Biography of Alphius Lamont Hamilton

Alphius Lamont Hamilton. Forty-five years of continuous work and association with the law, public office, politics and civic affairs in El Dorado and, Butler County have naturally made Alphius Lamont Hamilton one of the noteworthy figures in that section of Kansas. That he takes first rank in the Kansas bar is a distinction that will be readily acknowledged by lawyers all over the state. He is also the dean of the profession in his home county. No one could be more thoroughly American than Judge Hamilton. His ancestors have been connected with every great war in which our nation engaged … Read more

Biography of John P. Brady

John P. Brady. Since he was fifteen years of age John P. Brady had had a varied and extensive experience as an oil worker. He began in his native state of Pennsylvania, and had been in most of the important oil fields of the country. For the past few years he had had his home at Havans, and is one of the leading individual producers in that section. His birth occurred at Parkers Landing in Pennsylvania on June 3, 1876. His people, however, were early settlers of Ohio. His grandfather Barney Brady was born in County Cavan, Ireland, came to … Read more

Biography of John Carson

John Carson, born January 25, 1828, in Butler County, Pennsylvania, was a quintessential pioneer of the American frontier. Moving to Perry County, Indiana at age 15, Carson later journeyed to Puget Sound, Washington Territory, in 1853. Carson and his family endured arduous travels, eventually settling near Puyallup, Washington. He established a private ferry and was a key figure during the Indian wars, raising a volunteer company for defense. Carson served in the territorial legislature and was instrumental in local infrastructure development. His contributions to Pierce County, including his success in hop-raising and sawmilling, highlight his legacy as a pioneer and community leader.

Biography of John Russell Stewart

John Russell Stewart. As a citizen who for many years was closely identified with journalism and local affairs in Champaign County, the people of this section feel a corresponding interest in the personality and career of John Russell Stewart. As supervising editor of this publication, the publishers feel that this interest should be gratified by the inclusion of a brief personal biography. He was born on his father’s farm in Butler County, Pennsylvania, November 6, 1840, a son of William and Eliza Jane (Gibson) Stewart, who were both of direct Scotch-Irish descent. Mr. Stewart received his education in the local … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George N. Ifft

George N. Ifft, of the firm of Ifft & Wallin, proprietors and managers of the Pocatello Tribune, is a native of Butler County, Pennsylvania, born January 27, 1865. He began newspaper work, as a reporter, in Pittsburg, that state, and continued in that capacity and in various editorial relations in other cities, as Washington, D. C, Chicago, Denver, Salt Lake City and San Francisco, until January 1, 1893, when he came to Idaho, locating at Pocatello, and since that time he has been connected with the Pocatello Tribune, as more fully described in our sketch of that paper. Mr. Ifft … Read more

Biography of John B. Fowler

Long connection with the oil industry has made John B. Fowler an expert in this branch of activity and through the capable management of his business affairs he has accumulated a substantial competence which now enables him to live retired in the enjoyment of a well earned rest, his home being in Bartlesville. He was born in Butler County, Pennsylvania, September 16, 1852, and his parents were John P. and Margaret (Keppler) Fowler, who were also natives of the Keystone state, the father’s birth occurring in the same County. John P. Fowler became a resident of Crawford County, Pennsylvania, in … Read more

Biography of Herschel C. Porterfield

Herschel C. Porterfield. Thirty-five years in the oil fields and thirty years as a contractor and producer constitute the record of this veteran of an industry which has brought Kansas untold wealth. Like hundreds of men of this class, he has found Independence as the most satisfactory city for residence and business headquarters. In another respect he is typical of perhaps a majority of the oil men of the country–his native state is Pennsylvania. Born in Butler County, August 10, 1856, he was one of several brothers to become identified with the oil industry in one way or another. Up … Read more

Butler County, Pennsylvania Census

Butler County, Pennsylvania was formed from Allegheny County in 1800. 1800 Butler County, Pennsylvania Census Free 1800 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial 1800 Butler County, Census (images and index) $ Hosted at Butler County, Pennsylvania PAGenWeb Connoquenessing Township Hosted at Pennsylvania USGenWeb Archives Index: Surnames A-Z Middlesex, Buffalo, and Connoquenessing Townships Slippery Rock Township Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1810 Butler County, Pennsylvania Census Free 1810 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial 1810 Butler County, Census (images and index) $ 1810-1890 Accelerated Indexing Systems … Read more

Kathi Reid’s Pennsylvania Websites

Kathi Reid has placed online her websites various Pennsylvania genealogy material. This page links directly to that material. Her website contains various history and biographical material for Bucks, Butler, Centre, Clinton, Erie, Fayette, Lycoming, and Schuylkill counties as well as Pennsylvania military records.

