Biography of James P. Heaton

James P. Heaton, who was a prominent citizen of Newman and a member of its board of education, was born August 16, 1845, and died March 14, 1897, aged fifty-one years, six months and twenty-eight clays. He was a native of Greene county, Pennsylvania, where his early youth was passed among the picturesque hills and scenery of that mountainous region. He was a son of William and Mary Heaton. At the age of sixteen years he came to Illinois and located on the Ridge, four miles north of Newman. At that time there was no church building in that section … Read more

Biography of William S. Norton

William S. Norton. Whatever their environment, men of true ability have the power to raise themselves above circumstances, and apparently handicaps and difficulties act only as a spur to increase effort and accomplishment. There are few Kansas whose careers better illustrate the truth of this assertion than that of William S. Norton, who is known so well in Cherokee County as a financier and business man. Mr. Norton could review by personal recollections practically every phase of life in Southwestern Missouri and Southeastern Kansas during the last half century. He was a Union soldier during the war and the keynote … Read more

Biography of Alexander C. Kissee

A descendant of good old Virginia stock, Mr. Kissee inherited the fundamental principles of industry, integrity and deter-mination of purpose which became the attributes of his whole after life. He is a native of the Prairie State, born in Edgar County November 2, 1834, and the son of Arter and Ufins (Bledsoe) Kissee and grandson of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Weddill) Kissee. The grandparents were both natives of the Old Dominion and early settlers of Kentucky, where they passed their latter days, the grandfather living to be over one hundred years. The great-grandfather, Stoball Kissee, was a native of Virginia, but … Read more

Biography of L. S. Cash

L. S. Cash, merchant, farmer and stock-raiser, Oakland; born in Nelson Co., Va., Jan. 12, 1827, where he attended school until 10 years of age, when, upon his father’s decease, he removed to Amherst Co., where he attended school and engaged in farming until 1847, when he, with the family, emigrated West, and located in Paris, Ill., in October, of the same year; during the December following, he buried his mother and two older brothers within a period of ten days; he learned and worked at the plasterer’s trade here for two years, when, in March, 1850, he started overland, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Aris Galbreath

Aris Galbreath, farmer; P. O. Rardin; was born in Nicholas Co., Ky., Jan. 20, 1812. His parents removed to Scott Co., Ind., when he was 2 years of age, where he lived until 18 years of age, when he emigrated with his mother to Illinois and located in Edgar Co., in the Fall of 1830, where he engaged as farm laborer for two years at $8 per month; in 1832, he located in Ashmore Tp., Coles Co., Ill., working one year for $100, out of which he saved money to enter 40 acres of land, which he improved one year, … Read more

Biography of J. T. Moore

J. T. Moore is one of the publishers of the Pittsburg Headlight, one of the oldest and most influential daily and weekly newspapers in Southern Kansas. The Headlight had been continuously under the direction of members of the Moore family for over thirty years. Mr. Moore, besides his publication interests, is directly connected with several of the leading industrial organizations of Pittsburg and vicinity. He was born at Paris, Illinois, May 11, 1865. His father, the later William Moore, was a veteran printer, editor and newspaper publisher, and left his impress on a number of cities in the Middle West. … Read more

Cutsinger, Jennie House – Obituary

After a lingering illness of several months, Mrs. L. D. [Draper Maletta] Cutsinger died at her house [June 26, 1898] two miles west of Palermo Saturday night, about ten o’clock. She has always had delicate health and finally became the victim of consumption. Mrs. Cutsinger, who was the youngest daughter of Thomas House, was born in this city, March 12, 1872, and spend a larger portion of her life in this city and on a farm southeast of the city. She graduated from the Newman schools in 1889 at the age of sixteen years and married to L. D. Cutsinger, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Buckler

John Buckler, farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. Oakland; born in Marion Co., Ky., June 22, 1838, where he was engaged farming until 16 years of age, when he removed to Illinois and located in Edgar Co., in 1854, where he was employed as farm laborer until 1862, at which time he rented and farmed until 1874, when he purchased eighty acres, which he worked four years; then sold out, and, after living in Douglas Co. eight months, purchased his present place of 160 acres, where he now lives, on Sec. 4, East Oakland Tp. He married April 7, 1862, to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Burwell

John Burwell, retired farmer; P. O. Oakland; born in Morris Co., N. J., Feb. 1, 1813, where he engaged in the manufacture of wrought iron until 19 years of age, when he emigrated West and engaged at his trade in the States of Kentucky, Tennessee and Ohio, until 1840, when he abandoned his trade and located upon his farm in Delaware Co., Ohio, where he lived until 1851, when, selling his farm, he emigrated West and located in Embarrass Tp., Edgar Co., Ill., purchasing a farm of 480 acres, which he worked until the spring of 1856, when he removed … Read more

Biography of L. C. Thornton

L. C. Thornton, farm implements, Postmaster, Oakland; one of the pioneers of Edgar Co., Ill.; born in Washington Co., Ind., Dec. 15, 1825; he removed with his parents in 1829, being then 4 years of age, and located in Edgar Co., Ill., where he attended school, and engaged in farming until Sept. 10, 1861, when he enlisted as private in Co. E, 66th I. V. I; this regiment was composed of picked men from the various Northwestern States, selected for their skill and accuracy in handling the rifle; the 66th was known in the army as the Western Sharp-shooters, and … Read more

