Biography of Colonel Henry W. Robinson

Colonel Henry W. Robinson, for nearly a quarter of a century, has been identified with Southern California, and for the past seventeen years has been a resident of Riverside, and associated with its growth and progress. He was born in Chelsea, England, in 1840. In 1850 his parents immigrated to the United States and located in Brooklyn, New York, where he attended the public schools until thirteen years of age and then engaged as clerk in a drag store in New York City. He was attentive to his duties and acquired a practical knowledge of the business, but his naturally … Read more

Biography of Dr. Charles W. Packard

Dr. Charles W. Packard is a well known early settler of the Riverside colony and has for many years been identified with the horticultural interests that have made Riverside so well known. He came to this colony in 1876 and located at Bandini Avenue, about one-half mile west of Brockton Avenue; his twenty acres formed a portion of the Brockton Square. At that time but few improvements had been made in that section, but the Doctor entered heartily into clearing and planting his lands. He was one of the first to foresee the future profits in orange-growing, and planted fully … Read more

Biography of John C. Hardman

John C. Hardman, proprietor of the City Pharmacy of Riverside, which is the pioneer drug store in the city, was first established in 1876 by James H. Roe. Mr. Hardman purchased the business in January, 1886, and immediately increased the stock and enlarged his business until the City Pharmacy ranks as the leading establishment of its character in the city. In addition to a complete and varied stock of drugs and medicines, he is a large dealer in toilet articles, perfumery, fancy goods, wallpaper, paints, oils, etc. He is a skillful druggist and chemist, with years of experience, and employs … Read more

Biography of James H. Roe

James H. Roe, a member of the firm of Holmes, Roe & Pierson, the publishers of the Riverside Daily Press and Weekly Horticulturist, is classed among the pioneers of Riverside, and for the sixteen years preceding this writing has been prominently connected with the interests and industries of the colony. The brief facts gathered relating to his life are of interest: He was born in Birmingham, England, in 1843, his parents being the Rev. Charles Hill, a native of the north of Ireland, and Mary (Steadman) Roe, a native of England. His father emigrated with his family to the United … Read more

City Officials of Riverside, San Bernardino, California

The following are the present officers of the city: Board of Trustees E. W. Holmes, president M. Hoover, W. P. Russell, W. A. Hayt, H. E. Allatt Library Trustees Rev. Dr. George H. Deere, Prof. N. C. Twining, E. W. Holmes, A. S. White, C. J. Gill. Board of Health E. W. Holmes, president C. C. Sherman, secretary W. J. McIntyre, Bradford Morse, J. W. Johnson City Clerk and Assessor, Ad. S. Alkire Marshal, Bradford Morse Treasurer, J. M. Drake Recorder, W. W. Noland City Attorney, W. J. McIntyre Superintendent of Streets, C. W. Finch City Engineer, J. W. Johnson … Read more

Biography of Henry J. Rudisill

Henry J. Rudisill. Among the men who for years were prominently associated with the leading enterprises and industries that gave to Riverside that prominence in the history of Southern California that is unequaled, and spread before the people in the marts of the world, her unrivaled productions that induced immigration and brought an unceasing flow of wealth to the beautiful valley, none is more worthy of mention than the subject of this sketch. Mr. Rudisill came to Riverside in February 1875. In the same year the Riverside Land and Irrigating Company was organized and at once assumed control of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Miss E. C. Dyer

Miss E. C. Dyer, Cashier Riverside Banking Company, was born in Illinois, taught school before engaging in the banking business, about fifteen years ago, first in that State and for the past twelve years in Riverside. She is a lady of culture, possesses remarkable force of character and extraordinary business powers.

Biography of Samuel R. Langworthy

Samuel R. Langworthy is one of the most progressive and energetic real-estate and insurance men of Riverside. He established his office and business in May 1888, at a time when the “boomers ” were rapidly retiring from the field of real estate in disgust. He is not a boomer,” but is a wide awake, energetic business man, confining himself to legitimate straightforward dealings, and his success in business and the rapid extension of his operations are a sufficient proof that bona-fide real-estate transactions can always be consummated in Riverside, when based upon their real value. It is to his efforts … Read more

Biography of D. P. Chapman

Among the well-known and representative orange groves in the Riverside colony tract is the five acres owned by the above-named gentleman. This grove is located on the west side of Cypress Avenue, north of Bandini Avenue, about one mile south of the business center of Riverside. About four acres of his land is in oranges, seedling and Washington Navel trees twelve years of age, and other budded trees of Washington Navel, Mediterranean Sweet and St. Michael varieties, varying in age from one to six years. He has one acre in vineyard, which produced in 1888 over $200 worth of fruit. … Read more

Biography of Perry D. Cover

Perry D. Cover is one of Riverside’s early settlers, and has been associated with her various industries for the past fifteen years. He is a native of Richland County, Ohio, dating his birth in 1843. His parents were Daniel Cover, a native of Frederick County, Maryland, and Lydia Cover, nee Stevenson. Mr. Cover was reared to agricultural pursuits on his father’s farm until 1862. He then volunteered in the service of his country and enlisted as a private soldier in Company D, Eighty-seventh Ohio Volunteers. His regiment was sent East, and after some time in camp at Baltimore, was placed … Read more

