Biography of Thomas Watson Roach

Thomas Watson Roach, for twenty-one years president of Kansas Wesleyan Business College, and a former president of Kansas Wesleyan University at Salina, had not merely found but had made for himself a distinctive place in educational history of the Sunflower State. He came to Kansas more than forty years ago. His name is closely associated with several progressive movements in Kansas educational affairs. He was the pioneer worker for the consolidation of country school districts. He also did the first practical work toward procuring uniformity of text books throughout the state. But even more important than all this he will … Read more

Biography of Henry F. Macy, M. D.

Henry F. Macy, M. D., deceased, was born in Stark County, Ohio, in 1826. He was reared to farm life, and bad in early life the advantages of a common-school education. His father, Matthew Macy, was a native of Nantucket, Massachusetts, and a descendant from one of the oldest families of that island. His mother, nee Patience Austin, was a native of Rhode Island. Dr. Macy was reared in the pioneer days of Stark County, when educational facilities were comparatively limited, but he secured a good education, and after arriving at manhood entered upon the study of medicine, graduated at … Read more

Biography of Oliver Denious

Oliver Denious, a resident of Erie, Kansas, since 1894, has lived a life full of activity. His experiences have been in the role of a farm laborer, soldier, farmer, business man, public official, and wherever and in whatever place destiny has put him he has given a good account of his ability and character. He was only twelve years of age when he became self supporting. That was back in Stark County, Ohio. His first work was to hire out to neighboring farmers, and though extremely young, he often did a man’s work. Naturally enough he had limited advantages to … Read more

A Legend Of Slaughter At The Seneca Capital

A legend exists of. a fearful fight that, took pace between the Seneca and Wyandot, on their return from Braddock’s defeat, in 1755. They had fought side by side against the English army, but, no sooner had they dispersed toward their homes, than the old unsettled feud between them was renewed. The Seneca took the trail by Beaver, Mingo bottom, and west to Tuscarawas. The Wyandot took the tippler trail, striking the ridge between the heads of the Elk Eye Creek (Muskingum) and the Hioga (Cuyahoga.), where they camped. It was but a day’s journey across the present Stark County, to reach … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles A. Ricks

Ricks, Charles A.; sec’y and treas. Kuhlman Car Co.; born, Knoxville, Tenn., Aug. 14, 1868; son of Augustus J. and Emma Maxwell Atwater Ricks; educated, Kenyon Military Academy, and Kenyon College; married, Oct. 21, 1897, at Detroit, Mich., Miss Margaret Trowbridge; business career, 1888 clerk First National Bank, Massillon, O., sec’y and treas. Massillon Loan Ass’n; came to Cleveland in 1890, and became auditor and traveling salesman for the Standard Oil Co.; in 1896, appointed mgr. of the Cleveland station; in 1900, organized the G. C. Kuhlman Car Co., sec’y and treas., builds electric and steam railway cars, turning out … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward W. Kingsbury

Kingsbury, Edward W.; belting business; born, Newark, O., Jan. 15, 1870; son of Wilson Webb and Mary Ellen Little Kingsbury; common school and business education at Newark and Canton, O.; bookkeeper at Canton for a number of years; commercial traveler, four years, with The Scandanavia Belting Co., of New York; Jan, 1, 1913, assumed management of their Cleveland Branch; member Elks Lodge No. 18, and several Commercial Traveler’s Associations; came to Cleveland in 1904.

Biography of Frank Durein

Frank Durein. This venerable man, now in the seventy-fourth year of his age, who with firm step and unclouded mind still walks the streets and attends to his daily routine of affairs, had, during the thirty-seven years of his residence in Topeka, witnessed its great development and borne a share in the startling course of its progress. He had been connected with many and important business enterprises and had done much to contribute to the upbuilding of the city, but since 1890 had lived in retircment, his only activities being those of looking after his large holdings and taking a … Read more

Biography of Edward Buckman

Edward Buckman. A few years ago Edward Buckman retired from his farm in Shawnee County, where he had spent the most profitable years of his life, and is now living retired at his home 1516 Guthrie Street in Topeka. The Buckman family has played a very worthy part in developing the lands of Kansas since pioneer times, and Mr. Edward Buckman has also found opportunity at different times to exercise his influence for good in local affairs. He was born on a farm in Columbiana County, Ohio, June 26, 1853, one of the four children born to Thomas and Susan … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lather Day

Day, Lather; lawyer; born, Canton, O., May 9, 1879; son of William R. and Mary E. Lebaufu Day; married, Canton, O., June 24, 1903, Ida McKinley Barber; two daughters, Katherine and Ida; practiced law in Canton, O., six years; entered firm of Goulder, Day, White, Garry & Duncan, in November, 1910; member Psi Upsilon Fraternity and Athletic, Euclid, and Lakeside Country Clubs; and Chamber of Commerce.

