Biography of Herman Albert Haeussler

For a long period the name of Haeussler has been closely associated with professional activity in St. Louis. Herman Albert Haeussler was for many years connected with the bar and enjoyed an extensive and important practice. He was born in Butler county, Pennsylvania, May 21, 1838, his parents being Dr. Ferdinand W. and Clara Leontine (Strehly) Haeussler. The former, a native of Germany, came to America in the ’30s and established his home in the Keystone state. Later he removed to Kentucky and in 1844 became a resident of St. Louis, where he resided until his death, devoting his attention … Read more

Biography of Harry H. Haeussler

St. Louis has many native sons who have regarded the opportunities and privileges accorded by this city as equal or superior to any which might be obtained elsewhere. Accordingly they have retained their residence here and have contributed to the development and upbuilding of Missouri’s metropolis. Among this number is Harry H. Haeussler, attorney at law, who was born in St. Louis, October 3, 1879, a son of Herman Albert Haeussler, who is mentioned at length on another page of this work. The eldest son in a family of seven children Harry H. Haeussler was educated in the public schools … Read more