Biography of Rev. J. W. Riley

Rev. J. W. Riley, Pastor Missionary Baptist Church, Mattoon; was born in Clermont Co., Ohio, Nov. 9, 1823; his ancestral line, traced through five preceding generations have been ministers in the Baptist Church; his father’s family furnished six ministers to the society, himself and five sons. From an historical record gathered from time to time, it was ascertained that the family of near relatives have furnished thirteen ministers of the Gospel; ten of these are Baptists, two Methodists and one Christian. His father, Rev. J. W. Riley, Sr., founded the first Missionary Baptist Church in all this section; this was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Jarvis

John Jarvis, farming and stock; P. O. Arcola; the subject of this sketch was born in Madison Co., Ky., Dec. 25, 1809; he married Miss Polly Ray, Jan. 22, 1830; she was born, same place, Aug. 9, 1802; they had eight children, two living, viz., Robert and William. He lived in Kentucky until 1830, when he came to Illinois and settled in Edgar Co., near Paris, where he lived three years; he then moved to Kentucky, where he lived eleven years; he then moved again to Illinois and settled in Edgar Co., about fourteen miles west of Paris; he lived … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. F. Shaw

A. F. Shaw, Police Magistrate, Charleston; is a native of Illinois; he was born in Paris, Edgar Co., Feb. 10, 1824; he is a son of Smith and Elizabeth Shaw; his father was born in North Carolina; was raised in South Carolina, and when a young man, emigrated to Tennessee, and from there to Kentucky; he was one of the pioneers of Missouri, from which State he was several times driven by the Indians; he afterward came to Illinois, long prior to its admission as a State, and finally, in 1822, settled in Paris, where he died about sixteen years … Read more

Biography of Harry R. Harshbarger

Harry R. Harshbarger of Sedan had found varied employment for his energies since he reached manhood, but is now chiefly engaged in the business of oil production, and had some of the most valuable properties of that kind in Chautauqua County. He was born at Vermilion, Edgar County, Illinois, May 28, 1868. His father was John W. Harshbarger, long and favorably known in Kansas. John W. was born in Cabell County, Virginia, in what is now West Virginia, in 1835. His father, John Harshbarger, also a native of Virginia, died in the western part of that state three months before … Read more

Biography of W. B. Zimmerman

W. B. Zimmerman, farmer; P. O. Oakland; one of the early settlers of Coles Co., Ill.; born in Augusta Co., Va., Feb. 4, 1826, where he lived until eleven years of age, when he emigrated with his parents to Illinois, and located in Edgar Co., in 1837; in the fall of 1838, they located in what is now known as East Oakland Tp., near where Mr. Zimmerman has since lived; he being the oldest son of Martin Zimmerman who emigrated from Virginia at the above date with a family of nine children; and the year following their arrival the whole … Read more

Biography of William H. Brown

William H. Brown, farmer and stock-raiser ;P. O. Ashmore; was born in Oneida Co., N. Y., March 23, 1813, being a son of Jonathan W. and Elizabeth (Aiken) Brown, and accompanied his parents in their removal to Milton, Ky., to Lawrence Co., Ill., and to the Walnut Grove, Edgar Co., in January, 1825. He remained at home until he was nearly 21, when he began working on a farm; he worked at various employments in different places until he was married, Nov. 4, 1835, to Miss Elizabeth McGhan, of Clark Co.; he then settled on a farm in Clark Co. … Read more

Biography of S. M. Cash

S. M. Cash, merchant, deceased; born in Nelson Co., Va., March 13, 1829, where he lived until 8 years of age, when he removed to Amherst Co., where he attended school and engaged in flaming until 16 years of age, after which time he was engaged for eighteen months at Lexington -learning the cabinet-maker’s trade; then coming West he located in Paris, Edgar Co., Ill., in the fall of 1847, where he completed his trade, when he associated with his brother Henry, and located in Westfield, Clark Co., where they engaged in the furniture trade from 1849 until the spring … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Daniel Gosnell

Daniel Gosnell was born in Huntington county, Pennsylvania, March 20, 1816. When he was ten years old his parents moved to Ohio, where he was reared on a farm, and has made agriculture his business through life. At the age of twenty-one years he settled in Edgar county, Illinois; in 1840 removed to Jasper county, in the same State, and in 1855 came to this county, and settled upon the spot where he now lives. He owns a farm of 235 acres, well improved, and has given his attention chiefly to stock-raising since he settled in Missouri. Mr. Gosnell was … Read more

Biography of Hon. Enoch Hoult

HON. ENOCH HOULT. – The gentleman above-named was born in Monongahela county, West Virginia, April 18, 1825. His parents were of English descent, coming to American in the Colonial days. He lived in Virginia until his twelfth year, when his father moved to Edgar county, Illinois, in the spring of 1832. There Mr. Hoult grew to manhood and remained until he was thirty-three years of age. In the fall of 1830 he was married to Miss Jeannette Somerville, daughter of John Somerville, who came from Kentucky to Illinois. In the year 1853 he came with his family overland to Oregon. … Read more