Biography of Rev. J. W. Riley

Rev. J. W. Riley, Pastor Missionary Baptist Church, Mattoon; was born in Clermont Co., Ohio, Nov. 9, 1823; his ancestral line, traced through five preceding generations have been ministers in the Baptist Church; his father’s family furnished six ministers to the society, himself and five sons. From an historical record gathered from time to time, it was ascertained that the family of near relatives have furnished thirteen ministers of the Gospel; ten of these are Baptists, two Methodists and one Christian. His father, Rev. J. W. Riley, Sr., founded the first Missionary Baptist Church in all this section; this was … Read more

Biography of J. O. Rudy

J. O. Rudy, real estate agent, Mattoon; was born near Louisville, Jefferson Co., Ky., May 1, 1827; his parents moved to Illinois, and settled near Paris, Edgar Co., in 1830; his early life was spent upon the farm, and his early experiences were those of a farmer’s son; his education was derived from the common schools; in 1850, he crossed the plains to California, where for two years he applied himself to mining; near the close of 1852, he returned, having as his reward for toil, hardships and privations, about $3,000 in gold; on his return, he engaged for one … Read more

Biography of Mary M. (Lamb) Shelden Mrs.

Mrs. Mary M. (Lamb) Shelden. Among the interesting names belonging to El Dorado is that of Shelden, which since 1874 had been identified with civic progress, advancement and education here. The late Alvah Shelden, who for thirty years was owner and editor of the Walnut Valley Times, was one of the best known of Butler County’s citizens and did much to encourage development and a high form of government, and is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mary M. (Lamb) Shelden, who is widely and favorably known because of her activities, particularly in connection with El Dorado’s library. Mrs. Shelden was … Read more

Biography of H. D. Williams

H. D. Williams, firm of Williams & Carter, merchants, Oakland; born in New York City Feb. 10, 1846; he emigrated West with his parents when 9 years of age and located in Edgar Co., Ill., where he attended school and engaged in farming until August, 1862, when he enlisted as private in the 66th I. V. I., and was immediately sent to the front; he was first engaged in the battle of Corinth, Miss., where his regiment suffered severely, losing fully one-third of its men in killed and wounded; he then went to Danville, Miss., where he remained nearly one … Read more

Biography of Isaac Perisho

Isaac Perisho, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Charleston; the subject of this sketch was born in Monroe Co., Ind., May 2, 1818; he married Miss Sarah Zimerley Jan. 9, 1838; she was born in Washington Co., Va., Oct. 30, 1818, and died Dec. 25, 1842; they had three children, one living, viz., Jacob W.; his second wife was Miss Leoina Purlee; they were married June 27, 1843; she was born in Washington Co., Ind., July 27, 1818, and died Oct. 15, 1844; they had one child, viz., Hiram; his present wife was Mrs. Wells, formerly Miss Rosanna M. O’Hair; they … Read more

Biography of P. A. Kemper, M. D.

P. A. Kemper, M. D., physician and surgeon, Mattoon; was born in Culpeper Co., Va., Aug. 31, 1832; his early education was under the direct supervision of his mother, who was a well-qualified schoolmistress; his father was an artisan by profession, of whom he was bereft at the early age of 8 years; when about 16 years of age, he left home and came to Paris, Edgar Co., Ill.; in the fall of 1855, he began the study of his profession with Dr. D. O. McCord, remaining in his office two and a half years; during the winter of 1857 … Read more

Biography of Hon. Enoch Hoult

HON. ENOCH HOULT. – The gentleman above-named was born in Monongahela county, West Virginia, April 18, 1825. His parents were of English descent, coming to American in the Colonial days. He lived in Virginia until his twelfth year, when his father moved to Edgar county, Illinois, in the spring of 1832. There Mr. Hoult grew to manhood and remained until he was thirty-three years of age. In the fall of 1830 he was married to Miss Jeannette Somerville, daughter of John Somerville, who came from Kentucky to Illinois. In the year 1853 he came with his family overland to Oregon. … Read more

Biography of Jacob I. Brown

Jacob I. Brown, Justice of the Peace, Charleston; a sun of John and Rachel Brown; born Oct. 12, 1819, near Jonesboro, Washington Co., Tenn.; his parents afterward removed to Wayne Co., Ind., but soon returned to Tennessee; their next move was to the White Water River, where his father and eight brothers and sisters died of yellow fever inside of a few months. His mother soon afterward removed with her remaining children, consisting of three sons and one daughter, to Bloomington, Ind. In 1832 or 1833, he went to learn the printing business, and worked for different parties till 1840, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Aris Galbreath

Aris Galbreath, farmer; P. O. Rardin; was born in Nicholas Co., Ky., Jan. 20, 1812. His parents removed to Scott Co., Ind., when he was 2 years of age, where he lived until 18 years of age, when he emigrated with his mother to Illinois and located in Edgar Co., in the Fall of 1830, where he engaged as farm laborer for two years at $8 per month; in 1832, he located in Ashmore Tp., Coles Co., Ill., working one year for $100, out of which he saved money to enter 40 acres of land, which he improved one year, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Hollis

William Hollis, retired limner; P. O. Oakland; born in Essex Co., Del., Jan. 18, 1800, where he engaged in farming until 25 years of age, when he emigrated West, and located in Pickaway Co., Ohio, and engaged in farming until 1845, when he came to Illinois and located in Edgar Co., where he followed farming for a period of thirty years; in 1875, he purchased his present residence in Oakland, where he has since lived, with the exception of a short time, which he lived upon his farm; he also owns a farm of 160 acres, upon which are good … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George A. Brown

