Biography of Herman Albert Haeussler

For a long period the name of Haeussler has been closely associated with professional activity in St. Louis. Herman Albert Haeussler was for many years connected with the bar and enjoyed an extensive and important practice. He was born in Butler county, Pennsylvania, May 21, 1838, his parents being Dr. Ferdinand W. and Clara Leontine (Strehly) Haeussler. The former, a native of Germany, came to America in the ’30s and established his home in the Keystone state. Later he removed to Kentucky and in 1844 became a resident of St. Louis, where he resided until his death, devoting his attention to the practice of medicine and surgery, winning prominence and success in his profession. He made a trip across the plains in company with his son, Herman A., when the latter was but twelve years of age, this trip being made in 1850. At length they reached California but after a brief period spent on the Pacific coast returned to St. Louis, where Dr. Haeussler resumed his practice.

Brought to St. Louis in his childhood Herman A. Haeussler attended the German and American schools of this city and afterward, as indicated, went with his father to California, returning to St. Louis in 1855. He then took up the study of law in the office of Hart & Jecko, attorneys of this city, was admitted to the bar at St. Louis, August 31, 1861, and became associated with the law firm of Sharp & Broadhead as a partner of Fidelo C. Sharp and Colonel J. O. Broadhead, a relationship that was maintained from 1861 until 1870 and was interrupted only by the Civil war at which time he was, as Sergeant Haeussler, detailed for special duty at headquarters and served under Colonel James D. Broadhead, Judge Advocate General of Missouri throughout the war and during the reconstruction period. Mr. Haeussler next became a partner of Alonzo W. Slayback with whom he was thus connected until 1876 under the firm style of Slayback & Haeussler. Colonel Broadhead then joined the firm under the style of Broadhead, Slayback & Haeussler, thus continuing until the tragic death of Colonel Slayback in October, 1882. Mr. Haeussler was then associated with Colonel Broadhead until 1887 and retired after forty-eight years of active connection with the bar of St. Louis. He long occupied a most enviable position as an able and resourceful lawyer and won notable and creditable distinction in professional circles. In the preparation of his cases he always prepared for the unexpected as well as the expected and was ready for defense as well as attack. He possessed an analytical mind and his reasoning was ever most clear and logical and his presentation of a cause cogent.

Mr. Haeussler was three times married. He first wedded Miss Anna Sachleben, a daughter of Henry and Margaretha (Bodeman) Sachleben, both of whom were of German descent. Mrs. Anna Haeussler passed away leaving three children: Linna, the wife of J. T. Rombauer; Martha, the deceased wife of J. P. Materne; and Anna, the wife of W. K. Roth. Following the demise of his first wife Mr. Haeussler married her sister, Miss Emilie L. Sachleben, a native of St. Louis, and they became the parents of two sons and two daughters, namely: Harry H. Haeussler, who is mentioned elsewhere in this work; Walter C., also a resident of St. Louis; Elsie H., the wife of T. S. Loy; and Alice M., the wife of A. B. Beckers. The wife and mother passed away in St. Louis in January, 1900, at the age of forty-two years. On the 4th of April, 1903, Mr. Haeussler wedded Miss Fannie C. Schuessler, a daughter of Dr. Charles and Magdalene (Hahn) Schuessler. The death of her father occurred in Madison, Indiana, after a long illness which was principally occasioned by exposure during the Civil war, in which he served with honor and distinction as surgeon of the famous Sixth Indiana Regiment throughout the entire four-year period of hostilities between the north and the south. In order that he might help defend the Union Dr. Schuessler abandoned an extensive and lucrative practice as a physician and surgeon. He had pursued a post-graduate course in the University of Vienna. At the time of his demise there appeared numerous newspaper articles attesting his valuable service as an army surgeon and also expressing the high regard entertained for him as a man and citizen.

Mr. Haeussler always gave his political allegiance to the democratic party but never was a politician in the sense of office seeking. He was on the ticket and elected on one occasion, one of the planks of the platform, however, being the abolition of the office for which he was running. He was elected but the party in power immediately abolished the office and Mr. Haeussler, therefore, never held a political office. He kept well informed on the questions and issues of the day, however, and supported many interests of civic worth and benefit. In fact he was prominent in civic and political matters for many years and during the Civil war served as assistant judge advocate. He was a member of both the St. Louis and Missouri State Bar Associations and was most widely and favorably known in professional circles. His death occurred March 17, 1921, at the age of eighty-two years, nine months, and sixteen days and he was laid to rest in Bellefontaine Cemetery, St. Louis.


Biography, Civil War,

Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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