Biography of Amasa B. Campbell

The rapid development of all material resources during the closing years of the nineteenth century has brought business enterprises up from the day of small things to gigantic proportions, where millions of dollars take the place of hundreds and where men are required to handle millions as coolly, as carefully and as successfully as their grandfathers handled hundreds. All the history of the world shows that to grapple with all new conditions, to fill breaches in all great crises men have been developed and have stood ready to assume new and great responsibilities and have discharged them well and profitably. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Sumner Howe

Howe, Charles Sumner; college pres.; born, Nashua, N. H., Sept. 29, 1858; son of William R. and Susan D. Woods Howe; B. S., Massachusetts Agricultural College, and Boston University, 1878; post-graduate course, mathematics and physics, Johns Hopkins; Ph. D., University of Wooster, 1887; (Sc. D., Armour Institute Tech., Chicago, 1905; LL. D., Mt. Union College, Ohio, 1908; and Oberlin College, 1911); married, Abbie A. Waite, of North Amherst, Mass., May 22, 1882; prin. Albuquerque (N. M.), Academy, 1879-1881; prof. mathematics and astronomy, Buchtel College, 1883-1889; prof. mathematics and astronomy, 1889-1902, acting pres. 1902-1903, pres. since 1903, Case School of Applied … Read more

Biography of Joseph Buckle

Joseph Buckle represents all that is best in German-American blood, which in war and peace, in all stages of the history of the United States, has fought for and encouraged the causes of liberty, public education and good government. He was a pioneer in Kootenai County, Idaho, and has become a popular and influential citizen because he possesses those qualities of head and heart which make men useful and patriotic. Joseph Buckle, assessor and tax collector of Kootenai county, Idaho, was born in Stark County, Ohio, April 3, 1857, a son of Anthony and Mary (Datyler) Buckle, natives of Germany, … Read more

Biography of Robert M. Baker

Robert M. Baker was a pioneer Kansan. Nearly fifty years ago he identified himself with the frontier in Phillips County and helped to develop that wild prairie section into one of the finest agricultural districts of the state. In the year 1900 he moved his home to Topeka, where he lived in retirement until his death. He was born at Mount Vernon, Ohio, in 1839. His father James Baker had a specially adventuresome and interesting career. James was born in the historic town of Battle, forty miles from London, England. As a young man a romantic experience caused him to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jeremiah Jay Sullivan

Sullivan, Jeremiah Jay; banker; born, Fulton, Stark County, Nov. 16, 1844; educated, village schools; enlisted 3rd Ohio Battery, 1862; mustered out as sergeant, 1865; moved to Millersburg, 1866; engaged in general merchandise until 1878; elected state senator by Democratic party, 1879; served two terms; entered hardware business in Millersburg in 1883; re-elected state senator; national bank examiner 1887; came to Cleveland in 1889 and organized Central National Bank; served as treas., cashier, vice pres., pres., 1900; pres. Chamber of Commerce, 1893; member Union, Country, Roadside, Colonial, and Euclid Clubs; married, 1873, Selina J. Brown; issue, two daughters and one son.

Biography of Earl J. Andrews

Andrews, Earl J.; architect and builder; born, Wilmington, O., Nov. 16, 1882; son of William Garner and Rachel Seal Andrews; educated, Marion, Ind., high school and Marion Normal & Science College; married, Canton, O., April 10, 1904, Birdette Wertenberger; learned carpenter’s trade in Cleveland during summer vacations and in 1903 finished trade and took up drawing and de-signing at the same time following practical building work; in 1905 started in business for myself; was the first Cleveland architect to dispense with sub-contractors and employ my own labor and material, thus eliminating annoyance to clients in dealing with a great number … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Walter Edward Myers

Myers, Walter Edward; attorney-at-law; born, Alliance, Ohio, April 29, 1875; son of Jonathan and Emma Coppock Myers; educated, Alliance High School, graduated 1893; graduated Mt. Union College, 1899, degree B. S.; graduated Western Reserve Law School, 1902; married, Alliance, May 23, 1904, Etta May Salmon; issue, two sons, Walter E., Jr., and Salmon Coppock Myers; came to Cleveland, Sept. 19, 1898; worked his way through law school, by working in a law office; on May 1, 1905, formed partnership with David E. Green, under firm name of Myers & Green, and on Jan. 1, 1913, firm name was changed to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Payne McIntosh

McIntosh, Henry Payne; banker; born, Cleveland, Oct. 27, 1846; son of Alexander and Agnes Nicol McIntosh; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Jan. 19, 1871, Olive Manfull; issue, three sons and three daughters: 1860 to 1868, employ of the Cleveland & Erie R. R. Co., in telegraph department; chief operator at time of resignation; 1868, bookkeeper for E. Teeters & Sons, hankers. Alliance. O.; also with Alliance & Lake Erie R. R. Co., as sec’y, spending about twelve years in Alliance; 1876, returned to Cleveland. to assume charge of the business interests of Hon. Henry B. Payne; 1901, resigned, to become … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank S. Taylor

Taylor, Frank S.; attorney; born in the country, near Alliance, O., Dec. 11, 1879; son of Hugh S. and Catherine Taylor; educated, Alliance High School, Mt. Union College, and took legal training at Ohio State University; married, Jamestown, N. Y., April 11, 1909, Mabel C. Todd; June 12, 1904, began the practice of law in Cleveland; member Masonic Lodge, and Knight of Pythias, and The Tippecanoe Club.

Biography of Charlie H. Riker

Charlie H. Riker. At Gage’s Park, on West Sixth Street Road, near Topeks, is situated one of the most beautiful suburban homes of this locality, that belonging to Charlie H. Riker, who for many years had been engaged in agricultural pursuits in Kansas. Mr. Riker was reared a farmer and is the son of a pioneer of 1870, since which time with the exception of several years spent in Ohio, he had been engaged in operations in different parts of the Sunflower State, and in each locality in which operations have been centered, he had not only made a success … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Wendell H. Johnson

Johnson, Wendell H.; dentist; born, Alliance, O., March 18, 1875; educated, University of Michigan, D. D. S.; married, Cleveland, Nov. 6, 1901, Bessie Compton; issue, Compton Johnson, born April 24, 1906, Elizabeth Ferris, born June 24, 1910; began practice, September, 1897; vice pres. Union Oil Co.; member Ohio State Dental Society; member Delta Sigma Delta Fraternity; member Union, and Country Clubs.