Biography of Joseph Buckle

Joseph Buckle represents all that is best in German-American blood, which in war and peace, in all stages of the history of the United States, has fought for and encouraged the causes of liberty, public education and good government. He was a pioneer in Kootenai County, Idaho, and has become a popular and influential citizen because he possesses those qualities of head and heart which make men useful and patriotic.

Joseph Buckle, assessor and tax collector of Kootenai county, Idaho, was born in Stark County, Ohio, April 3, 1857, a son of Anthony and Mary (Datyler) Buckle, natives of Germany, who were brought to the United States in childhood and married and lived out their days and died in their son’s native county.

The future Kootenai county official gained a primary education in the district schools near his home and, in 1877, when he was about twenty years old, he went to California and farmed successfully in that state until 1882. He came to Kootenai county in the year last mentioned and was engaged in farming until 1897, when he was appointed deputy sheriff, which position’ he held until January, 1899, when he resigned it to assume the duties of assessor and tax collector of Kootenai county, an office to which he was elected November, 1898, upon a fusion ticket of Populists, silver Republicans and Democrats, by a majority of four hundred and eighty-two. This important office, in which all the taxable property of the county is involved, and which comes nearer to the private interests of the whole people of the county than any other, is administered by Mr. Buckle in a thoroughly business-like manner, and with that conscientious regard for the rights of the property owners which has made him very popular with his fellow citizens of all classes. He has an able deputy in the person of H. J. Bosthwick.

Mr. Buckle is a member of Panhandle Lodge of the Knights of Pythias of Rathdrum. He married Miss Mary Casey, a native of Wisconsin, in 1892, and they have three daughters, named Asrnes, Lilian and Florence. He has demonstrated his public spirit in many ways and is regarded as one of Rathdrum’s most useful and progressive citizens.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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