Biography of James Boyd

James Boyd, a pioneer of Riverside, came to the colony in 1872, all his worldly goods consisting of a farm team of four horses, four cows, a lot of chickens and a few household effects, and eight dollars in cash; but he had a reserve capital of health, energy, intelligence, and a determination to succeed. He secured a squatter’s claim to seventy-three acres of Iand about two miles north of Riverside, and later an adjoining tract of eighty acres, upon which he camped with his family, his only shelter being a shanty 10 x 10, devoid of protection from the … Read more

Biography of Hon. Elmer Wallace Holmes

Hon. Elmer Wallace Holmes is the accomplished editor of the Riverside Daily Press and Weekly Press and Horticulturist. He has been identified with the growth and prosperity of Riverside since 1875, and it is safe to say that there are few men in the community who have done more to advance the horticultural and other industries of that city, and show to the world its possible resources and productions of its prolific lands than Mr. Holmes. The subject of this sketch came to Riverside, broken in health and seeking a desirable home and quiet pursuits. He early saw the possibilities … Read more

Biography of Benjamin H. Milliken

Benjamin H. Milliken, senior member of the firm of Milliken & Jaques, proprietors of the Riverside Paint Store, one of the leading business houses in the city. The subject of this sketch was born in McCracken County, Kentucky, in 1847. His father, Judge John Milliken, was a native of North Carolina, who came to Kentucky in his youth, and was reared in that State. He there married Miss Harriet L. Hord. He was a lawyer by profession, and prominent in political and judicial circles. He lost his life in the cause of the South, meeting his death in 1861, while … Read more

Biography of David G. Parker, D. D. S.

David G. Parker, D. D. S., a popular dentist of Riverside and well known in professional circles of that city, is a native of Alabama, where he was born in 1850, his parents being Peter and Nancy (Blackshear) Parker; the former a Northern man by birth, a descendant of the old colonial families of Massachusetts, by occupation a planter; the latter of German descent, the arrival of whose forefathers in this country antedates the Revolutionary period. When the Doctor was a mere lad his parents moved to Mississippi, settling in Clarke County, where he received his education, closing his studies … Read more

Biography of Edwin Caldwell

Edwin Caldwell, of Riverside, was born in Putnam County, New York, September 13, 1824. His father, Absalom Caldwell, was a native of that State, and a farmer by occupation. Mr. Caldwell was reared upon his father’s farm, and educated in the public schools. In 1846, deciding to seek his home in the great west, he went to Wisconsin, and located in Washington County, establishing his residence in the town of West Bend. There, in partnership with his brother, he built saw and flour mills, and was prominent in building up the pioneer industries of that section. The California gold fever … Read more

Biography of John Hall, M. D.

John Hall, M. D., was born near Leeds, Yorkshire County, England, in 1819. He was reared and schooled in his native place, and early in life learned the printer’s trade. In 1845 he came to the United States and located in La Fayette County, Wisconsin, and, after a visit to New Orleans, was there engaged in the lead mines as a smelter. In 1848 he went to Canada, where he engaged in work at his trade as a printer in Toronto. He also entered upon the study of medicine in the Toronto School of Medicine. In 1857 he returned to … Read more

Biography of William Studabecker

William Studabecker was born in Allen County, Indiana, in 1851; he is the son of David and Elizabeth (Wilt) Studabecker. His father was a native of Pennsylvania and his mother of Maine. When Mr. Studabecker was two years of age his father moved the family to Van Wert County, Ohio, and there engaged in farming until his death in 1858. The subject of this sketch was reared to the labor attending a life upon a farm, and after the age of ten years was deprived of any schooling facilities; at twenty years of age he learned the shoemaker’s trade and … Read more

Biography of John A. Simms

John A. Simms, one of the early settlers of the Riverside colony, ranks among the leading horticulturists and nursery men of Southern California. He came to Riverside in 1875, without capital other than young and vigorous manhood, energetic disposition and industrious habits. Having been reared in agricultural pursuits, he sought work among the orchardists and found employment with Mr. P. S. Russell, one of the pioneer nurserymen of the city. He was employed with him for the next three years, and during that time became skilled in the business, and in 1878 established a nursery in Brockton square, upon a … Read more

Biography of Ashman P. Combs

Ashman P. Combs is one of the well-known businessmen of Riverside. He is in the real-estate and insurance business, and has one of the best established agencies in Riverside, representing some of the strongest insurance companies issuing policies on the Pacific Coast. Mr. Combs came to Riverside in 1876 and was first employed among the orange groves as a horticulturist in pruning, etc. In 1877 he started a nursery business on Mulberry Street between Seventh and Eighth streets. The next year he purchased a two and one-half acre block between Vine and Mulberry, and First and Second streets, and in … Read more

Biography of James M. Drake

James M. Drake is one of Riverside’s representative and well-known businessmen, and has for years been the treasurer of the city, which responsible and important office he fills with honor and credit to himself and the municipality whose interests he so ably guards. Although not a pioneer of Riverside, her history would be incomplete without a fitting mention of Mr. Drake’s eight or ten years’ association with her interests. He is a native of Louisville, Kentucky, and dates his birth April 12, 1837. His parents were Charles and Mahala J. (Jeter) Drake. His father was a native of Virginia, a … Read more