Butler County, Pennsylvania Cemetery Records

Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Cemeteries hosted at Butler County PAGenWeb Project Allegheny Church Cemetery Bear Creek Cemetery Glade Run Cemetery Little Dutch Cemetery Middlesex Presbyterian Cemetery North McKean Street Cemetery Pete Nicholas Farm Smith Cemetery Cemeteries hosted at Butler County Pennsylvania USGenWeb Archives Brewster Cemetery (Partial) Glade Run Presbyterian Church Lindsey Farm Cemetery Mount Zion Baptist (Isle Cemetery) North Cemetery (Partial) Oak Grove Church Cemetery Rose Hill Cemetery (Partial) Smith Cemetery, (Partial) Cemetery Photos Hosted at Butler County … Read more

Biography of John H. Mitchell

For a quarter of a century the subject of this sketch has been one of the most prominent figures in the political history of Oregon. Becoming a citizen of the State soon after it was invested with the sovereign dignity of statehood, he at once became an active man in the political arena, and so rapid was the growth of his influence that within six years he had served a term with distinguished credit in the State Senate, and was the choice of a large body of his party associates for the highest office the State had to bestow. This … Read more

Marriages performed by Rev. Daniel Hertz, 1823-1868

Marriages performed by Rev. Daniel Hertz, 1823-1868

“Lena M. Hertz’s publication, *Marriages performed by Rev. Daniel Hertz, 1823-1868*, is a compilation of 1,136 marriage records officiated by Rev. Daniel Hertz during his pastoral tenure at various German Reformed congregations in Pennsylvania, meticulously copied from his original records.”

Biography of James A. Gerwick

Of the commercial interests of Weiser, James A. Gerwick is a leading representative. He is now engaged in the harness and saddlery business, and enjoys a liberal patronage which comes to him from all sections of Washington county. His conformity to high business principles and honorable methods, combined with energy and enterprise, have gained him a foremost place in mercantile circles, and a well merited success rewards his efforts. Sir. Gerwick came to the west from far-off Pennsylvania. He is a native of Butler County, that state, and is of German lineage. His parents are Fred and Lovina (Winters) Gerwick … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alfred J. Anderson

Anderson, Alfred J.; division freight agent, Baltimore & Ohio R. R.; born, Butler, Pa., Jan. 17, 1870; son of Samuel and Drusilla C. Harper Anderson; educated, public schools Butler and Prospect Academy, Prospect, Pa.; married, Washington, D. C., Feb. 15, 1900, Florence E. Wynne; one daughter, Anna Elizabeth; May 1, 1890, entered the service of the Baltimore & Ohio R. R.; clerk in general freight office, Pittsburgh, till March, 1891; March, 1891, to March, 1896, sec’y to gem freight agent, Pittsburgh; March, 1896, to July, 1905, sec’y to freight traffic mgr., at Baltimore; July, 1905, to Feb., 1907, division freight … Read more

Biography of I. A. Robertson

I. A. Robertson has been an increasing factor in mercantile affairs at Alma for a number of years, and was recently honored by the citizens of that town in election to the office of mayor. The Robertsons were pioneers in Jewell County, Kansas, where I. A. Robertson was born in Holmwood Township July 29, 1872. He is of Scotch ancestry, his forefathers having originally lived at Glasgow. They came to New York City and from there to Butler County, Pennsylvania. His grandfather, Thomas Robertson, brought this branch of the family to America. He was a pattern maker by trade and … Read more

Biography of Roderick Morrison

Roderick Morrison, a well known oil producer and manufacturer at Independence, became identified with the oil industry in the eastern states when a young man, and while other enterprises have engaged him his interests have been continuousty identified with some phase of the petroleum industry through all his active years. Out of his experience he had elaborated one of the important devices used in oil and gas fields, and is now manufacturing it at Independence under the name of the Eclipse Pulling Machine. Mr. Morrison is a Canadian by birth and of Scotch ancestry. His grandfather was Angus Morrison, who … Read more

Biography of Herman Albert Haeussler

For a long period the name of Haeussler has been closely associated with professional activity in St. Louis. Herman Albert Haeussler was for many years connected with the bar and enjoyed an extensive and important practice. He was born in Butler county, Pennsylvania, May 21, 1838, his parents being Dr. Ferdinand W. and Clara Leontine (Strehly) Haeussler. The former, a native of Germany, came to America in the ’30s and established his home in the Keystone state. Later he removed to Kentucky and in 1844 became a resident of St. Louis, where he resided until his death, devoting his attention … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Eranious Rice

Rice, Eranious; bottler; born, Harmony, Pa., Aug. 13, 1852; son of Samuel and Mathilda Heckert Rice; public school education; married, Cleveland, 1874, Mary B. Blank; issue, nine children; vice pres. and director The Lorain St. Savings Bank; sec’y and treas. The Cleveland Metal Stamping Co.; pres. and treas. The Forest City Laundry Co., and The Rice Bottling Co.; director The Cleveland & Sandusky Brewing Co.; member Knights of Pythias.