George A. Brown, dealer in hardware, lumber, furniture, etc. (firm of Austin, Brown & Kimball), Ashmore; was born at the Walnut Grove, in Edgar Co., Ill., Oct. 17, 1837 he came with his parents, Job W. and Martha R. Brown, to Coles Co. in 1840; he remained on the farm until the age of 23 years, receiving his education in the little log schoolhouse in the neighborhood; after arriving at age, he taught school one winter; at 23, he engaged in contracting and building in Ashmore, building most of the village, including the Methodist Church and many of the business … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Theodore Jonte

Theodore Jonte, dealer in harness and saddles, Mattoon; was born in Nashville, Tenn., April 4, 1839; his father was a wholesale confectioner; he received a good common-school education, and, at the age of 16 years, left home and came West, settling in Quincy, Ill., where he engaged in working at his trade; in the fall of 1861, he engaged in laboring for the U. S. Government in the making of cavalry equipments; the fall of 1862, he came to Paris, Edgar Co., and engaged in business with Wm. Legy; they operated a shop in Paris, and one in Grand View … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Zimmerman

Jacob Zimmerman, of the firm of Zimmerman & Monroe, dealers in dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, etc., Ashmore; was born in Augusta County, Va., Sept. 19, 1836; in 1837, his father, Martin Zimmerman, removed with his family to Edgar Co., Ill., where he resided one year, and then settled in the edge of what is now Oakland Township, in 1838; in common with most of the pioneers, he began life in the West with an empty pocket, but with that unconquerable determination to succeed before which all obstacles recede and vanish away; he entered some land from the Government, to … Read more

Biography of Hon. Thomas J. Roth

Hon. Thomas J. Roth. Since 1906 the legal profession of Champaign County has been capably and honorably represented at Urbana by Hon. Thomas J. Roth, former judge of the County Court and a legist of the county for forty-three years. For the greater part of this period Judge Roth was located at Rantoul, but came to Urbana to assume the duties of his judicial office, and upon the expiration of his term remained at the county seat in the enjoyment of a constantly increasing practice. Hon. Thomas J. Roth was born at Circleville, Pickaway County, Ohio, December 3, 1846. and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George White

George White, the well known implement dealer and auctioneer of Newman, was born near Glasgow, Barren County, Kentucky, August 18, 1842, and is a son of M. L. and Mary (Biby) White. Middleton White was born in Barren County, Kentucky and moved to Edgar County, Illinois, where he was married. His wife was also from near Glasgow. Kentucky. ‘They are both dead and buried in the Paris cemetery. George White came to Newman and located in business in about 1874, since which time his business has steadily grown until he is known as one of the most successful and extensive … Read more

Biography of Peter K. Honn

Elder Peter K. Honn, retired; P. O. Ashmore; was born in Nicholas Co., Ky., July 22, 1814; he is a son of Daniel and Anna Honn; he passed his early years upon a farm, and at the age of 18 years, began the trade of a blacksmith; in 1835, he decided to follow Horace Greeley’s advice, ” Go West, young man, go West,” and accordingly joined the family of Jeremiah Powell, and with them made the journey to Illinois, with a horse-team and two ox-teams; they stopped in Edgar Co., where Mr. Powell settled, and where many of his descendants … Read more

Biography of Martin Orlando Stover

Martin Orlando Stover. Farmers are the uncrowned kings of America today, and if they do not hold the political destiny of the country in their hands they are at least the custodians of the resources which are the most vital and necessary to the welfare and existence of the millions who live in the great cities and industrial centers. Champaign County has a wealth of men who are doing their part in the development of American agriculture, and it is no disparagement of what others are doing and have done to name Martin Orlando Stover as a recognized leader among … Read more

Biography of L. S. Cash

L. S. Cash, merchant, farmer and stock-raiser, Oakland; born in Nelson Co., Va., Jan. 12, 1827, where he attended school until 10 years of age, when, upon his father’s decease, he removed to Amherst Co., where he attended school and engaged in farming until 1847, when he, with the family, emigrated West, and located in Paris, Ill., in October, of the same year; during the December following, he buried his mother and two older brothers within a period of ten days; he learned and worked at the plasterer’s trade here for two years, when, in March, 1850, he started overland, … Read more

Biography of B. J. Farris

B. J. Farris, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Westfield; was born in Edgar Co., Ill., March 24, 1831, being a son of James and Nancy Farris, who were among the earliest pioneers of that county. His father was born in Virginia, in the year 1785; received a liberal education, being designed for the Presbyterian ministry, and leaving home at the age of 18, he went to Warren Co., Ohio, where he married Miss Nancy Downs, a native of South Carolina, born in 1799, and lived there till he came to Edgar Co. He was a soldier of the war of … Read more

Biography of James R. Wills

James R. Wills. Special interest attaches to the career of James R. Wills of St. Joseph not only because of his long residence in that community but also for the fact that he is one of the honored survivors of the great struggle between the North and the South in the ’60s. Mr. Wills was one of the productive farmers of this county for fully forty years, and then turned over the heavier responsibilities to a younger generation and with his good wife, who has traveled by his side for over half a century, is enjoying the comforts of a … Read more