Biography of Frank S. Johnson

We are pleased to accord to the representative citizen and genial gentleman, whose name heads this article, a space in the history of Wallowa County for the salient points of his career, both because of the activity that he has shown in the affairs of the county, for the advancement of its interests and the development and progress of it, as well as for the commendable personal qualities that he displays constantly, being a man of good ability and excellent force besides attending to important enterprises both for the good of the community and the progress of the section, while also his moral worth and bright example are such as to commend him to all lovers of good.

Mr. Johnson was born on October 30, 1861, near Stiles, Davis County, Iowa, being the son of George W. and Elizabeth A. (Shelton) Johnson. The first eleven years of our subject’s life were spent in his native place and then in March 1873, the family removed to Indian valley, Plumas county, California. The years of his minority were spent in the acquisition of good education from the schools where he resided, and also in general farm work and in riding the range, being thus engaged in both California and Nevada. In 1881 he went to the Wood river mines in Idaho, and there operated at the blacksmith’s trade, which he had mastered in addition to his other attainments in his younger days. In 1882 he found his way to the Grande Ronde valley, and there wrought at his trade until 1888, then migrated to his present place in Flora. At the time of his settlement here, there was no town and no settlers had as yet broken the sod in the wilds of the nature in this vicinity. He took a homestead and began the improvement of the same and soon he platted a town site and the industrious village of Flora sprang into being, himself being the promoter. The plat was made in the spring of 1896, and the village has made good progress since that time. Mr. Johnson has constantly wrought at his trade here in addition to handling his other important enterprises. He now owns a good farm, comfortable residence, and good barn and other out buildings, besides one dwelling that he rents, and also his shop.

On January 13, 1886, Mr. Johnson married Miss Anna, daughter of Elias and Esther E. (Cassidy) Kuhn. Mrs. Johnson is the second white child born in the Grande Ronde valley, the date being November 27, 1862, and her parents coming there in 1862. Mr. Johnson has always taken an active interest in the political matters of the county and especially in the local affairs of the Flora district and much is due to his efforts in this line for improvement and advancement, while also he has displayed an energy and enterprise in the establishment of educational facilities that is quite commendable. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are devoted members of the Methodist church and have given liberally both of time and finances for the promotion of the gospel work in their section, and their lives are an example to all, while their faithfulness has won for them the confidence and estimation of all who may have the pleasure of their acquaintance. Mr. Johnson is V.C., of the M.W.A., at Flora.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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