading and attending night schools, and upon reaching manhood excelled many of his more favored competitors. Mr. Squire remained in his native country until 1861 and then sought his fortune in London. His intelligence, fine physique and manly bearing enabled him to secure a position upon the Metropolitan police force of that city. He remained in that service for six years, and in 1867 returned to his home in Lincolnshire and established himself in business. Long continued ill health and consequent financial embarrassments finally induced him to close his business affairs and seek a more congenial climate. With that in view he came to Southern California and decided to locate in Riverside. Upon his arrival his broken health was restored and he labored in various occupations, horticultural pursuits, etc., and finally engaged as an assistant in the undertaking establishment of E. P. Moody, where he remained until 1887, when he established his business in the Hayt Block, and after several months, during which he was increasing and enlarging his business, moved to his present location. At the last annual meeting of the Southern California Undertakers’ Association he was unanimously elected vice-president of that association. Mr. Squire has acquired his success in Riverside by industry and diligent work. His reputation for reliability and integrity is well established and he well merits the esteem accorded him by a large circle of friends. Be is a consistent member of the Episcopal Church. He is a stanch Prohibitionist in principle, in politics, and a prominent worker in all the temperance orders in the city. Of the fraternal societies of Riverside he is a member of the Masonic order, I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, and Independent Order of Foresters.

In May, 1889, Mr. Squire married Mrs. Marion Jerrolds, nee Mingo. She is a native of Devonshire, England. Mrs. Squire has two children, Annie and Robert Jerrolds, from her former marriage, who are members of Mr. Squire’s household.



The Lewis Publishing Company. An Illustrated History of Southern California embracing the counties of San Diego San Bernardino Los Angeles and Orange and the peninsula of lower California. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois. 1890.

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