Biography of J. O. Rudy

Last Updated on October 18, 2011 by

J. O. Rudy, real estate agent, Mattoon; was born near Louisville, Jefferson Co., Ky., May 1, 1827; his parents moved to Illinois, and settled near Paris, Edgar Co., in 1830; his early life was spent upon the farm, and his early experiences were those of a farmer’s son; his education was derived from the common schools; in 1850, he crossed the plains to California, where for two years he applied himself to mining; near the close of 1852, he returned, having as his reward for toil, hardships and privations, about $3,000 in gold; on his return, he engaged for one year in operating the old homestead; near the close of 1853, he engaged as a partner in the dry goods business, in the firm of Augustus & Rudy, at Paris; in the fall of 1858. The firm closed out business, and he moved to his land in Douglas Co., and opened up, and improved his farm; in 1862, he was appointed Post Trader to the Pawnee Nation, under the administration of President Lincoln; this position he held till the beginning of the administration of Andrew Johnson, returning in the fall of 1865; he next went to Trumbull Co., Ohio, and engaged in sinking wells, and in the manufacture of lubricating oil; this he followed one year; in the spring of 1867, he came to Mattoon, arid in company with Richard Champion and S. D. Dole, began the business of banking, under the firm name of Champion, Rudy & Co.; in 1872, he sold out his interest, and continued operating a planing-mill which he had previously purchased; this was soon after destroyed by fire; since that time, he has devoted himself to the real estate business. He was married Sept. 29, 1856, to Persis J. Dole, daughter of Wm. P. Dole, a very early settler of Terre Haute, Ind.; her father held the position of Commissioner of Indian Affairs under President Lincoln. Has seven children living – Prof. Wm. D. O. Rudy (now Professor of Chemistry in Illinois Industrial University), Jennie F., Chas. E., Bessie D., Mary P., George H. and Hattie Ir.; has been a member of the Board of Education, West Side, for the past eight years; has also held the office of Alderman for a number of terms.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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